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JANUARY. Peter fourgh, Dec. 28, 1781. N confequence of the refolution of the Empress, our auguft Sovereign, respecting the augmentation of her marine, orders have been iffued for building 12 fhips of the line at Cherfon, and eight others, three-deckers, here. By this arrangement, our marine will amount to 42 fhips of the line for the Baltic, and 12 of the line for the Black Sea, exclufive of frigates, gallies, bomb-veffels, and other armed fhips.

Dantzig, Jan. 1, 1782. The total number of veffels arrived here during the year 1781, is 502, among which not one under Dutch colours; and the number of those which have failed from this port during the fame period, is 549. Among the former, 42 came from Holland; and among the latter, 30 were destined for that republic.

Moft of the Dantzig veffels have been employed in carrying hipbuilding timber to England, and have had very high freights; but as all the neutral powers are at this time building trading veffels, it is thought the freights will be lower this year than last.

During laft year, there have VOL. XXV.

only arrived here from Poland 4067 lafts of wheat, and 5600 lafts of rye, which is very different from former years, when the average importation of those grains ufed to be 40,000 lafts. We have at present in our warehoufes, about 5000 lafts of corn, and 3500 lafts of rye.

Our trade, in general, is much diminished; and if our navigation and the fale of fhip-building timber did not bring us fome advantages, many here would be in actual want.

The fleet commanded by 3d. Don Louis de Cordova, confifting of 40 fhips of the line, 9 frigates, with 70 tranfports, having 4000 troops on board, failed from Cadiz on a fecret expedition.

Milan, 18th. We have received here the ordinances of the Empe ror for the fuppreffion of fome religious orders of both fexes, the individuals of which lead a mere contemplative life, without being of any fervice to the public.

The Vienna Gazette of

19 this day's date, contains the following notification:

"Notice is hereby given to all those who have hitherto kept out of their country on account of the religion they profefs, that his Majefty pardons them, on condi[N]


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tion that they return in the course of the year 1782, promiting that they shall enjoy the fame benefits as those who, on account of religion, had quitted the place of their birth, and taken up their abode in other provinces belong ing to his faid Majefty."

The Marquis Fayette 20th. and Viscount Noailles ar

rived at Paris from their stations in North America.

St. James's, 25th. The Baron de Kutzleben had a private audience of his Majefty, to deliver a new letter of credence, giving him the character of Minifter Plenipotentiary from his Serene Highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel.He had afterwards a private audience of her Majefty.

Came on in the court of king's bench, the important question between the captors of the ifland of St. Euftatius and the British claimants of property in that ifland, Whether their claims fhould be determined in the court of admiralty, or whether the court of king's bench fhould prohibit that jurifdiction from proceeding in the fuits infituted in the admiralty, and leave the claimants to purfue their remedy against Sir G. Rodney and Gen. Vaughan in the courts of common law. This queftion drew the attention of the first gentlemen of the profeffion of the law, and was maintained with equal ability on both fides; but was at length determined in favour of the admiralty courts by Earl Mansfield. His lordship faid, that the English language could not ftate in clearer terms than the legiflature faid and understood, that the jurifdiction was in the admiralty.

A cartel fhip, with 300 26th. French prifoners on board, part of the regiments of Acqui taine and the Soifloin, which were taken by Admiral Kempenfeldt in clearing Mount Batten, in Plymouth Road, fell to leeward, miffed stays, and drove upon the reef of rocks at the east end of it. The poor unfortunate prifoners, who were but a minute before huzzaing in the highest fpirits, were now funk in the deepest diftrefs; many of them wringing their hands as if on the point of perifling. Some that could fwim reached the boats that had put off to their atlistance. Six boys got out the yaul, and attempted to reach the fhore, but were dashed against a rock, and the boat inftantly ftaved: the next wave that fucceeded caft the lads on the flore, who found means to crawl up the rocks, and were faved. A cutter that attended the cartel got out all the boats, and, with the affiftance that inftantly came from the fhore, took almost every man on board, not more than two or three being mifling, who it was fuppofed in the hurry had flipped between the boats.

