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In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern

District of New York.

Rear of 43 & 46 Centre St.


61 Beekman Street,


President's Correspondence during late Session of Congress-His Reasons for not pro-

claiming Fast and Thanksgiving Days-Indian Delegations at the Capital-President's

Address to them-Letters to his Daughter-News of Cession of Louisiana by Spain to

France-President's decisive Letter thereon to American Minister in France-He in-

closes it open to Dupont de Nemours-Its Contents intended for French Government-

Morality of President's Attitude-Compared with Miranda Scheme-Hamilton's Plan in

1802 "The Christian Constitutional Society"-Bayard's Answer to Hamilton-Jef-

ferson's View of Object of Marshall's forthcoming Life of Washington-His Letter to

Priestley-Letters to his Daughter-To King in Respect to colonizing insurgent Blacks

of Virginia-His Explanation of his Gratuities to Callender-Misapprehensions on this

Subject corrected-Account of Career and Fate of Callender-The President at Home

-Table of his Expenses for a Year-Another Letter to Livingston-No Retreat from

former Views-To Gallatin on Constitutionality of Appropriations-The State Elec-

tions To Lincoln on Removals of Federalists from Office--American Right of Deposit

at New Orleans abrogated by Spanish Intendant-The Violation of our Treaty with

Spain-Meeting of Congress-The President's Message-Comments on it, and on the

State of Public Affairs, by Hamilton, Pinckney, Sedgwick, Morris, and John Adams-

Discussion of Spanish Aggression at New Orleans opened in Congress-Party Skirmish-

ing-Attempts of Federalists to make the Debate public-Randolph's and Griswold's

Resolutions-Action of the House-Monroe nominated Minister Extraordinary-Ross's

Conduct and Resolutions in the Senate-Breckenridge's Amendment-De Witt Clin-

ton's Speech-Federalist Appeal to Example of Washington examined by him and

Wright-Positions of Federalists in 1795 and 1803 in regard to calling on the Presi-

dent for Diplomatic Papers-Their Positions at same periods in regard to Rights of

Treaty-making Power-Their Overaction on the Spanish Question-The ex-Judges'

Petition denied-Topographical Explorations authorized-Resolution for submitting

Amendment of the Constitution in Regard to Manner of electing President and Vice-

President Ohio admitted into the Union-Importation of colored Persons prohibited

Livingston's Reception in France-His Qualifications as a Minister-Communicates the

Refusal of France to sell her new American Possessions-His Assurances to France in

Respect to her colonizing them-These Assurances wholly at Variance with the Presi-

dent's Views-His Later Dispatches-Receives the President's Letter and Formal In-

structions The Discrepancy in the latter explained-The Federalists unconsciously

playing into the President's Hands-Effect of their War Proposition in the Session of

1802-3 on Bonaparte-Why he preferred a Sacrifice of Louisiana to War with the Uni-

ted States-Why Monroe was sent to act with Livingston-President to Monroe and to

M. Dupont-Livingston's Dispatches-England and France preparing for a Renewal of

War The Crisis anticipated by Jefferson reached-Talleyrand proposes to sell Lou-

isiana-Marbois intrusted with the Negotiations by Bonaparte-His Official Offer to

sell Louisiana-Answer of the American Minister-Treaty of Sale to the United States

effected-Conditions of the Treaty and Conventions-Great Britain favors the Ar-

rangement Her Motives-The American Minister's Dispatches Home-The Secretary

of State's Reply-Errors in the Minister's Dispatch corrected-Jefferson's Modesty-

His Exclusive Origination of the Policy which led to the Acquisition never publicly

avowed-Extent and Value of the Acquisition-Illustrative Statistical Comparisons-

Other National Advantages secured besides Territory and Wealth-The Victories of

the Gallic Cæsar and of the Republican President compared-Consequences of Presi-

dent's Delicacy towards Livingston-President's Signals to England-His Letters to Sir

John Sinclair and the Earl of Buchan-Republican Murmurs in 1803 at the President's

Refusal to remove Federalists-His Unalterable Determination expressed to Nichol-

son-Result of the Spring Elections in 1803-Jefferson to Breckenridge on Further

Territorial Acquisitions-The Effect of the Recent one on the Preservation of Union-

Refuses to communicate his Birth-day to be made an Anniversary-Letter to Nicholas

-Regards a Constitutional Amendment necessary to carry out the Stipulations of the

