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Mr. BURROWS. Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty to announce formally to the Senate the death of my esteemed colleague, the Hon. JAMES MCMILLAN. He took leave of this life on the 10th day of August last, from his summer residence by the sea, at Manchester, Mass., where he had repaired at the close of the last session of Congress for rest and recuperation. His death was as sudden as it was unexpected. Only the day previous he was in usual health and spirits, participating in the sports of the field, to which he was devoted. But a sudden indisposition reminded him of the enfeebled condition of his heart which had existed for some years, and admonished him to desist from further physical exertion. Retiring to his residence, with rest and medical assistance, he soon recovered his normal condition and spent the evening with his family and friends in that delightful social intercourse which gave such a charm to his home life. Later in the evening, however, there came a recurrence of the disorder so serious and persistent as to baffle the skill of physicians, and at 4 o'clock on the Sabbath morning of August 10 "the silver cord was loosed" and his spirit freed.

In his death the State of Michigan has suffered an irreparable loss, and the Senate will miss a wise counselor and painstaking legislator. But I am aware, Mr. President, that this is not the


time for eulogy. On some future occasion I hope for the opportunity to pay, with other Senators, a fitting tribute to his memory. For the present I offer the following resolutions, and I ask their immediate consideration.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Michigan offers resolutions, which will be read to the Senate.

The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Hon. JAMES MCMILLAN, late a Senator from the State of Michigan. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives.

Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the Senate do now adjourn.

The resolutions were considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 14 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 2, 1902, at 12 o'clock m.

DECEMBER 20, 1902.


Mr. BURROWS. Mr. President, I desire to give notice that on Friday, the 30th day of January next, I will ask the courtesy of the Senate, after the conclusion of the regular routine morning business, to consider resolutions commemorative of the life and character of my late colleague in the Senate, Hon. JAMES MCMILLAN.

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