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refufe, on this plea, the inftitu- the perverfion thereof from its tion into a benefice of any clerk original inftitution, have been the properly prefented by the patron." principal caufes of the unjust war An American fhip arrived with America, of the confequent 3 ft. at Oftend reports, that con- difmemberment of the British emgrefs took a refolution towards the pire, and of every grievance of end of November laft, to forbid which we complain. the importation of all goods and merchandizes of the growth or manufacture of Great Britain and its dependencies, on pain of confilcation, in cafe fuch goods and effects are found in their dominions, or within three leagues of the coaft, and being intended for that country, except they are taken in prizes, and lawfully condemned. This important refolution is to take place the 1ft of May, 1782.

At a meeting of the livery of the city of London, in commonhall affembled this day, the right honourable the lord mayor reported the answer given by his Majefty to the fheriffs of this city, refpecting the prefenting the addrefs, remonftrance, and petition, agreed to at the last common-hall; allo a letter from the Earl of Hertford, addreffed to him; and his lordfhip's answer to the faid letters. Refolved, That the thanks of this common-hall be given to the lord mayor, for the fpirit and propriety of his conduct on this


Refolved, That whoever advifed the King to deviate from the acentomed mode, admitted by his Majefty, of receiving the livery of London fitting on his throne, is an enemy to the rights and privileges of the citizens of this great capital of the British empire.

Refolved, That the unequal reprefentation of the people, the

corrupt ftate of parliament, and

Refolved, That these grievances can never be removed, until the right of the people to their conftitutional fhare in the English government fhall be re-established, by a fair and equal reprefentation in parliament, and a frequent election of their reprefentatives, according to ancient ufage.

Refolved, That for the purpose of obtaining a reftoration of thefe rights, a committee of the livery of London be appointed.

Refolved, That the committee appointed the 10th of February, 1780, by the common council of this city, to correfpond and confer with the committees of other counties, &c. proved themfelves firm friends to the people.

Refolved, That the following gentlemen be the cominittee of the livery of London now appointed to correfpond with the committees of the feveral counties, cities, &c. of the kingdom, viz. Wm. Plomer, Efq. Lord Mayor, Brafs Crosby, Efq. Fred. Bull, Efq. J. Townshend, Efq. John Wilkes, Efq. John Sawbridge, Efq. Sir Watkin Lewes, Nath, Newnham, Efq. Tho. Sainsbury, Efq. Wm. Crichton, Efq. Barnard Turner, Efq. Mr. Wm. Hurford, Samuel Vaughan, Efq. Tho. Scott, Efq. Wm. Pickett, Efq. Jofiah Dornford, Efq. Mr. Samuel Thorp, Mr. John Pinhorn, Mr. John Withers, Mr. George Bodley, Mr. Tho. Skinner, Mr. George Bellas, Mr. A. Facer Kemp. Mr. [N] 2


James Sharp, Edward Howfe, Efq. M. Cha. Lincoln, Mr. Wm. Prefton, John Jacobs, Efq. Mr. Robert Holder, Mr. Laurence Holker, M. Dep. Lake Young, Mr. Wm. Denham, jun. Mr. Dep. Jeremiah Percy, Mr. Wm. Anderfon, Mr. Nicholas Forfter, and

Mr. Wm. Falkener.

Refolved, That the faid committee to take the most effectual methods for obtaining a more

for fo readily complying with the request of the livery in calling this meeting, and for his impartial conduct during the course of the whole bufinets. R IX.

Feb. 1. The following protest, relative to the common hall held yesterday, was previously delivered to the lord mayor at the manfiorhoufe, by the gentlemen whofe names are fubfcribed:

Efq. Lord Mayor.

"My Lord,

equal reprefentation of the people To the Right Hon. William Plomer, in parliament, and a frequent election of the reprefentatives, according to ancient ufage, and for thefe purposes do confer and correfpond with other committees throughout the kingdom.

Refolved, That the common council of this city be requested to grant the ufe of the new common council room to the faid committee, for the purpose of their occafional meeting therein; and that the lord mayor be defired to communicate this request to the common council at their first meeting.

