a friend and servant unto you; and who knows likewise so much of my mind and affection towards your lordship, I could not but kiss your lordship's hands, by the duty of these few lines. My lord, I hope in God, that this your noble adventure will make you a rich return, especially in the inestimable treasure of the love and trust of that thrice-excellent prince. And although to a man, that loves your lordship so dearly, as I do, and knows somewhat of the world, it cannot be, but that in my thoughts there should arise many fears, or shadows of fears, concerning so rare an accident; yet nevertheless, I believe well, that this your lordship's absence will rather be a glass unto you, to shew you many things, whereof you may make use hereafter, than otherwise any hurt or hazard to your fortunes, which God grant. For myself, I am but a man desolate till your return, and have taken a course accordingly. Vouchsafe, of your nobleness, to remember my most humble duty to his highness. And so God, and his holy angels, guard you both going and coming. Indorsed, March 10, 1622. TO SIR FRANCIS COTTINGTON, SECRETARY TO THE PRINCE. Good Mr. Secretary, THOUGH I Wrote so lately unto you by lord Rochford; yet upon the going of my lord Vaughan (a), the prince's worthy and trusty servant, and my approved friend, and your so near ally, I could not but put this letter into his hand, commending myself and my fortunes unto you. You know the difference of obliging men in prosperity and adversity, as much as (a) He was son and heir of Walter Vaughan, of Golden Grove, in Caermarthenshire, Esq; and was created lord Vaughan in the year 1620. The Lord St. Alban, after he was delivered from his confinement in the Tower, was permitted to stay at Sir John Vaughan's house, at Parson's Green, near Fulham. A the sowing upon a pavement and upon a furrow new made. Myself for quiet, and the better to hold out, am retired to Grey's-inn (b): for when my chief friends were gone 'so far off, it was time for me to go to a cell. God send us a good return of you all. I I ever rest, &c.suntdow My humble service to my lord marquis, to whom I have written twice. I would not cloy him. My service also to the count Gondomar, and lord of Bristol. Indorsed, To Mr. Secretary, Sir Francis Cottington, March 22, 1622. VADI BOYV Now that my friend is absent, for so I may call him still, since your majesty, when I waited on you, told me, that fortune made no difference, your majesty remaineth to me king, and master, and friend, and all. Your beadsman, therefore, addresseth himself to your majesty for a cell to retire into. The particular I have expressed to my very friend, Mr. Secretary Conway. This help, which costs your majesty nothing, may reserve me to do your majesty service, without being chargeable unto you: for I will never deny, but my desire to serve your majesty, is of the nature of the heart, that will be ultimum moriens with me. God preserve your majesty, and send you a good (b) In a MS. letter of Mr. Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton, dated at London, March 8, 1622-3, is the following passage: "The "Lord of St. Alban is in his old remitter, and came to lie in his old "lodgings at Grey's Inn; which is the fulfilling of a prophecy of one Lock, a familiar of his, of the same house, that knew him "intus et in cute; who, seeing him go thence in pomp, with the great seal before him, said to divers of his friends, We shall live to "have him here again.” return of the treasure abroad, which passeth all In To the king touching the provostship of Eton (a). TO MR. SECRETARY CONWAY. Good Mr. Secretary, WHEN you did me the honour and favour to visit me, you did not only in general terms express your love unto me, but, as a real friend, asked me whether I had any particular occasion, wherein I might make use of you? At that time I had none: now there is one fallen. It is, that Mr. Thomas Murray, provost of Eton, whom I love very well, is like to die. It were a pretty cell for my fortune. The college and school, I do not doubt, but I shall make to flourish. His majesty, when I waited on him, took notice of my wants, and said to me, that, as he was a king, he would have care of me. This is a thing somebody (a) Mr. Thomas Murray, the provost of that college, having been cut for the stone, died April 1, 