Imágenes de páginas

HERE give me leave, My LORD, to add one Reafon, which may feriously recommend this Work of mine to the Perufal of KINGS, and GOVERNOURS Of Kingdoms. For fince their Empire, and Administration of it, is not fo immediately concern'd with the Care of Corn or Cattel, as in a more proper and peculiar Manner, with Men themselves; who will not readily grant, that these Precepts of ours, concerning the Generation of a beautiful human Offspring, are conducive to the Strength and Glory of Kingdoms, and deferving to be annex'd even to the SALIC Laws?

ACCEPT therefore, Moft Eminent Cardinal, this genuine Progeny of my Mufe, which may lay fome Title to Commendation, if not on account of the Elegance of the Style, yet certainly for the Dignity of the Subject;

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-Et jam nunc votis affuefce vocari.

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IT would indeed be neceffary here, that I, who have undertaken to manage fo nice and delicate an Argument, fhould have done it in a luitable and extraordinary Way, with the utmost Vigour of Spirit, and in a Style above the Relifh of the Vulgar : But I must plead the Narrowness of too circumfcrib'd a Genius. However, My LORD, You, I hope, will youchfafe to supply the Place of Mecanas to me; and as You infinitely excel him in the skilful Administration of Government, and the other Arts both of Peace and War, fo is it agreeable to the Greatnefs of Your Eminency's Soul, not only to imitate, but overcome him, in Affability, Gentleness, Condefcenfion, and a profufe and undifguis'd Affection for the Lovers of


the politer Learning. So live, and enjoy the Favour of all good Men, and continue Yours, to,


Tour Eminency's

Moft Devoted,

Moft Oblig'd and

Moft Obedient Servant,

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Monfieur BAYLE'S




LAUDIUS QUILLET, a Native of Chinon in Touraine, was one of the most celebrated Poets of the XVIIth Century. I have

See Bayle's Dictionary, laft Dutch Edition, Articles

of Grandier and Quillet,

* A 5


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