Imágenes de páginas


Ethics, not to give way to politics,

Ever-greens, their cause,

Evil, in it the best condition not to will, the next not to can,

Eunuchs, dim-sighted, why, i. 478. Eunuchs envious,

Euphrates, the philosopher,

Euripides, his saying of beautiful persons,

Europe, state of in 1580,

Exactions, some complaints concerning them removed,

i. 131, 163

iii. 508

i. 443

ii. 276

ii. 358

ii. 449

ii. 415

iii. 3

iii. 70

Examinations in chancery not to be made by interrogations, except

in special cases, iv. 519, 520, other cases relating to examina-
tion of witnesses,

Example gives a quicker impression than argument,
Excess in clothes and diet to be restrained,
Exchequer, how to be managed,

iv. 520

iii. 467

iii. 461

iv. 504, 505

Excommunication by the pope, not lawful to kill princes thereupon,
iv. 443, the greatest judgment on earth, ii. 545, never to be used
but in weighty matters, ii. 546, to be decreed by none but the
bishop in person, assisted by other clergy, ibid. what to be used
ordinarily instead of it,

Excrements are putrefactions of nourishment, i. 480.


ii. 71

of living creatures smell ill, why, ii. 11, 12, of the three diges-
tions, ibid. why some smell well, ii. 11, most odious to a crea-
ture of the same kind, ii. 11, 71, but less pernicious than the cor-
ruption of it,
Excrescences of plants, i. 429, et seq. two trials for excrescences,
i. 434. Excrescences joined with putrefaction, as oak-apples,
&c. i. 435. Excrescences of roots,
Execution, the life of the laws,
Executorship, how a property in goods is gained thereby, iv. 128,
of what extent it is, ibid. the office of an executor, ibid. &c. his
power before and after the probate of a will, ibid. how he may re-
fuse, 129, what debts he is to pay, and in what order, iv. 129,
any single one may execute alone,

i. 459
iii. 438

iv. 130

iv. 525

Exemplifications not to be made in many cases,
Exercise, i. 353, in what bodies hurtful, ibid. much not to be
used with a spare diet, ibid. benefits of exercise, ibid.
evils of exercise, ibid. Exercise hindereth putrefaction, i. 368,
that exercise best where the limbs move more than the sto-
mach or belly, i. 499. Exercise impinguates not so much as
frictions, why, ii. 33, 34, no body, natural or politic, healthful
without it, ii. 328, manly exercises commended to the court,
iii. 464
Exercise, a good sort of one recommended to divines in the country,
and in the universities,
ii. 542, &c.
Exeter besieged by Perkin, prepares for a good defence, v. 143
Exeter, countess of, falsely accused by lady Lake and lady Roos,
vi. 223, note (b), her cause in the star-chamber, vi. 232, 233
Exigent, a writ so called, what punishment follows it, iv. 108, &c.
Exile, cases relating thereto, with the proceedings in them,

Exossation of fruits,

iv. 300

ii. 24

[ocr errors]

Expect, blessings not expected increase the price and pleasure,

Expence, ii. 321, rules for the regulation of it,
Experiments for profit,

Extortions, how to be punished,

Eye of the understanding like the eye of the sense, i. 286. Eye
thrust out of the head hanging only by the visual nerve, recovered
sight, i. 390. Eyes, why both move one way, ii. 30, sight,
why better one eye shut, ibid. some see one thing double, why,
ibid. pore-blind men see best near hand, why, ii. 30, 31, old
men at some distance, ii. 31. Eyes are offended by over great
lights, ibid. by interchange of light and darkness on the sudden,
ibid. by small print, ibid. wax red in anger, in blushing not, why,
ii. 32, the use of fixing them in business,


FABIUS MAXIMUS, ii. 444, was feared by Hannibal,
Fable of Hercules and Hylas, i. 312, of the fly, ii. 379,
frogs in drought,
Facility in ministers, worse than bribery, ii. 277, to be guarded

ii. 376
Factions, those who are good in them mean men, ii. 375, to govern
by them low policy, ibid. when one is extinguished, the others

Factions ought to be depressed soon, iv. 500, a remedy proposed by
Cicero for preventing factious persons,

Faith, the absurdity of an implicit one,
Faithful men should be rewarded as well as regarded,
Falkland, lord,

Falling sickness, its cause and cure,
Fame, like fire, easy to preserve, but difficult to re-kindle, ii. 460,
like a river bearing up light things and sinking weighty, ii. 472
Fame made a monster by the poets, ii. 395, on what occasion said to
be daughter of the earth, ii. 396, how to discern between true
and false fames, ibid. increases virtue, as heat is redoubled by re-