Recent Treaty-Congress convened-Prominent Members-The President's Message

-Treaty ratified by the Senate-Resolution in the House to carry it into Effect-

R. Griswold's Resolution calling for Papers-Determined Opposition to Treaty by

Federalists Grounds of the Opposition-G. Griswold's Speech-Republicans take

Ground that no Constitutional Amendments are Necessary-Speeches of J. Randolph,

Nicholson, Rodney, etc.-Federalists admit Constitutionality of Purchase, but contend

the Territories must be governed as Colonies-Motives and Effects of their Proposi-

tions The Final Vote-Question reopened in the Senate on another Bill-Speeches

of White, Pinckney, J. Q. Adams, Dayton, and Tracy-The Republican Speakers—

Effect of the Federal Opposition-Political Comparisons-Ames and Morris on the

State of Affairs-Hamilton Silent-Bankrupt Law Repealed-Barbary Affairs-Death

of Samuel Adams and Pendleton-Impeachment of Judge Pickering-Articles of Im-

peachment ordered against Judge Chase-Adjournment,

proposes a Remedy-His Feelings towards U. S. Bank in 1803-His Enemies attacking

an Imaginary Personage-Malthus and Say-Reasons for accepting a Renomination-

Views on a Coalition with the Federalists-Family Letters-Death of his Daughter, Mrs.

Eppes-Account of, by a Member of the Family-Condolences of Governor Page and

Judge Tyler-Letter of Condolence from Mrs. John Adams and Reply-Their further Cor-

respondence and the Sequel-The Conduct of both considered-A new Rule of Official

Removals avowed-President's Views of Louisiana Boundary, etc.-Official Appoint

ments for Orleans Territory-A Letter to Mazzei-Provision for Lafayette-To Madi-

son-Desires Republican Officeholders not to interfere in Elections-Death of General

Hamilton-His last Public Letter-His Political Standing at the time of his Death-

Result of the Presidential Election-Federal Calumnies-An Example-The Poet

Moore's Statement that the President treated the British Minister with Incivility-The

Circumstances Official Correspondence on the Subject-The Sequel-Thomas Moore's

individual Grievance-His Course and Views in this Country-His Presentation to the

President His Lampoons on the President-Anecdote-Jefferson and the Irish Melo-

dies J. Q. Adams's better kept Grudge--Second Session of Eighth Congress-Presi

dent's Message-Changes in the Senate-Impeachment of Judge Chase-The Resu!t-

Reasons for his Acquittal-Constitutional Amendments proposed-Congressional Pro-

ceedings-Gun-boats-Classes interested in opposing them-President's Policy in not

seeking to build up a great Navy-Disasters of War of 1812 imputed to this Cause-

Strength of English Navy in 1803-Strength of American Navy cn Jefferson's Acces

sion-Result of a great-navy Policy-Population and moneyed Wealth compared-The

Absurdity of then attempting to rival England as a Naval Power-The Results of the

Opposite Course-Growing a better way of acquiring Strength than Arming-The Peace

Policy Jefferson's exclusive Responsibility for it-Gun-boat Bill passed-Law against

Violators of Neutrality-Enactments against American Contraband Trade in West In-

dies-Territoral Bills-President's Correspondence-Early Prejudices against the

class of Artisans recanted-Letter to Taylor avowing his Determination to retire at

close of Second Term-Inauguration-Inaugural Speech-Cabinet Changes-Local Re-

publican Schisms-President's Letter to Logan on Consequences of these Schisms-

Character of Family Correspondence henceforth-Letter to J.W. Eppes. .

The Tripolitan War-President strengthens Mediterranean Fleet-Tripoli bombarded-

Catastrophe of the Ketch Intrepid-Preble returns Home and is succeeded by Barron

—Preble's Opinion of Gunboats-Force left in Mediterranean-Eaton's romantic Expe

dition-Advances across the Lybian Desert and captures Derne-Barron refuses Rein-

forcements to attack Tripoli-Propriety of his Refusal considered-Barron succeeded

by Rogers-Lear's Treaty with Tripoli-Criticisms on that Treaty-The Charge that

Hamet Caramalli was dishonorably abandoned-Eaton's Testimony-Barron's Instruc-

tions-Hamet's own Testimony-Unfriendly Relations with Spain-Napoleon counte-

nances Spain-The President's Manner of meeting the Insolence of French Minister--