Refolved, That the faid committee be directed to meet in Guildhall, for their deliberations, and that Mr. town-clerk do attend them.

The lord mayor having prefented a paper, which his lordfhip informed the meeting had been delivered to him this morning, purporting to be a proteft against the legality of this meeting, the fame was read; and a motion being made, and the question being pur, that the fame be en tered in the records of this city, it paffed in the negative.

Refolved, That the thanks of this common hall be given to the zight honourable the lord mayor,

"At a numerous and refpectable meeting of the livery, held the 29th of January, 1782, at the Half-Moon Tavern, in Cheapfide, for the purpose of confidering the propriety of a common hall, convened by your lordship's precepts, to be holden on Thursday next,

For the purpose of receiving the report of the gentlemen appointed to deliver the addrefs, remonftrance, and petition, to his Ma jefty, agreed upon at the last common hall, and to confider what farther fteps are neceflary to be taken, on the prefent alarming and critical fituation of this kingdom,

It was the unanimous opinion of the livery prefent, That the purposes for which the faid common hall is directed to be called, are not legal, and do not concern this city in its corporate capacity:

"That a committee be ap-. pointed to draw up and deliver a protest to your lord hip against the meeting or affembling of fuch a common hall; and that the faid committee do request that fuch proteft may be read at the holding of the faid common hall, and en


tered on record in the city books. SHERIFFS appointed by his "And a committee was ordered accordingly.

"Therefore we the faid committee, and whofe names are hereunto fubfcribed, do, in purfuance of the above authority, accordingly protest to your lordship a gainst the holding of the faid in tended common hall, for the reafons before mentioned.

"And in cafe your lordship fhall, notwithstanding, think fit to hold the faid common hall, we humbly request that your lordship will permit and order the above proceedings and this proteft to be read on the hutings at the time of the holding of the faid common hall, and to be entered on record in the city books. We are, my lord, your lordship's most obedient humble fervants, Gabriel Leekey, Skinner. John Merry, Draper. Thomas Wellings Needle-maker. Thomas Tomlins, Scrivener. Thomas Evans, Armourer and Brazier."

DIED. At Stetin, Duke Auguftus William of Brunswick Lunenburg Bevern. All his poffefAll his poffef fions, which were very confider-, able, devolve to his brother Duke Charles, the only remaining branch of Bevern.

At Darlington, in the bishoprick of Durham, J. Nicholls, a labouring man, aged 105.

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Majefty in council for the year 1782, viz. Berkshire. Poftponed. Bedfordshire. Robert Thornton, of Moggerhanger, Eiq. Bucks. Jofeph Jacques, of Tickford Park, Efq.

Cumberland. W. Dacre, of Kirklington, Efq.

Chefhire. Sir P. Warburton, of

Warburton, Bart.

Camb. & Hunt, Henry Poynter
Standly, of Little Paxton, Efq.
Cornwall. John Coryton, of Cin
cadon, Efq.

Devonshire. Sir John W. Pole,
of Shute, Bart.
Dorfetthire. W. Churchill,- of -
Henbury, Efq.
Derbyshire. Richard Loe, of
Lockoe, Efq.
Effex.. Wm. Dalby, of Waltham-
ftow, Esq.

Charles Hay-. ward, of Quedgley, Efq..... Hertfordshire. John Michie, of North Mimms, Efq.

Herefordshire. Francis Wm. Tho.
Bridges of Tibberton, Efq.
Kent. Samuel Boys, of Hawk-
hurt, Efq.

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Leicestershire. Sir John Palmer, of Carlton Curlieu, Bart. Lincolnshire. William Pennyman, of Little Ponton, Efq. Monmouthshire. Poftponed. Northumberland. Calverley Bewicke, of Clofe House, Efq. Northamptonshire. Henry Sawbridge, of Daventry, Esq. Norfolk. Henry Lee Warner, of Wallingham, Efq. Nottinghamshire.

John Litchfield, of Mansfield, Efq. Oxfordfire. Wm. Philips, of Culham, Efq.

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