Family of love, a heresy which came from the Dutch,
Fanatics, their preaching condemned, ii. 519, 520, their manner of
handling the Scriptures, censured,

Fascination, the opinion of it ancient, and ever by the eye, ii. 57,
ever by love or envy,

Fat, extracted out of flesh,

Father, his prerogative is before the king's, in the custody of his

Favour, how to be dispensed,

Favourites, judges should have none, ii. 384, kings and great
princes, even the wisest, have had their favourites, iii. 430, to
ripen their judgments and ease their cares, ibid. or to screen them-

selves from envy, ibid. are the eyes, ears, and hands of princes,
iii. 432, should never interpose in courts of justice, iii. 438
Fealty was sworn to the king by every tenant in knight's service,
iv. 104

Fear, how it loosens the belly, and causes trembling, &c. i. 264.
Fear, the impressions thereof, i. 490, 491, ii. 57, paleness, trem-
bling, standing up of the hair, screeching, i. 490, 491. Fearful
natures suspicious, ii. 332, just fear sufficient ground of war, iii.
504. Fears in dimmer lights than facts,
iii. 509
Feathers of birds, why of such fine colours, i. 246, 247, how the
colour of them may be changed, i. 287, 288, age changeth them,
i. 287. Feathers burnt suppress the mother,
Features and proportions improved, or altered for the worse, i. 256
Fee-farms, what,

Fee-simple, estates so held, iv. 116, their advantages,

ii. 54

iv. 132
→ ibid.

Felo de se, how to be punished, iv. 83, several cases relating thereto,

iv. 298
Felons, if penitent, recommended to expiate their offences in the
mines, ii. 208. Vide ii. 335.

Felony, if committed by a mad-man, why excuseable, but not so if
by a man drunk, iv. 36, cases in the statute relating thereto ex-
plained in many instances, iv. 51, by mischance, how to be pu-
nished, iv. 83, other cases of felony, ibid. flying for it makes a
forfeiture of the goods, iv. 109, several cases in which a man be-
comes guilty of it, iv. 294, 295, 296, the method of punishment,
and other proceedings relating to it, iv. 296, punishment of it is
hanging, and it is a question whether the king has power to
change it to beheading, iv. 296, accessaries therein, when pu-
nishable or not, iv. 297, a farther account of the trial, punish-
ment, and other proceedings in it,

iv. 298
Female and male in plants, i. 451, the differences of female and male
in several living creatures, ii. 22, the causes thereof, ii. 23
De Feodis, all laws about them are but additionals to the ancient civil

iii. 361
Feoffees, cases concerning them in the statute of uses, iv. 189,

iii. 507

v. 320

194, &c.
Feoffment, cases relating thereto, iv. 186, 187, 188, more cases,
iv. 67, 69, conveyance by it in what manner performed, iv. 117
Ferdinando king of Naples, a bastard-slip of Arragon, v. 72, how
he was supported by Henry VII. v. 91, his league,
Ferdinand duke of Florence, his character,
Ferdinando of Spain, his conjunction with Maximilian, v. 80, sends
to Henry VII. the account of the final conquest of Granada, v. 85,
recovers Russignion and Perpignan from the French, v. 89, sends
Hialas, by some called Elias, into England, v. 138, to treat of a
marriage between Arthur and Catherine,


Ferrera, plots with Lopez to poison queen Elizabeth, iii. 113, is dis-
covered and committed to prison,

iii. 116

Fetid smells,

ii. 11

Fibrous bodies,

ii. 19

Ficinus, his fond imagination of sucking blood for prolonging life,

ii. 27.


Fig tree improved by cutting off the top,

Figs in the spring, i. 402. Indian fig taketh root from its branches,
i. 452, hath large leaves, and fruit no bigger than beans,
Figurable and not figurable, plebeian notions,

Figures of plants,

Figures, or tropes in music, have an agreement with the figures of

Filum Medicinale,

Finances, how to be ordered after the union of England and Scot-


Finch, Sir Henry, some account of him,

Fine, what it is, iv. 117, how conveyances are made this way,
ibid. claim must be made in five years after proclamations
issued in the common-pleas, or else any one loses his right herein
for ever, ibid. some exceptions to this, ibid. is a feoffment of
iv. 118
Fines for alienations of the greatest antiquity, iv. 136, of several

Fir and pine-trees, why they mount,
Fire and time work the same effects, i. 351, preserve bodies,
i. 369. Fire tanneth not as the sun doth, i. 389. Fire and hot
water heat differently, i. 474. Fires subterrany, eruptions of
them out of plains, i. 376. Fire and air foreshew winds, ii. 6.
Fire of diseases how to be put out, ii. 68, to be extinguished as
the Fire of an house,

