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be fitted to promote and extend these desirable objects. After the conference with the sessions, the presbytery disposed of some other business connected with the students within their bounds. It was also agreed to recommend to sessions to set apart an early day, or part of a day, for offering up special thanks to Almighty God for his great goodness in the late harvest. In accordance with appointment of presbytery, held on 19.h September, Dr Taylor submitted the following resolutions against the contemplated endowment of the Roman Catholics in Ireland, which were unanimously adopted:—⠀

1. That we have observed with the utmost anxiety that there is a general, and apparentty well-founded, apprehension, that it is the intention of her Majesty's government shortly to propose to the legislature a measure for the endowment of the Roman Catholic priesthood in Ireland; that we are grieved to understand that a great majority of the memhers of both houses, as well as of the aristocracy, and of politicians generally, are personally favourable to the object; and that we especially regret to learn, from the common and uncontradicted reports of the public prints, that the prime minister lately intimated. in his place in parliament, that he would regard the unfavourable opinion of the people of Britain as no bar to the measure. A

2. That while we regard Popery as a horrible perversion of Christianity, as highly pernicious to men's spiritual and eternal interests, while we consider it decidedly unfavourable to the development of the intellectual and moral faculties, by reason of the euervating and often polluting sacerdotal influence it exerts, while we hold it to be hostile to civil liberty, and, in many ways, prejudicial to the temporal prosperity and well-being of a country in which it prevails, we nevertheless deprecate every thing approaching to the persecution or coercion of Roman Catholics on account of their religion, and contendo that they, in common with all other classes of her Majesty's subjects free from crime, are entitled to the full privileges of citizenship, irrespective of religious principles or profession.

on the nation by its having to witness, the absolute profligacy of a government upholding, at the public expense, simultaneously, and among the same people, hostile and conflicting religious systems, each claiming to be divine in its origin, and each denouncing the other as hateful to God, and ruinous to the 'souls of those who embrace it conduct than which we can conceive nothing more calen lated to destroy in the minds of the people all reverence for religion,odious to forendol

4. That aware of the existence of grave doubts respecting the propriety of religious bodies, as such, holding intercourse with the civil powers, especially bodies refusing, to admit the right of the state to take cognisance of religion, we refrain from any measure of that sort, and offer no recommendation on the subject to the congregations under our inspection, but express our earnest hope that the members and adherents of our churches will, in their civil capacity, and in conjunétion with such of their fellow citizens as may be like-minded with them on this point, avail themselves of their undoubted privilege, and discharge what we conceive to be their inperative duty, by addressing, at this crisis, their several representatives, the legislature, and the government, in respecful but strenuous opposition to a measure which, viewed with respect to the baleful influence it is fitted to exert on religion, or to its inevitable ́effect in augmenting taxation, or to its direct and powerful tendency to subserve the purposes of political corruption, is one of the most reprehensible and alarming that ever was proposed to be perpetrated by parlia ment. Prompt and resolute opposition we conceive to be demanded as the only means fitted to be of use for preventing so obnoxious a deed, or, should that be impracticable, for making it apparent, in the event of members of the legislature being determined to follow out their own private views, and set public opinion at defiance, that they alone have the responsibility for the consequences, be these what they may."outh older Dieno

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Next meeting to be held in West Port Session House, on the Tuesday after the first Dundee. This presbytery met on the Sabbath of January 1849. sni--,betimdug 14th November; Rev. Jas. Reid M Gavin, 3. That regarding ecclesiastical establishmoderator, pro tempore, omSustaineds an ments as not only unscriptural and inimical unanimous call from Wishart Church, Danto the interests of religion, but also, in a civil dee, addressed to Mr John Baxter, preach point of view, unjust, impolitic, and in every ser, signed by 377 members, and 1408adrespect inexpedient, we are strongly of opi-herents. Granted supply of sermon to the mion that all legitimate and constitutional first congregation, Kirriemuir, in view of means ought to be diligently and persevering- obtaining a colleague to their present, aged ly used for effecting a dissolution of the con- minister. Entered on consideration of the nection between church and state, and espe- remits of Synod. Appointed atmall.compecially for preventing all additional endow-mitted to examine the hymn book, and rements from being granted to any sect or party of religionists whatsoever, the rather port at next meeting of presbytery isthe is scarcely disguised that one main object Revit Roberto Gemmell, convenes The for which additional endowment is now conpresbytery was then occupied for a ¿pontemplated, is the preservation and consolida-asiderable time in answering the queries e9 tion of existing establishments, while there sospecting the constitution of a delugated seems to be the most shameless disregard of supreme court. The remit on the distributhe demoralizing effects likely to be produced-stion of probationers was deferred till, Tues

