Imágenes de páginas

near Malton, were blown down by the high winds. When Meffrs. Bucks cook a view of them, 1721, they were not very confiderable.

The remains of Kirkham priory, lian and Swifs troops, 11,000 ; feven regiments guarda coltas, 7700; battalions of militia, 21,600; fixteen regiments of cavalry, 8400; dragoons, 6000; fuzilleers, 1200; invalids, 6500; detached volunteer corps of Grenada, Caftile, and Andalufia, Sooo.

Vienna. The emperor 18th. is determined to employ 100,000 florins annually in the education of foldiers children: of 50 regiments difperfed in Germany and Hungary, each will receive the annual fum of 2000 florins, which are to be expended in the education of 48 boys, whofe fathers ferve in thofe regiments as foldiers. Their education is to be very fimple, the object in view being to form good fubalterns for the army, which they have for a long time felt the want of. The boys thus inftructed, are to enter into fervice at eighteen years

of age.

Adm. Office. Rear Adm. 19th. Graves of the London, acquaints the admiralty board with his having taken, in his paffage from New York to the West Indies, a French fhip of Soo tons, 38 guns, and 319 men, called the Imperieux, from Cadiz to Philadelphia, laden with falt, fome arms, cannon, mixed goods, and medicines..

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Vienna. Pius VI. fove

reign Roman pontiff, arrived yesterday in this capital. His imperial majefty, accompanied by his royal, highness the Archduke Maximilian, went to meet his holinefs through Naustadt to Neukirken, where the firft interview took place. After staying fome time at the military academy at Neukirken, the holy father went into a coach with the emperor, and was received without the lines by a detachment of noble Hungarian and Gallician guards, who escorted him to the castle, where, in the midst of an innumerable concourse of people of all ranks, forming a line to the entrance of the imperial palace, his holiness arrived at half past three in the afternoon.

On defcending from the coach the holy father was received by the apoftolic nuncio, the minifters of ftate, the privy counfellors, and chamberlains, and conducted by his imperial majesty and the Archduke Maximilian through the grand apartment to the oratory of the chapel of the chamber, where, in the prefence of the whole court, Te Deum was performed, by way of thanksgiving, for the happy arrival of his holinefs, the hoft being expofed. After prayers the pope retired to his apartment, where the Archduke Maximilian repaired in the even



ing; and a little after, his eminence to the hofpitals, went in the ufual

the Cardinal Harzan, who arrived from Rome the fame day, had an audience of his holiness.

This day the Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Lincoln, brother to the lord chancellor, was inftalled Dean of St. Paul's.

The Danish envoy ex

30th. traordinary at the British court, has demanded, on the part of the king his matter, first, The restoration of the Danifh fhips taken at St. Eustatius; and fecondly, The merchant fhips which Capt. Schioning was convoying to the Antilles, and which he permitted fome English privateers to make prizes of without the leaft refiftance.-This demand, it is thought, will not be speedily adjusted.

DIED, Lately, at Lifbon, after a long and painful illnefs, John Jennings, Efq. groom of the bedchamber to his R. H. the Duke of Cumberland, grandfon of the late Sir John Jennings, and nephew to the Earl of Clanrickarde.

At Brandford, Wiltshire, John Ifles, aged 103.

At Bath, aged 90, Mrs Sarah Paimer, mother to Mr Palmer, of Chapel-farm, on Lanfdown. She has left iffue, children, grandchildren, and great-grand-children, 156. She enjoyed a good ftate of health till within a few days of her death.

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proceffion from the Manfion houfe to St. Bride's church, where an excellent fermon was preached by the bithop of Lincoln.

The entertainment and ball at the manfion-house this evening, being Eafter Monday, was the moft fplendid that has been given by the chief magiftrate for fome years paft.-The lord chancellor, Dukes of Richmond, Devonshire, and Manchefter; the Marquiffes of Rockingham and Caermarthen; Lord Howe, Mr. Fox, Mr Burke, Gen. Conway, Mr. Townfhend, Mr. Sheridan, and many other diftinguished perfonages were pre fent. The dinner was fumptuous in the extreme; the decorations and confectionaries were remarkable for taste and novelty. The ball was the most numerous of any for fome years: it is faid that not lefs than 1800 perfons were prefent.

