your lordship's hands. Yet, thus much I am glad of, that this course, your lordship holds with me, doth carry this much upon itself, that the world shall see in this, amongst other things, that you have a great and noble heart. For the particular business of York House, Sir Arthur Ingram can bear me witness, that I was ready to leave the conditions to your lordship's own making: but since he tells me plainly, that your lordship will by no means have to be so, you will give me leave to refer it to Sir Arthur Ingram, who is so much your lordship's servant, and no less faithful friend to me, and understands value well, to set a price between us. For the reference his majesty hath been graciously pleased, at my lord marquis's suit, to make unto your lordship, touching the relief of my poor estate, which my Lord of Falkland's letter hath signified, warranting me likewise to address myself to your lordship touching the same; I humby pray your lordship to give it despatch, my age, health, and fortunes, making time to me therein precious. Wherefore, if your lordship (who knoweth best what the king may best do) have thought of any particular, I would desire to know from your lordship: otherwise I have fallen myself upon a particular, which I have related to Sir Arthur, and, I hope, will seem modest, for my help to live and subsist. As for somewhat towards the paying off my debts, which are now my chief care, and without charge of the king's coffers, I will not now trouble your lordship; but purposing to be at Chiswick, where I have taken a house, within this sevennight, I hope to wait upon your lordship, and to gather some violets in your garden, and will then impart unto you, if I have thought of any thing of that nature for my good. So, I ever rest, etc. ship drew it with caution, I dare not venture it upon my memory to carry level what your lordship wrote, and, therefore, despatched away this messenger, that so your lordship, by a fresh post, (for this may hardly do it,) may send a warrant to your mind, ready drawn, to be here to-morrow by seven o'clock, as Sir Arthur* tells me my lord marquis hath directed: for the king goes early to Hampton Court, and will be here on Saturday. Your books are ready, and passing well bound up. If your lordship's letters to the king, prince, and my lord marquis were ready, I think it were good to lose no time in their delivery; for the printer's fingers itch to be selling. My lady hath seen the house at Chiswick, and they make a shift to like it: only she means to come to your lordship thither, and not to go first: and, therefore, your lordship may please to make the more haste, for the great lords long to be in York House. Mr. Johnson will be with your lordship to morrow; and then I shall write the rest. Your lordship's in all humbleness and honour to serve you. TO THOMAS MEAUTYS, ESQ. GOOD MR. MEAUTYS, For the difference of the warrant, it is not material at the first. But I may not stir till I have it; and, therefore, I expect it to-morrow. For my Lord of London's stay, there may be an error in my book;§ but I am sure there is none in me, since the king had it three months by him, and allowed it; if there be any thing to be mended, it is better to be espied now than hereafter. I send you the copies of the three letters, which you have; and, in mine own opinion, this demur, as you term it, in my Lord of London, maketh it more necessary than before, that they were deli THOMAS MEAUTYS, ESQ., TO THE LORD VISCOUNT vered, specially in regard they contain withal my ST. ALBAN. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR LORDSHIP, I have been attending upon my lord marquis's minutes for the signing of the warrant. This day he purposed in earnest to have done it; but it falls out untowardly, for the warrant was drawn, as your lordship remembers, in haste at Gorhambury, and in as much haste delivered to Sir Edward Sackville, as soon as I alighted from my horse, who instantly put it into my lord marquis's hands, so that no copy could possibly be taken of it by me. Now his lordship hath searched much for it, and is yet at a loss, which I knew not till six this evening: and because your lord * The Lord Viscount St. Alban, in a letter to the king, from Gorhambary, 20th of March, 1621-2, thanks his majesty for referring the consideration of his broken estate to his good lard, the lord treasurer. thanks. It may be signified they were sent before I knew of any stay; and being but in those three hands, they are private enough. But this I leave merely at your discretion, resting Your most affectionate and assured friend, FR. ST. ALBAN. March 21, 1621. TO MR. TOBIE MATTHEW GOOD MR. Matthew, I do make account, God willing, to be at Chiswick on