Imágenes de páginas





Açu (town), notice of, 361-remarkable lake in its vicinity, ib.
Adventurers, increase of, accounted for, 540, 541.

Ague, Brazilian remedy for, 383, 384.

Alexandria (modern), desolate condition of, 2.

Alexandrian Library, destroyed by the Saracens, 329.
Amaro (St.) festival of, 347, 348.

Americans, dishonest practices of, in seducing British seamen to desert,
70, 71-observations on the war, that established their independence,

Amherst (Lord), reception of, in China, 408-refuses to prostrate him-
self before the Emperor of China, ib.-Chinese account of the em-
bassy and its failure, 409-412-remarks thereon, 414-416.
Amusements, ancient, of the Scots, 437, 438.

Anecdotes, value and importance of, 208, 209—of David Hume, cor-
rected, 279.

Ants, ravages of, in Brazil, 381, 382.

Arianism, observations on the progress of in England, 535.


Baffin (Captain), Voyage of, in search of a North-west Passage, 158.
Balfour, a Scottish covenanter, anecdotes of, 473.

Banks (Mr.) notice of his travels and researches in Nubia, 19, 20.
Barnes (Captain), Tour through Saint Helena, 480-account of the
choosing of Buonaparte's residence, 500.

Bath Savings Bank, notice of, 100.

Bathurst (Earl), his refutation of Buonaparte's falsehoods, 487, 496,
497, 498.

Becket (Andrew), Shakspeare's himself again, 85-specimens of his ab-
surd emendations, 86-89.

Bogue and Bennet (Messieurs), the Historians of Dissent, observations
on, 523, 524.

Bothwell Bridge, anecdotes of the battle of, 459, 460, 462.

Brazil, state of society in, 346-account of Recife, 345, 346-and of
the government of Pernambuco, 348-state of literature, 349-no-
tice of the towns of Goiana, 350-and of Paraiba, 351-Brazilian
hospitality described, 352-354-370-general appearance of the
interior of the country, 354, 355-description of the town of Natal,
355-journey across a desert described, 356, 357—effects of drought,
358-Brazilian kindness to strangers, 359-notice of the town of
Açu, 361-remarkable lake in its vicinity, ib.-salt marshes, 362-
description of the town of Seara, 364-present state of the Indians
of Pernambuco, 365, 366-anecdotes of the governor of Seara, 366,
367-character and manners of the Sertanejos, 367-370-singular

NN 2

superstition of the Brazilians, 372-present state of St. Luiz or
Maranham, 373-character of the planters, 374-extraordinary
instance of gratitude and integrity, ib.-description of Mr. Koster's
plantation, 375, 376—account of the festival of N. Senhora do O, at
Pernambuco, 377-381-ravages of ants, 381-serpents and other
venomous insects of Brazil, 383-horrid treatment of consumptive
patients, ib.-present state of slavery in Brazil, 384-386.
Buonaparte (Napoleon), account of his departure from France, and
surrendering to the British government, 215, 216-his confession
respecting the murder of Captain Wright, 218-observations on it,
220, 221-his account of the murder of the Duke d'Enghien, 219-
remarks thereon, 221, 222-recommended the poisoning of his
sick soldiers, 222-acknowledges the massacre of part of the garrison
of Jaffa, 223-remarks thereon, ib. 224-brief review of his conduct
in Italy and Egypt, 233-and in Holland, 234-intimidated from
invading England, 237-his usurpations in Portugal and in Spain,
238-driven thence by British valour, 239-tyranny and cruelty of
his government in France, 240-and of his foreign policy, 241, 242
-his appeal to the British nation, on the subject of his treatment at
Saint Helena, 480--sketch of the causes that now give him popu-
larity, 481, 482-bis treatment at Saint Helena justified by facts,
482-abstract of the treaty of 1814, and the provision made for him
in the isle of Elba, 483, 484-execution of him the most proper
mode of disposing of him, 485-exposition of his manœuvres to keep
alive the interest of his partizans in Europe, 486, 487—and of his
pretended charges of ill treatment, 488-491-Saint Helena the
best place of security for his person, 492-his extravagant
claim of imperial titles exposed, 492-495-his prohibition of carry-
ing on a secret correspondence vindicated, 495-his falsehoods ex-
posed, 496, 497-the honourable and delicate conduct of Sir Hudson
Lowe towards him, 498, 499-falsehood of Buonaparte's complaint
of his self-chosen residence, 499-503-Santini's assertions of his
being in want, 503, 504-refuted by Lord Bathurst, 504, 505.
Burchardt (M.) notice of his travels in Egypt and Nubia, 3, 7, 17.
Burnett (John, Esq.), biographical sketch of, 37, 38, 39.
Byron (Lord) Childe Harold, Canto III. and other Poems, 172—account
of his Lordship's early poetical attempts, 173, 174-general charac-
ter of the first two cantos of Childe Harold, 175-180-of his sub-
sequent pieces, 180, 181-and of his poetry, 183-186-extracts
from Childe Harold, Canto III., 188-190-beautiful address to his
daughter, 190-199, 200—plan and subjects of the Third Canto, 191
-194-beautiful description of the evening preceding the battle of
Quatre Bras, 194-196-poetical character of Rousseau, with re-
marks, 197-199-fable of his Castle of Chillon,' 200, 201—ex-
tracts from it, 202-and from his minor poems, 203-206--observa-
tions on the causes of his Lordship's unhappiness, 207, 208.