Firmarius, the derivation and force of this word,
Fish of the sea put into fresh water, i. 486. Fishes foreshew rain,
ii. 8. Fishes greater than any beasts, the cause, ii. 23, 24.
Shell-fish, some have male and female, some not,
ii. 33
Fishery, no mineral like it,
iii. 455, 462
Fitz-Gerard, Thomas, earl of Kildare, and deputy of Ireland, pro-
claims Simnel the counterfeit Plantagenet, v. 23, 24, invades
England in conjunction with the earl of Lincoln and lord Lovel,
v. 30, slain in battle near Newark,
Fitz-Herbert, what he says of fines,
Fitz-Walter, lord, supports Perkin, v. 98, John Ratcliffe, lord
Fitz-Walter apprehended, v. 105, convicted and conveyed to
Calais in hope, ibid. beheaded for dealing with his keeper to


Fitz-Williams's case,
Fixation of bodies,

Flame of powder, how it dilateth and moveth, i. 248. Flame and
air mix not, i. 258, except in the spirits of vegetables, ibid. and
of living creatures, ibid. their wonderful effects mixed, ibid. form
of Flame would be globular, and not pyramidal, i. 259, would be
a lasting body, if not extinguished by air, ibid. mixeth not with
air, ibid. burneth stronger on the sides than in the midst, i. 260,
is irritated by the air ambient, ibid. opinion of the peripatetics of
the element of fire, ibid. preyeth upon oil, as air upon water,
i. 286, experiments about its duration, i. 378, et seq. taketh in no
other body into it, but converteth it, i. 527, more easy to move
than air, ii. 6. Flame causeth water to rise, ii. 37. Flame, the

continuance of it according to several bodies, i. 378, observation
about going out of Flame, i. 378, 379, lasting thereof in candles of
several mixtures, i. 379, of several wicks, i. 380, in candles laid
in bran, ibid. in lamps, ibid. where it draweth the nourishment
far, i. 381, in a turretted lamp, ibid. where it is kept close from
air, ibid. according to the temper of the air, i. 382, irritated by
cold, ibid. experiment about Flame,
ii. 37, 38
Flammock the lawyer, Thomas, incites the Cornish men to rebel
against the subsidy, v. 130, is taken and executed,
v. 135
Flatterer, his words make against the man in whose behalf they are
spoken, ii. 395, no such Flatterer as a man's self, ii. 318, several
sorts and ranks of them, ii. 378. Flattery of princes as criminal
as drawing the sword against them,

iii. 432
Fleming, Sir Thomas, lord chief justice of the king's bench dies,
vi. 70, and note (a)
Fleming, Adrian, the son of a Dutch brewer, made cardinal of
Tortosa, v. 60, preceptor to Charles V. and pope,
Flemings, v. 66, 71, 83, 87, 104, 127, call the treaty at Windsor,
made between Henry VII. and Philip king of Castile, intercursus
malus, v. 179. England a back of steel to the Flemings, iii. 510,
their comparative strength,
iii. 529
Flesh, human, its venomous quality, i. 254. Flesh dissolved into
fat, i. 473. Flesh edible and not edible, ii. 26, the causes of
each, ibid. horse's flesh sometimes eaten, 27, man's flesh like-
wise, i. 254, ii. 26, said to be eaten by witches,
Flies in excess, why a sign of a pestilential year,
Flight of birds, why the swiftest motion,

ii. 27

i. 500

i. 474

Flint laid at the bottom of a tree, why it helpeth the growth,
i. 397, 398
ii. 47

Float and refloat of the sea,
Flowers smell best whose leaves smell not, i. 386, how to enlarge
Flowers, and increase their odours, i. 397, et seq. Flowers
growing amongst the corn, and no where else, i. 412, to have
Flowers open at the sun's approach very obvious, i. 414. Flow-
ers, inscription of them on trees, i. 420, to induce colour into
Flowers, i. 421. Flowers, how made double, i. 423, to make
them double in fruit-trees, ibid. Flowers, all exquisitely figured,
i. 443, numbers of their leaves, ibid. Flowers in gardens,

Fly, the fable of it,

ii. 363

ii. 379

Flying in the air of a body unequal, i. 521, of a body supported with

Foliambe, Francis,

ii. 36
vi. 206

Folietanes, feeding on leaves, a religious order, why put down by
the pope,

i. 266

Followers and friends, ii. 370, costly ones make the train longer than
the wings, ibid. their several denominations,

ii. 370, 371

Fomentation, or bath,

ii. 225

Food, the selling of that which is unwholesome, or at unreasonable

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