Saturday; or, because this weather is terrible to one that hath kept much in, Monday. Ingram. + History of the reign of King Henry VII. Dr. George Mountain. His History of the reign of King Henry VI In my letter of thanks to my lord marquis, which is not yet delivered, but to be forthwith delivered, I have not forgotten to mention, that I have received signification of his noble favour and affection, amongst other ways, from yourself, by name. If, upon your repair to the court, (whereof I am right glad,) you have any speech with the marquis of me, I pray place the alphabet (as you can do it right well) in a frame, to express my love faithful and ardent towards him. And, for York House, that whether in a straight line, or a compass line, I meant it his lordship in the way which I thought might please him best. I ever rest Your most affectionate and assured friend, FR. ST. ALBAN. March 21, 1621. TO THE QUEEN OF BOHEMIA. IT MAY PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY, I find in books (and books I dare allege to your majesty, in regard of your singular ability to read and judge of them even above your sex) that it is accounted a great bliss for a man to have leisure with honour. That was never my fortune, nor is. For time was, I had honour without leisure; and now I have leisure without honour. And I cannot say so neither altogether, considering there remain with me the marks and stamp of the king's, your father's, grace, though I go not for so much in value as I have done. But my desire is now to have leisure without loitering, and not to become an abbey-lubber, as the old proverb was, but to yield some fruit of my private life. Having therefore written the reign of your majesty's famous ancestor, King Henry the Seventh; and it having passed the file of his majesty's judgment, and been graciously also accepted of the prince, your brother, to whom it is dedicated, I could not forget my duty so far to your excellent majesty, (to whom, for that I know and have heard, I have been at all times so much bound, as you are ever present with me, both in affection and admiration,) as not to make unto you, in all humbleness, a present thereof, as now being not able to give you tribute of any service. If King Henry the Seventh were alive again, I hope verily he could not be so angry with me for not flattering him, as well pleased in seeing himself so truly described in colours that will last, and be believed. I most humbly pray your majesty graciously to accept of my good will; and so, with all reverence, kiss your hands, praying to God above, by his divine and most benign providence, to conduct your affairs to happy issue; and resting Your majesty's most humble April 20, 1622 FR. ST. ALBAN. SIR EDWARD SACKVILLE, TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN MY VERY HONOURED Lord, Longing to yield an account of my stewardship, and that I had not buried your talent in the ground, I waited yesterday the marquis's pleasure, until I found a fit opportunity to importune some return of his lordship's resolution. The morning could not afford it; for time only allowed leave to tell him, I would say something. In the afternoon I had amends for all. In the forenoon he laid the law, but in the afternoon he preached the gospel; when, after some revivations of the old distaste concerning York House, he most nobly opened his heart unto me, wherein I read that which argued much good towards you. After which revelation, the book was again sealed up, and must, in his own time, only by himself be again manifested unto you. I have leave to remember some of the vision, and am not forbidden to write it. He vowed, not courtlike, but constantly, to appear your friend so much, as, if his majesty should abandon the care of you, you should share his fortune with him. He pleased to tell me, how much he had been beholden to you; how well he loved you; how unkindly he took the denial of your house, (for so he will needs understand it.) But the close, for all this, was harmonious, since he protested he would seriously begin to study your ends, now that the world should see he had no ends on you. He is in hand with the work, and therefore will, by no means, accept of your offer; though I can assure you, the tender hath much won upon him, and mellowed his heart towards you; and your genius directed you right, when you wrote that letter of denial unto the duke.