This morning between 9 3d. and 10 o'clock fome villains found means to break into the apartments belonging to Mr. Brooke, Somerfet herald, in the college of arms, and in the space of 20 minutes plundered them of plate, linen, wearing apparel, and other moveables, to a confiderable amount, with which they got clear off.

Prince de Gallitzin and M. de Markoff, minifters from the Emprefs of Ruffia, prefented a me. morial to the flates-general, in conformity to the mediation fubmitted to her imperial majefty, for accelerating a fincere reconciliation between his Britannic Majefty and their republic. To this memorial was annexed the copy of a letter addreffed to Monf. Si

molin, her imperial majefty's minifter at the court of London, by Mr. Fox, fecretary of ftate to his Britannic Majefty, expreffive of his Majefty's readinefs to enter into a negociation with their high mightineffes; and to give immediate orders for an armistice, if, on their fide, the lords flates general judge fuch a measure confonant to the end propoied. To this letter, however, no fatisfactory anfwer has been given.

The Vanfittart, the Glat Ath. ton, and Ld. Mansfield, Eaft Indiamen, arrived at their moorings in the river Thames from China Rear Admiral Rofs hoifted 5th. his flag on board the Buffalo at Portsmouth.


Rear Admiral Kempenfeldt hoifted his flag on board the Royal George.

A court of common-coungth. cil was held at Guildhall, at which a motion was made and feconded, that an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majelty, on the late change in adminiftration; which was agreed to, and a committee appointed to draw it up.

A motion was next made and feconded, that 2000l. be applied in giving bounties of 40s. to every able feaman, and zos. to every ordinary feaman, who shall voluntarily enter into his Majesty's navy; but the inexpediency of this motion being clearly demonftrated, the fame was withdrawn..

The court ordered the ufe of the new common-council room (or any other part of the Guildhall most convenient) to the correSponding committee appointed at the last common-hall.

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The following were chofen directors of the Bank :

Benjamin Winthorp, Efq. and Mr. Boddington.

Cosves. Admiral Barrington has made a fignal from the Británnia, for all the hips to unmoor; which they are now performing, though the wind is at the S. W. and therefore will prevent their failing. The fleet at Spithead confits of 19 fail of the line, viz. three of 100 guns, four of 90, feven of 74, and five of 64 guns: they are all coppered, and complete veffls. Admirals Barrington and Kempenfeldt command them. Befides the hips of the line, there are five frigates, with two fire-fhips and two cutters.

Admiral Barrington, with 14th. the fleet under his command, paffed by Torbay. Wind at E.

Dublin Cafle. The Duke of Portland, who embarked at Holyhead last night, arrived fafe in this harbour this morning. His grace was received at landing by the lord mayor, aldermen, theriffs, and commons of the city of Dublin. The foot forces in garrifon lined the freets through which his grace, attended by a iquadron of dragoons, proceeded


jefty's fhip Artois, with the Bellona, Grand Serpentine, Duc de Chartres, Villa Nova, Fidelity, Lionefs, Superb, and two others; all prizes taken by Admiral Barrington's fquadron, laden with troops, military itores, clothing, &c. and bound to the Eaft Indies.

to the caftle; and the council having met at three o'clock, his grace was introduced in form to Lord Carlile, who received him fitting under the canopy of flate in the prefence-chamber, from whence a proceffion was made to the council-chamber, where his grace's commifli n was read, and the oaths administered to him: afLord Carlifle arrived in 24th. ter which, his grace having retown from Ireland, and ceived the fword from Lord Car- immediately waited on her Malifle, the great guns in his Majesty at the Queen's palace. jefty's Phoenix l'ark were fired, and aniwered by the regiments on duty, which were drawn up on College-green. His grace then repaired to the prefence-chamber, where he received the compliments of the nobility and other perfons of diftinction.