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Cairo, present state of, 6-account of its police, 5-detestable traffic
in slaves there, 7.


Cameronians, or Scottish Presbyterians, account of, 476–479.
Camisars, or French prophets, anecdotes of, 474, 475.
Campbell (Archibald) shipwreck and adventures of, 69-sketch of the
author's earlier years, 70-seduced from a British ship into the Ame-
rican service, ib.-arrival at Japan, and reception there, 71-wrecked
on the north-west coast of America, 71, 72-hospitable treatment of
the natives, 73-sufferings of Campbell from intense cold, 74-em-
barks in the Neva for the Sandwich Isles, 75-arrives at the island of
Wahoo, ib.—is taken into the king's service, ib.-mode of living there,
76-embarks for Europe, ib.—and arrives at Edinburgh, 77.
Cataracts of the Nile, notice of, 12, 13.

Catechising, importance of, 553.

Childe Harold. See Byron (Lord).

China, account of Lord Amherst's Embassy to, 408-416.

Chinese Literature, misrepresented by the Romish missionaries, 397-
cultivated successfully by the East India Company's servants, 398-
account of a Chinese Poem on London,' 399, 400-account of the
Chinese Drama, 400-402-resemblance between it and the ancient
Greek Drama, 405, 406.

Churchill's poetry, remarks on, 203, 204.

Cicero, notice of recently discovered fragments of, 332, 333.

Cobbett (William) dangerous principles of, exposed, 273-276-extract
from one of his libellous papers, 548, 550-remarks thereon, 549, 550.
Collot d'Herbois, wretched death of, 540.

Common Council of London, Resolutions of in 1814 and 1816, con-
trasted, 243, 244-strictures on their late conduct, 513, 514.
Confirmation, importance of, 553.

Cook (Captain) notice of his voyage, 163, 164.

Copts, character of the, 4.

Cortereal (Caspar) voyage of, in quest of a north-west passage, 154.
Covenanters (Scottish) anecdotes of, 446, 447-characters of their prin-
cipal leaders, 473, 474-oppressed by the Scottish Privy Council,
477-specimen of their preaching, 477, 478.

Cowper (William, Esq.) Poems, Vol. III., and Life, 116—general cha-
racter of the new volume, 117-of Cowper's Latin poetry, ib.—of
his versions of Milton, ib.-tribute to the memory of Ashley Cowper,
Esq., 118-beautiful sonnet to Mrs. Unwin, 119-estimate of his
poetical character, 120, 121-and of his letters, 121, 122-Cowper
a moral poet, 122-account of his Memoirs of his early life, with ex-
tracts, 123-127-observations thereon, 128.

Curwen (Mr.) plan of, for mitigating the pressure of the poor rates, 96,



Dakki, notice of a beautiful temple at, 17.

Darwin (Dr.) poetical machinery of, considered, 389-391-in what
respects a dangerous author, 392.

Davis (Captain) notice of his voyage in search of a north-west passage,


Davis (F., Esq.) translation of a Chinese drama, 396-outline of the

[blocks in formation]

fable, 403, 404-observations on the resemblance between the Chi-
nese and Greek dramas, 405–407.

Denon (M.) inaccuracies of, detected, 7, 19.

Dionysius Halicarnessensis, fragments of an epitome of, discovered, 335.
Disaffection. See Popular Disaffection.

Distresses of the country, causes of, 245-277.

Drama (Chinese) account of, 400-402-its resemblance to that of
ancient Greece, 405, 406.