* The king saw it; and all the rest; which made him say unto the marquis, you played an after game well; and that now he had no reason to be much offended. I have already talked of the revelation, and now am to speak in apocalyptical language, which I hope you will rightly comment; whereof, if you make difficulty, the bearert can help you with the key of the cipher. My Lord Falkland, by this time, hath showed you London from Highgate. If York House were gone, the town were yours; and all your straitest shackles cleared off, besides more comfort than the city air only. The marquis would be exceedingly glad the treasurer had it. This I know; but this you must not know from me. Bargain with him presently, upon as good conditions as you can procure, so you have direct motion from the marquis to let him have it. Seem not to dive into the secret of it; though you are purblind if you see not through it. I have told Mr. Meautys, how I would wish your lordship to make an end of it. From him, I beseech you. * Of Lenox, of the 30th of January, 1621-2. take it, and from me only the advice to perform a subject and as he that took once the oath of it. If you part not speedily with it, you may counsellor, to make known to your lordship ar defer the good, which is approaching near you, advertisement which came to me this morning. and disappointing other aims, (which must either A gentleman, a dear friend of mine, whom your shortly receive content, or never,) perhaps anew lordship cannot but imagine, though I name him yield matter of discontent, though you may be not, told me thus much, that some English priests indeed as innocent as before. Make the treasurer that negotiated at Rome to facilitate the dispensabelieve, that since the marquis will by no means tion, did their own business, (that was his phrase ;) accept of it, and that you must part with it, you for they negotiated with the pope to erect some are more willing to pleasure him than anybody titulary bishops for England, that might ordain, else, because you are given to understand my and have other spiritual faculties; saying withal lord marquis so inclines; which inclination, if the most honestly, that he thought himself bound to treasurer shortly send unto you about it, desire impart this to some counsellor, both as a loyal may be more clearly manifested, than as yet it subject, and as a Catholic; for that he doubted it hath been; since, as I remember, none hitherto might be a cause to cross the graces and mercies hath told you in terminis terminantibus, that the which the Catholics now enjoy, if it be not preinarquis desires you should gratify the treasurer. vented: and he asked my advice, whether he I know that way the hare runs; and that my lord should make it known to your lordship, or to my marquis longs until Cranfield hath it; and so I lord keeper,* when he came back to London. I wish too, for your good, yet would not it were commended his loyalty and discretion, and wished absolutely passed, until my lord marquis did send, him to address himself to your lordship, who or write, unto you, to let him have it; for then,|might communicate it with my lord keeper, if you his so disposing of it were but the next degree removed from the immediate acceptance of it, and your lordship freed from doing it otherwise than to please him, and to comply with his own will and way. I have no more to say, but that I am, and ever will be Your lordship's most affectionate friend and humble servant, Endorsed, Received the 11th of May, 1622. saw cause, and that he repaired to your lordship presently, which he resolved to do. Nevertheless, I did not think mine own particular duty acquitted, except I certified it also myself, borrowing so much of private friendship in a cause of state, as not to tell him I would do so much. Endorsed, My letter to my lord marquis, touching the business of estate advertised by Mr. Matthew.t TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN. MY MOST HONOured Lord, I come in these to your lordship with the voice TO THE LORD KEEPER, DR. WILLIAMS, BISHOP OF of thanksgiving for the continuance of your ac LINCOLN. MY VERY GOOD LORD, customed noble care of me and my good, which I understand there is an extent prayed against overtakes me, I find, whithersoever I But go. me, and a surety of mine, by the executors of one for the present itself, (whereof your lordship Harrys, a goldsmith. The statute is twelve writes,) whether or no it be better than that I was years old, and falleth to an executor, or an execuwont to bring your lordship, the end only can tor of an executor, I know not whether. And it prove. For I have yet no more to show for it than was sure a statute collected out of a shop-debt, good words, of which many times I brought your and much of it paid. I humbly pray your lord- lordship good store. But because modicefideans ship, according to justice and equity, to stay the were not made to thrive in court, I mean to lose no time from assailing my lord marquis, for which extent, being likewise upon a double penalty, till I may better inform myself touching a mat-purpose I am now hovering about New-hall,‡ ter so long past; and, if it be requisite, put in where his lordship is expected (but not the king) a bill, that the truth of the account appearing, this day, or to-morrow: which place, as your such satisfaction may be made as shall be fit. So I rest Your lordship's affectionate May 30, 1622. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I thought it appertained to my duty, both as Dr. Williams, Bishop of Lincoln. The date of this letter may be pretty nearly determined by one of the lord keeper to the Marquis of Buckingham, The postdated August 23, 1622, and printed in the Cabala. script to that letter is as follows: "The Spanish ambassador took the alarm very speedily of the titulary Roman bishop, and before my departure from his house at Islington, whither I went privately to him, did write both to Rome and Spam to prevent it. But I am afraid that Tobie will prove but an apocryphal, and no canonical, intelligencer, acquainting the state with this project for the Jesuits' rather than for Jesny ́A sake." lordship adviseth, may not be ill chosen for my business. For, if his lordship be not very thick of hearing, sure New-hall will be heard to speak for me. And now, my good lord, if any thing make me diffident, or indeed almost indifferent how it succeeds, it is this; that my sole ambition having ever been, and still is, to grow up only under your lordship, it is become preposterous, even to iny nature and habit, to think of prospering, or receiving any growth, either without or besides your lordship. And, therefore, let me claim of your lordship to do me this right, as to believe that which my heart says, or rather swears to me, namely, that what addition soever, by God's good providence, comes at any time to my life or fortune, it is, in my account, but to enable me the more to serve your lordship in both; at whose feet I shall ever humbly lay down all that I have, vr am, never to rise thence other than Your lordship's in all duty memorial to my lord treasurer: that your lordship Your lordship's most bounden 4th of November, 1622. and reverent affections, T. MEAUTYS. September 11, 1622. TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN. Since my last to your lordship, I find by Mr. MY MOST HONoured Lord, TO THE COUNTESS OF BUCKINGHAM, MOTHER Johnson, that my lord treasurer is not twice in TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY HONOURABLE GOOD LADY, Your ladyship's late favour and noble usage towards me were such, as I think your absence a great part of my misfortunes. And the more I find my most noble lord, your son, to increase in favour towards me, the more out of my love to him, I wish he had often by him so loving and wise a mother. For if my lord were never so wise, as wise as Solomon; yet, I find, that Solomon himself, in the end of his Proverbs, sets down a whole chapter of advices that his mother taught him. Madam, I can but receive your remembrance with affection, and use your name with honour, and intend you my best service, if I be able, ever resting Your ladyship's humble Bedford House, this 29th of October, 1622. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I have many things to thank your lordship for, since I had the happiness to see you; that your lordship, before your going out of town, sent my * Mary, daughter of Anthony Beaumont, a younger son of William Beaumont of Cole-Orton, in Leicestershire. She was thrice married: 1, to Sir George Villiers, father of the Duke of Buckingham; 2, to Sir William Rayner; and, 3, to Sir Thomas Compton, Knight of the Bath, a younger brother of William, Earl of Northampton. She was created Countess uf Buckingham, July 1, 1618; and died April 19, 1632. one mind, or Sir Arthur Ingram not twice in one tale. For, Sir Arthur, contrary to his speech but yesterday with me, puts himself now, as it seems, in new hopes to prevail with my lord treasurer for your lordship's good and advantage, by a proposition sent by Mr. Johnson, for the altering of your patent to a new mould, more safe than the other, which he seemed to dissuade, as I wrote to your lordship. I like my lord treasurer's heart to your lordship, so much every day worse than other, especially for his coarse usage of your lordship's name in his last speech, as that I cannot imagine he means you any good. And, therefore, good my lord, what directions you shall give herein to Sir Arthur Ingram, let them be as safe ones as you can think upon; and that your lordship surrender not your old patent, till you have the new under seal, lest my lord keeper should take toy, and stop it there. And I know your lordship cannot forget they have such a savage word among them as fleecing. God in heaven bless your lordship from such hands and tongues; and then things will mend of themselves. Your lordship's, in all humbleness, This Sunday morning. Endorsed-25th of November, 1622. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MyY VERY GOOD LORD, I find my lord treasurer, after so many days and appointments, and such certain messages and pro mises, doth but mean to coax me, (it is his own (which I will endeavour, upon all opport:nities, word of old,) and to saw me asunder, and to do to deserve: and in the mean time do rest just nothing upon his majesty's gracious reference, nobly procured by your lordship for this poor remuant. My lord, let it be your own deed; and to use the prayers of the litany, good Lord, deliver me from this servile dependence; for I had rather beg and starve, than be fed at that door. God ever prosper your lordship. Your lordship's most bounden Bedford House, this and faithful servant, Endorsed, Your lordship's assured faithful poor friend and servant, Westminster College, this 7th of Feb., 1622. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. Though your lordship's absence* fall out in an ill time for myself; yet, because I hope in God this noble adventure will make your lordship a To Buckingham, about Lord Treasurer Cranfield's rich return in honour, abroad and at home, and using of him. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. EXCELLENT LORD, I perceive this day by Mr. Comptroller,* that I live continually in your lordship's remembrance and noble purposes concerning my fortunes, as well for the comfort of my estate, as for countenancing me otherwise by his majesty's employments and graces; for which I most humbly kiss your hands, leaving the times to your good lordship; which, considering my age and wants, I assure myself your lordship will the sooner take into your care. And for my house at Gorhambury, I do infinitely desire your lordship should have it; and howsoever I may treat, I will conclude with none, till I know your lordship's farther pleasure, ever resting Your lordship's obliged and faithful servant, Bedford House, this 5th of Feb. 1622.† TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN. MY VERY GOOD Lord, I have received by this bearer, the privy seal for the survey of coals, which I will lay aside, until I shall hear farther from my Lord Steward, and the rest of the lords. I am ready to do as much as your lordship Jesireth, in keeping Mr. Cottons off from the violence of those creditors: only himself is, as yet, wanting in some particular directions. I heartily thank your lordship for your book; and all other symbols of your love and affection, *Henry Cary, Viscount Falkland. chiefly in the inestimable treasure of the love and trust of that thrice-excellent prince; I confess I am so glad of it, as I could not abstain from your lordship's trouble in seeing it expressed by these few and hasty lines. I beseech your lordship, of your nobleness vouchsafe to present my most humble duty to his highness, who, I hope, ere long will make me leave King Henry the Eighth, and set me on work in relation of his highness's adventures. I very humbly kiss your lordship's hands, resting ever Your lordship's most obliged February 21, 1622. friend and servant. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM Excellent Lord, Upon the repair of my Lord of Rochford unto your lordship, whom I have ever known so fasi and true a friend and servant unto you; and who knows likewise so much of my mind and affection towards your lordship, I could not but kiss your lordship's hands, by the duty of these few lines. My lord, I hope in God, that this your noble adventure will make you a rich return, especially in the inestimable treasure of the love and trust of that twice-excellent prince. And although, to a man that loves your lordship so dearly as I do, and knows somewhat of the world, it cannot be, but that in my thoughts there should arise many fears, or shadows of fears, concerning so rare an accident; yet, nevertheless, I believe well, that this your lordship's absence will rather be a glass unto you, to show you many things, whereof you may make use hereafter, than otherwise any hurt or hazard to your fortunes; which God grant. For myself, I am but a man desolate till your return, and have taken a course accordingly. Vouchsafe. of your nobleness, to remember my most humble Two days before, the Marquis of Buckingham set out duty to his highness. And so God, and his hely privately with the prince, for Spain. Duke of Lenox. Probably the surety of Lord Bacon for the debt to Harrys the goldsmith, mentioned in his lordship's letter of May 30, 1622 angels guard you, both going and coming. Endorsed-March 10, 1622. In Spain. |