Considers a conditional Alliance with England necessary-The Battle of Trafalgar-

It makes Napoleon our Friend and England our Enemy-Meeting of Ninth Congress

-New Members President's Message-Confidential Message on Spanish Affairs-

Report of Committee-Two Millions appropriated to purchase Floridas-John Ran-

dolph's defection-His Character and Career-Jefferson's Estimation of him-Special

Message on English Aggressions-Various Propositions and Debate thereon in the

House-Votes on Gregg's and Sloane's Resolutions-The Administration Plan-Inter-

course prohibited with St. Domingo-Appropriations-Cumberland Road Bill passed

-Its History-Coast Survey originated-Mediterranean Fund-Bills which failed-A

Political Ordeal passed by the Administration-Quarrel between John and Thomas

Mann Randolph-Garland's Statements corrected-Miranda's Expedition sails from

New York-Smith and Ogden prosecuted for Breach of Neutrality Laws-Their impu-

dent Memorial to Congress-Quincy's Charge and Retraction-Votes of the House on

the Memorial-The Finale of Miranda's Expedition-President's Correspondence with

the Emperor Alexander-An International Policy inaugurated-Letter to Monroe on

Death of Pitt-Outrage of the Leander-Hopes raised by the Accession of Fox to

British Ministry-Domestic Political Triumphs-Randolph's Newspaper Attack on

Administration-Burwell's Reply-Projects of Burr in 1805-His first Western Journey

-At Blennerhasset's Island, Nashville, New Orleans, etc.-Return-Attempts to

engage Eaton, Truxton, etc., in his Schemes-His Disclosures to Eaton-His Plans,

how fostered-His second Trip West-His Bastrop or Washita Purchase-His and

Blennerhasset's Preparations-Newspapers urging a Separation of the Atlantic and

Western States-Wilkinson's and Burr's Correspondence-Burr sends Swartwout to

Wilkinson-Burr's and Dayton's Letters in Cipher-Wilkinson's Proceedings thereon

-Declares New Orleans under Martial Law-Sends Bollman and Swartwout Prisoners

to Washington-The President's earliest Intimations of the Conspiracy-His pro-

ceedings thereon-Daviess's Measures against Burr in Kentucky-How thwarted-

Henry Clay's Agency in the Affair-Further History of the Conspiracy-Broken up—

Burr's flight-Arrested and sent to Richmond for Trial-President's Correspondence

during the Affair,

[ocr errors]

Second Session of Ninth Congress-President's Message-Special Message on English

Affairs-Congress ask Information in regard to Burr's Conspiracy-Senate pass a Bill

to suspend the writ of habeas corpus-The House summarily reject the Bill-Eppes's

Speech-Causes of reaction in public feeling-Bollman and Swartwout brought

Prisoners to Washington-President's further Information to Congress-Bollman and

Swartwout discharged from custody-Broom's Resolution to further secure privilege of

the writ of habeas corpus rejected-Bill to suppress African slave trade-Naval defences

-The different plans urged-Adjournment-Correspondence-New English Treaty-Its

inconsistency with Instructions--The President to Monroe on the subject-He rejects

the Treaty without consulting the Senate-Letters to his Cabinet-Spring Elections

in 1807-Burr brought to Richmond-The Legal Proceedings before Judge Marshall-

Burr held to Bail for a Misdemeanor-His Reception by the Federalists of Richmond-

Mr. Wickham's Dinner-Party-Chief Justice and Burr meet as Guests there-Professor

Tucker's Explanation of the Circumstance-Burr's Trial-Motion for a Subpana duces

tecum to the President-Offer of United States Attorney to voluntarily furnish all

necessary evidence-Martin's Attacks on the President-Wirt's Reply-Chief Justice's

Remarks Attacks on the President continued-President's Indignation-Martin's

Motives and Character-A Blunder avoided-The Subpana duces tecum issued-Presi-

dent's Offer in the interim to furnish all needful Testimony-His Answer on receiving

the Subpoena, etc.—A practical Commentary-Manner of treating Government Wit-

nesses-Indictment for Treason and Misdemeanor found-Burr confined in his Counsel's

house-Arraigned-His Description of his "Apartments" etc., in the Penitentiary-

Trial opened-President's Letters to United States Attorney-Motion to stop the

Introduction of Evidence in the Trial for Treason granted-Verdict of the Jury-Trial

for Misdemeanor-The Proof relied on by the Prosecution ruled out-The Sequel-Burr

held to Bail for a Misdemeanor in Ohio-President's Correspondence with District

Attorney-Accused of undue eagerness for Prisoner's Conviction-Accused of Impro-

per Interference--These Charges examined-Burr's Flight-His Miseries in Foreign

Lands-Unable to get Home-Finally reaches Home in 1812-His obscurity and Dis-

grace-Death of his Family-Dreads Imprisonment for Debt-Subsequent Course and

Closing Scene,

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