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tion of this truth. And this is a great point: I fhall reserve it for hereafter : here I only mention it, to fhew of what import the matter before us is.

4. This hath been in God's heart to speak from the beginning. Whenfoever he was well pleafed, then he hath let drop fomething more of this matter. God who formerly at fundry times and in divers manners (faith the apoftle to the Hebrews) fpake to the fathers by the prophets, has in these gospel days Spoken out right, fpoken his heart fully by his Son, Heb. i. 1, 2. These are the four general confiderations of the words, and the matter of the words; the words in themselves, are the gospel-inftitution; and there is nothing else but what is part and parcel of this, that is of divine inftitution. The law of the creation, that is antecedent; this is the only fuperaddition this we are to know, as we love ourselves, as we would fave our fouls. With this I will compare nothing, for there is nothing elfe that is revealed in fcripture that must not veil to it.

I will now produce you fcriptures, that speak to the fenfe of this fcripture; for a fcripture to this fulness, we have none elfe; but fcriptures that speak to the fame points, we have divers. What foever ye fhall ask the father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto ye have asked nothing in my name, John xvi. 23, 24. Hitherto my name hath not been known in the world, fo as I intend it fhall hereafter be. The Jews could not call God father in Chrift, as we do, even those that were juft before him, even John the Baptift did not know him as we know him. Therefore it is faid, he that is least in the kingdom of hea

ven, is greater than John the Baptist, Matt. xi. 11. Hitherto you have asked nothing in my name; henceforth afk in my name, and it shall be given to you. You believe in God, that was from the beginning; now the inftitution is, believe alfo in me, John xiv. 1. There is a plain and full declaration, I am the way, the truth, and the life, i. e. I am the true and living way. These places of fcripture do concur with the words of the text, though all of them are short of it therefore, as I faid before, this is the main inftitution in the day of the gospel. And we are not under the power of any, by virtue of bare inftitution as obligatory upon conscience, but this and its ingredients, particular concomitants and appurtenances and this is gofpel-liberty: and whosoever understands this, may have a clear mind, when others have a difturbed and doubting confcience.

It is the grand inftitution of God, the great provifion of heaven. It must not be an empty and a fhallow thing, therefore we must enquire what we muft do in the name of the Lord Jefus. I fhall fhew you in fix or seven particulars.

1. In the name, fometimes fignifies for the fake. Matth. x. 41. He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet, i. e. for the fake of a prophet, upon a prophet's account: and he that receives a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, that is as fuch. A man may happen upon that which is right, or do that which is good out of bafe refpects. In the name therefore, is for the fake.

2. In the name, is fometimes used for in the authority, or by the commission of such an one, Jam. v.

10. The apoftle, in the name of the Lord Jefus, de ̃ livers up the great finner to fatan, I Cor. v. 4. We command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh diforderly, 2 Thef. iii. 6. It is faid unto the unclean fpirit, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jefus Chrift, to come out of her, Acts xvi. 18. where Christ's authority is warranted. Saviour himself faith, John v. 43. I am come in my father's name, i. e. by the appointment of God. Mat. We have prophefied in thy name, &c. and fo we frequently use the word: I require you in the king's name. So, in the name of God, imports God's authority.

vii. 22.


3. In the name, is in the mention and acknowledgment. So, I understand that place, Matth. xxviii. 19. Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If in the name of God only I should have thought it had been in the authority; but being in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, I take it to be in acknowledgment. we use the name of Chrift in the use of bread and wine, mentioning him, and acknowledging him.

4. In the name, fignifies right, title, poffeffion, intereft, for the ufe. It fignifies in the right, title, as I have kept them in thy name, and not one of them is loft, John xvii. 12. I have kept them as thy poffeffion, in thy name, i. e. for thy ufe, and as maintaining thy poffeffion, intimating God to be owner and proprietor.

5. In the name, is in the ftead. So we have this form of words also used; It is expedient that I go aVOL. II.



way, that the comforter may come, whom God will fend in my name; John xvi. 7. that is, in my ftead and room, to fupply my place, and carry on my work.

6. In the name, is in the affiftance. David faith to Goliah, 1 Sam. xvii. 45. I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, i. e. at God's pleasure, at God's appointment, in God's affiftance; as enabled by God to conquer and fubdue thee; I come to thee in the name of God: So we go out in the name of God, when we go out in God's ftrength, looking upon our felves as endued with God's power; for where the Lord is, there is ftrength. We go in his name when we have dependence upon him for his bleffing: this is in the name of God.

7. Which I prefer, for the prefent cafe, above all the reft, tho' we need not leave the other out: do all in the name, i. e. acceptance of God.

Giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, Eph. v. 20. our perfons are accepted of God in Chrift. Afk in my name; John xiv. 13. make use of my merit, and you fhall obtain, by my procurement, you fhall have upon my account. We go to God in the name of Chrift, we go to God by him, as the procurer of cur acceptance. If a perfon ftand in need of fuch a great man's favour, one directs him to apply himfelf to him in his name, go in my name. So that Chrift is to us the way of accefs to God, and the procurer of all our acceptance: Chrift is the only meritorious cause. God does acknowledge that none deferves of him but Chrift alone. When we go to God in confidence of Chrift's intereft with God, then we make ufe of Chrift's name; Acceptable


to God by Jefus Chrift, 1 Pet. ii. 5. where he speaks of a religious worship, a gospel-service, that which is worthy; he closeth all, acceptable to God by Jefus Chrift. So, Phil. iii. 9. not having our own righte oufness, but the righteousness that is in God through faith, the righteousness of Christ. We pray to God to accept us in Christ, and deal with us, not for our own fakes, but for his mercy fake in Jefus Chrift. We put our lives and cause in his hands, make him our only mediator. And in this fenfe I will mainly confider the words: fo this notion is held forth in the words, that Chrift is immediate in the eye of our faith, in all our religious worship. God is final and Chrift is medium. Chrift is between God and us. We go to God by Christ; and we understand none to be between us and God, but Chrift. Our fervice of God we account is made worthy and acceptable to God, by paffing through Chrift's hands. The great angel, who is the angel of the covenant, is faid to have incenfe of his own to offer, with the prayers of the faints, Rev. viii. 3. Chrift puts in the incenfe, when thou makest use of him as a mediator in thy prayers to God. This we should take care of, that in all our application to God, all our facri❤ fices, that they should be brought to the mediator, that they should have the happy mixture, that they may be rendred to God acceptable, and a sweetfmelling favour. Chrift offers them, not as they come out of our hands; oh, they are short and unworthy! But he joins incenfe with them. All the gifts and graces of God, are the confequence of our Saviour's death, refurrection, and afcenfion. Our

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