Imágenes de páginas
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169. JAMES HERVET, 1714-1758.

The Flower Garden.

Kitchen Garden, 429; The Mi-

croscope, 429.

170. WILLIAM SHENSTONE, 1714-1763.

The Shepherd's Home, 430;

The Schoolmistress, 431.

171. THOMAS GRAY, 1716–1771.

On a distant Prospect of Eton

College, 431; Elegy, 432; The

Progress of Poesy, 435; The

Bard, 437; Extracts, 437.

172. JOHN BERRIDGE, 1716-1793.

Faith-its Efficacy, 438; Perse-

verance, and its Guard, 438;

Morality thrives only on Grace,


173. HORACE WALPOLE, 1717-1797.

The Earthquake of London,

1750, 439.

174. HUGH BLAIR, 1718-1799.

Style, 440; Gentleness, 440.

175. GEORGE CAMPBELL, 1719-1796.

Appeals to Feeling, 441.

176. WILLIAM COLLINS, 1720-1759.

The Passions, 443.

177. JAMES GRAINGER, 1721-1766.

Ode to Solitude-Introduction,


178. MARK AKENSIDE, 1721-1770.

Tendencies of the Soul to the

Infinite, 447; Beauty mora),

448; Taste, 448.

179. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, 1721-1793.

The Regent Moray, 449.

180. ADAM SMITH, 1723-1790.

Source of Sympathy, 450; Ad-

vantages of Division of Labour,


181. ADAM FERGUSON, 1724-1816.

The Greeks and Romans com-

pared with Modern Nations,


182. OLIVER GOLDSMITH, 1728-1774-

The Vanity of Popular Fame,

456; History of a Philosophic

Vagabond, 458; The Village

Pastor, 460; Village School-

master, 460; Love of Home,

461; Britain, 461; Extracts,


183. EDMUND BURKE, 1730-1797.

Power of Words dependent on

Association, 462; The Queen

of France, 463; Manners, 464;

The Labouring Poor, 464;

Vanity, 465; Lord Chatham,

465; Rebellion, etc., 466.

Hymns, 466; The Cottager and

Voltaire, 467; The Journey to

Emmaus, 468; The Preacher,

469; The Millennium, 470;

On receiving his Mother's Pic-

ture, 471; Homer's Iliad, 474;

The Soul that loves God, 475;

The Common, 476; Extracts,

476; Letter to Lady Hesketh

on Homer, 478.

185. ERASMUS DARWIN, 1731-1802.

Steel, 480; The Papyrus, 481.

186. JANES BEATTIE, 1735-1803.

Scottish Music, 482; Morn,


187. EDWARD GIBBON, 1737-1794.

Conception and Completion of

his History, 484; Charlemagne,


188. JAMES MACPHERSON, 1738-1796.

The Song of Selma, 488.

189. JUNIUS (SIR P. FRANCIS), 1740-


To the Duke of Bedford, 489.

190. WILLIAM PALEY, 1743-1805.

The Manner of our Lord's

Teaching, 492; On the Cover-

ing of Birds, 493.

191. MICHAEL BRUCE, 1746-1767.

To the Cuckoo, 496.

192. JEREMY BENTHAM, 1748-1832.

On Security, 497.

193. RICHARD CECIL, 1748-1810.

Parental Influence, 499.

194. CHARLES JAMES FOX, 1749-1806.

On the American War, 502;

Capture of Monmouth, 503.

195. ROBERT FERGUSSON, 1750-1774-

Cauler Water, 505.

196. JOHN PHILPOT CURRAN, 1750-1817.

On Emancipation, 505.

197. RICHARD B. SHERIDAN, 1751-1816.

Warren Hastings, 507; Ex-

tracts, 508.

198. THOMAS CHATTERTON, 1752-1770.

The Mynstrelle's Songe, 508.

199. DUGALD STEWART, 1753-1828.

Machiavelli, 509; On the Im-

provement of Memory, 509.

200. GEORGE CRABBE, 1754-1832.

The Old Mansion, 511; Ald-

borough, 512; Extract, 512.

201. ARCHIBALD ALISON, 1757-1839.

Sublimity and Beauty depend-

ent on Association, 512.

202. ROBERT BURNS, 1759-1796.

Toa Mountain Daisy, 513; Ban-

nockburn, 515; The Cotter's

Saturday Night, 515; Extracts,


205. WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES, 1762-1850.

Chantrey's Sleeping Children,


206. SAMUEL ROGERS, 1763-1855.

Power of Early Association,

524; A Mother's Love, 524;

Extracts, 526.

207. ROBERT HALL, 1764-1831.

Infidelity destructive of great

Virtues, 525; Threatened In-

vasion of England, 527; Meet-

ing of the Pious in Heaven,

529; Edict of Nantes, 529.

208. JAMES GRAHAME, 1765-1811.

Humble Virtue, 530; Sunday

in Winter, 530.

209. Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH, 1765-1832.

Grotius, 531; Two widely dit-

ferent Questions in Morals, 532.

210. JOHN FOSTER, 1770-1843.

Decision of Character, 532;

Religion injured by the in-

feriority of Evangelical Writers,

534; Uneducated Households,

535; Presumption of Atheism,

536; The Love of Money, 536.

211. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, 1770-1850.

Intimations of Immortality,

537; Portrait, 539; Milton, 540;

We are Seven, 540; Sonnet,

541; What is the Poet, 542;

Extracts, 542.

212. SYDNEY SMITH, 1771-1845.

Wit and Humour, 544; Glory

and Taxation, 547; A Jobless

Faith, 547; Extracts, 548.

213. SIR WALTER SCOTT, 1771-1832.

Melrose Abbey, 548; Love of

Country, 549; Flodden, and

Death of Marmion, 550; Ellen,

the Lady of the Lake, 554;

The Borderers, 555; The Bible,


214. JAMES MONTGOMERY, 1771-1854.

The Love of Country and of

Home, 558; Winter Lightning,

559; The Common Lot, 559.

215. S. TAYLOR COLERIDGE, 1772-1834.

A Calm, 560; To W. Words-

worth, 561; Severed Friend-

ship, 562; Hymn to Mont

Blanc, 562; Advantage of Me-

thod, 565; Sin springs from

the Human Will, 566.

216. JAMES HOGG, 1772-1835.

The Skylark, 567; Kilmeny's

Visions in Fairy-Land, 567.

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