Drought, effects of, in Brazil, 357, 358.
Drury (Admiral) anecdote of, 415, 416.
Dumfries Savings Bank, plan of, 108.

Duncan (Mr.) unsuccessful attempt of, to discover a north-west passage,

Duncan (Rev. Henry) Account of Parish Savings Banks, 82-institutes
one in his Parish of Ruthwell, 95-vindicates the moral tendency of
such banks, 110, 111.


Edinburgh Savings Bank, notice of, 101, 102-plan of, 109-notice of
Edinburgh Old Town, 437.

Egypt, population of, 3-wretched state of the Egyptian peasantry, 4-
8-conduct of Buonaparte in, 233-Travels in, see Legh.

Elections, disgraceful practices during, at Bristol, 256-and at Notting-
ham, 257-ought to be free in some places, ib.-bribery at elections
practised at small open boroughs, 257.

Enghien (the Duke d') account of the assassination of, 219-observa-
tions on it, 221, 222.

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England, state of, during the peace of Amiens, and at the commence-
ment of the late war, 236-238.

Evans (Thomas) Christian Policy the Salvation of the Empire, 225-eulo-
gized by Sir Richard Phillips, 268-specimen of his theological
knowledge, 269-extracts from his work, 270-remarks on its ten-
dency, 271.

Examiner, inflammatory language of exposed, 273-his principles exa
mined and their dangerous tendency exposed, 551, 552.

Fools (Scottish) notice of, 437, 438.


Fore (Lucas) notice of his voyage in search of a north-west passage, 160.
French, love of, for their country, 515.

Friendly Societies, beneficial effects of, 93-their principle explained,

Frobisher (Sir Martin) notice of his voyage in quest of a north-west pas
sage, 155.

Fronto (Cornelius) notice of newly discovered works of, 334.

Fur Trade in North America, origin of, 133-nefarious practice of the
traders, ib.—vast number of furs annually caught by the North-West
Company, 143.


Gardening, Lord Bacon's opinion of, 417-fantastic taste in English


gardens in the 17th century, 418-state of gardening in Italy, 419-
in France, ib.-and in Spain, Holland, and Germany, 420-Observa-
tions on the Chinese and other Asiatic gardens, 421-principles of
gardening laid down by Pope, 422-reduced to practice by Kent
and Brown, ib. 423-observations on landscape and picturesque gar-
dening, 424-429.

George III. noble reply of, to the menaces of Buonaparte, 234.
Godwin's Political Justice, strictures on the Monthly Review of, 536, 537.
Goiana (town) notice of, 350.

Good Friday, celebration of, in Brazil, 347.

Gordon (Jean, a Scottish gipsy) anecdotes of, 439, 440-her tragical
end, 441.

Grahame (John, of Claverhouse), anecdotes of, 470-472.

Guerfa Hassan, account of an excavated temple at, 17, 18.


Hebrew Polity, object and peculiarity of, 44, 45.

Henry V. (King) the father of the English navy, 153 notę.
Highland honour, anecdote of, 433.

Holland, oppressed by Buonaparte, 234.

Hone's Register, curious specimens of, 546.

Hospitality (Brazilian) anecdotes of, 352-354, 359, 370.

House of Commons, remarks on the constitution of, 255.

Hudson (Captain) voyage of, in quest of a north-west passage, 156—his
wretched end, 157.

Hudson's Bay Company, origin of, 160-notice of their reluctant attempts
to explore a north-west passage, 161, 162, 165, 166.

Hume (David) anecdote of, corrected, 279.


Infidelity, observations on the progress of, in France, 525, 526-and in
England, 527.

Isaeus, oration of, newly discovered, 334.

Italy, conduct of Buonaparte in, 233.


Jaffa (garrison of) partly massacred by Napoleon, 223, 224.


Kelso, notice of the Savings' bank at, 95.

Koster (Henry) Travels in Brazil, 344-hospitable reception of, by the
Brazilians, 352, 353, 354, 370-dangerous situation of, 370-in-
stances of his intrepidity, 362, 371.-See Brazil.


Lancaster (Sir James) notice of his voyage in quest of a north-west pas-
sage, 156.

Landscape-gardening. See Gardening, Repton.

Latin Poetry of Cowper, observations on, 117.
Legh (Thomas, Esq.) Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 1-unassuming ap-
pearance of his book, contrasted with other modern travels, ib.-
notice of omissions, 2-desolate condition of modern Alexandria, ib.

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