-Thomas and George 17th. Welton, brothers, two mott notorious villains, who for fome years have defrauded the country by various artful contrivances, and who fome time ago robbed the western mail, were at length apprehended, and committed this day to feparate prifons. At a chapter of the gar19th. ter his Royal Highnefs Prince Wm. Henry, the Duke of Richmond and Devonshire, and the Earl of Shelburne, were declared duly elected, and the three laft invested accordingly.

This day their H. M. the States General, by the unanimous confent of all the members of their confederate republic, took the memorable refolution of acknow ledging the independence of the United States of America, and of admitting Mr. Adams in quality of minister.

Arrived at Plymouth his Ma

Arrived at Portsmouth

25th. the Pegafus, a French 74, convoy to the transports bound to the East Indies. She is copper bottomed, and was taken by the Foudroyant, with the lots of only 3 or 4 people wounded, of whom the Captain (Jarvis) was one.

Adm. Office. Letters from

27th. Vice Admiral Barrington confirm the capture of the Pe gafus, and four of the French tranfports, viz. La Fidelite, with 178 troops and ftores on board; La Bellone, 147 ditto; La Lione, 180 ditto; and Duc de Chartres, stores and arms.

DIED, At Mr. Keate's, furgeon, in Parliament-freet, Edw. Chamberlayne, Efq. F. A. S. lately appointed one of the joint fecretaries to the treasury. The melancholy accident which occafioned this gentleman's death, took its rife from an excess of diffidence attending his recent appointment. The day on which the fatal accident happened, he was vifited by a friend," who remonstrated with him on the abfurdity of the apprehenion with which he appeared to be actuated, and requested him to go with him into the park, where they would difcufs the mat


ter at their leisure. Mr. Chamberlayne promised to comply, and pretended to go up ftairs for his hat and cane; but took that opportunity to throw himfelf out of the window, in fuch a pofition as to light upon his head, which produced the fracture of which he died. He was one of the best fcholars of the age, equally proficient in erudition and taste, at once profound in literature, and polite. The lofs of fuch a man is therefore to be confidered as a public lofs.

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The weather was uncommonly fevere, not in England only, but almost all over Europe. At Vienna the froft continued fo rigorous, that the vines were thought to be materially hurt in Italy fuch a fall of now as has never been remembered: in Ruffia many thousands have perifhed of a ficknefs, owing to the rigour of the feafon: in Sweden men and cattle have perifhed tor want of food: in the Highlands of Scotland cattle die, or are killed, for want of fodder. In thort, the feverity of the weather has been generally felt.


curred by the illegal practices of clandeftinely running prohibited or uncuftomed goods, who fhall, on or before the first day of July next, voluntarily enter themselves as failors on board any fhips belonging to the royal navy, or who fhall procure one fit and able feaman and one fit and able landman, as fubftitutes to ferve for him, her, or them, provided the penalty to which fuch perfons are liable does not exceed the fum of 500l. thofe above, and under 2000l. to find two fit and able feamer and two fit and able landmen; and thofe above 2000l. to find three fit and able feamen and three fit and able landmen; upon which conditions all specified offences are to be forgiven. Likewife his Majetty's pardon to all deferters who fhall furrender before the 17th of June.

Nine fail of Dutch men 4th. of war of the line put to fea from the Texel; but on the 11th moft of them returned.

Admiral Kempenfeldt failed 6th. from Spithead, with 7 fhips of the line and a frigate, on a cruize to the weitward.

This day the entry on the Jour nals of the Houfe of Commons of the 17th of February, 1769, purporting "that John Wilkes, Efq.. Sir James Marriot made was judged incapable of fitting in the report of five pirates un- that Houfe," was, on motion, order fentence of death, (among dered to be expunged: 115 to 47. whom was Luke Ryan) to his MaLord Howe, with 12 fhips 9th. jefty, when they were all ordered of the line, failed from St. for execution. Helens, as fuppofed, to watch the motions of the Dutch fleet.

3d. A proclamation was this

day iffued for granting a free pardon to all fmugglers and others under profecution, or liable to profecution, outlawry, in prifon, or beyond fea, for any penalties in

Six large fhips, as convoy, thought to be part of this fleet, were feen on the 12th, 25 leagues off Buchannels in Scotland, fteering N. N. E. fuppofed to be going


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