1623. The lord keeper Williams, in an unpublished letter to the marquis of Buckingham, dated 11 April, 1623, has the following passage: "Mr. Murray, the provost of "Eton, is now dead: the place stayed by the fellows and myself "until your lordship's pleasure be known. Whomsoever your lord"ship shall name I shall like of, though it be Sir William Becher, "though this provostship never descended so low. The king named unto me yesterday morning Sir Albertus Morton, Sir Dudley "Carleton, and Sir [Robert] Aiton, our late queen's secretary. But "in my opinion, though he named him last, his majesty inclined to "this Aiton most. It will rest wholly upon your lordship to name "the man. It is somewhat necessary he be a good scholar, but more that he be a good husband, and a careful manager, and a stayed man; which no man can be, that is so much indebted as "the lord of St. Alban's.' 66 would have; and costs his majesty nothing. I have written two or three words to his majesty, which I would pray you to deliver. I have not expressed this particular to his majesty, but referred it to your relation. My most noble friend, the marquis, is now absent. Next to him, I could not think of a better address than to yourself, as one likest to put on his affection. I rest Your honour's very affectionate friend, Grey's Inn, the 25th of FR. ST. ALBAN. March, 1623, * From the collections of Robert Stephens, Esq. deceased, SECRETARY CONWAY, TO THE LORD Right Honourable, I Do so well remember the motives, why I presented you so with my humble service, and particular application of it to your particular use, as I neither forget nor repent the offer. And I must confess a greater quickning could not have been added to my resolution to serve you, than the challenge you lay to my duty, to follow, in his absence, the affection of your most noble and hearty friend the marquis. I lost no time to deliver your letter, and to contribute the most advantageous arguments I could. It seems your motion had been more than enough, if a former engagement to Sir William Becher upon the marquis his score had not opposed it. His I will give you his majesty's answer, which was ; That he could not value you so little, or conceive you would have humbled your desires and your worth so low; That it had been a great deal of ease to him to have had such a scantling of your mind; to which he could never have laid so unequal a measure. majesty adding further, that since your intentions moved that way, he would study your accommodation. And it is not out of hope, but that he may give some other contentment to Sir William Becher in due time, to accommodate your lordship, of 7 whom, to your comfort, it is my duty to tell you, his majesty declared a good opinion, and princely care and respect. I will not fail to use time and opportunity to your advantage: and if you can think of any thing to instruct my affection and industry, your lordship may have the more quick and handsome proof of my sure and real intentions to serve you, being indeed Your Lordship's affectionate servant, Royston, March 27, 1623. ED. CONWAY. TO COUNT GONDOMAR, THEN IN SPAIN. Illustrissime Comes, MULTA sunt, quæ mihi animos addunt, et quandam alacritatem conciliant, ut Dominationem tuam illustrissimam hoc tempore de meis fortunis compellam et deprecer. Primum, idque vel maximum, quod cum tam arcta regum nostrorum conjunctio jam habeatur pro transacta, inde et tu factus sis intercessor tanto potentior; et mihi nullus jam subsit scrupulus universas fortunas meas viro tanto, licet extero, debendi et acceptas referendi. Secundum, quod cum ea, quæ dominatio tua illustrissima de me promisso tenus præsens impetraveras, neque ullam repulsam passa sint, neque tamen ad exitum perducta; videatur hoc innuere providentia divina, ut hoc opus me a calamitate erigendi plane tuum sit initio et fine. Tertium, quod stellæ duæ, quæ mihi semper fuerunt propitiæ, major et minor, jam splendent in urbe vestra, unde per radios auxiliares et benignos amoris erga me tui eum possint nancisci influxum, qui me in aliquo non indigno priore fortuna gradu collocet. Quartum, quod perspexi ex literis, quas ad amicum meum intimum dominum Tobiam Matthæum nuper scripsisti, memoriam mei apud te vivere et vigere, neque tanta negotiorum arduorum et sublimium mole, quanta dom. tuæ incumbit, obrutam |