that it

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day, the 16th January 1849, the next meet> sons for translation, and answers to the ing of presbytery,g a to vosuillong stuloeds same, were read. The commissioners froin Edinburgh. This presbyterymet on both churches were heard Mr Edmond Tuesday, 7th November, Dr Ritchie, mode- was called upon to state his own views and rator. A petition for a moderation was feelings in reference to the matter, which he presented from Union Church, Musselburgh. did at considerable length; and concluded The presbytery appointed a moderation to by intimating his determination of abiding take place there on Thursday, the 23d No- by his present charge. Whereupon the presvember Mr Smart, Leith, to preside. Mr bytery declared the call to be set aside.bor) Johnston of Nicholson Street, who, by ap- 10 Galloway This court met at Wigtown pointment of presbytery, had long taken on the 15th November, sustained a call charge of the students connected with the from the congregation of Wigtown to the church, while prosecuting their studies at Rev. Peter Hannay of Creetown, and sumthe university, expressed his desire that an- moned the parties interested to appear at other should now be appointed in his room. next meeting. Took up the Synod's remit Mr Thomson, Broughton Place, was unani- respecting a delegated assembly, when, mously chosen. Mr Johnston reported after lengthened discussion, the two folmost favourably of the students under his lowing motions were made; first, that the care last session; and received the thanks presbytery, in obedience to the remit of of the presbytery for his services. A peti- Synod, proceed now to answer the queries stion from thes Edinburgh Young Men's Mu- transmitted by the Synod regarding the tual Improvement Association, praying the composition of a delegated court; second, presbytery to enjoin its members to counsel that any change in the present constitution Young men within the Bounds of their re- of the supreme court is, in the mean time, spective congregations to join the society, uncalled for. The second motion was prewas read; but but the pres esbytery, while as in- ferred to the first by a majority of seven dividuals highly approving of the objects to five, and that for such reasons as the contemplated by the petitioners, determined following:-1. The great diversity of opithat, as the association was not under their nion in the church on the subject, as manicontrol; they could not, as a court, comply fested by the reports given in at last with the prayer of the petitionThe pres- meeting of Synod, shows that, while it 9bytery then proceeded to the consideration may be proper to discuss the question, the of the list of queries regarding a delegated church is not yet ripe for such a change. -court, sent down from the Synod to be re- 2. The difficulty of attaining such a system ported upon before next meeting. To the of delegation as will afford general satisfirst query, as to whether or not there should faction, and work beneficially. 3. The be a delegated supreme court, the presby- felicitous condition of the Synod at last tery resolved to return an answer in the meeting for the dispatch of business was affirmative; and regarding the second ques- such, as tu render it doubtful whether any tion, relating to the number of members, conceivable, change in its constitution, would it was agreed to recommend that the pro- be an improvement. 4. The confidence portion should be one-third of each presby- which the church reposes in the Synod, tery. Considerable discussion took place and the deference which theo church pays upon the third question, which refers to the Ito the decisions of the Synod, are at pretamodes of selection and two motions were sent, perhaps, unparalleled and therefore submitted, the first proposing that the very great caution's shouwhich night in the be exercised in 9mode should be partly by rota- attempting any change which tion and election, as presbyteries least shake that confidence, and diminish may from time to time determine and these 5. The deep interest in second, that it be by rotation alone. On a cause, which is generated division, the first motion was carried by a and cherished by the Wednesday evening -majority of 12 to 11 The presbytery, de-meetings of Synod, instead of being isus9layed the consideration of the other points tained and increased, would be damaged till next meeting.The subject of the pro- by restricting the constitution of the Synod, bposed endowment of the Irish Catholic and thus the missionary efforts of our priesthood was brought before the presby-church would be crippled in proportion. -tery by Mr Laing, elder, bolt was resolved 6. We see see no ground for believing that, to postpone consideration of the subject till according to its present constitution, the 9 hext ordinary meeting our xente supreme court will ofte will often be more numeronTFalkirk. An extraordinary meetinghofous than it was at last meeting, except - this court was held in the Easty United -Church, on the 31st October, for the purpose bof disposing of the call from Regent Place Church Glasgow, in favour of the Rev. -John Edmond of Denny-Loadheads Rea

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when some vital principle of universal interest shall come before it; and then the more numerous the better, in order to give toweight to its decisione a striking illustration of what we mean was lately furnished

in the procedure of the United Associate Synod, when the moderator dispatched a circular, earnestly requesting the attendance of as many members as possible, and which procedure was followed by the hap piest consequences: but were the constitution of the supreme court to be restricted, such an expedient, even in the greatest emergency, would be altogether impracticable; and, 7. The times in which we live are stirring and momentous, nations and churches being placed in new circumstances, and exhibiting new phases very unexpectedly: and therefore, if it be true that," in the multitude of counsellors there is safety," it follows that the constitution of the Synod should be as liberal as possible. Against the above decision several members dissented, for reasons to be lodged in due time. Some routine business was transacted, and the next meeting appointed to be held at Wigtown on the 5th December.

Glasgow. The presbytery met on the second Tuesday of last month; the Rev. Dr Struthers, moderator. Messrs M'Donald, Henderson, Morton, Fullarton, Ross, and Brown, having been examined, received trials for license. The committee for revising the rules and regulations for superintendence of students, gave in a report, which was adopted; and the committee was re-appointed to have the rules and regulations printed and circulated amongst ministers and students of the presbytery. From a minute of the presbytery of Newcastle, it was learned that Mr Peter Bannatyne had been loosed from his charge of Hexham, and his induction at Blantyre was appointed for the 28th of November; Mr Hugh Stirling to preside, and Mr Wield to preach, on the occasion. A call to Mr Robert Mitchell from the congregation of Drymen was sustained, and further time granted to him to decide on this call, and the call from Old Kilpatrick East. The report of the committee on the constitution of Renfield Street Church was adopted, approving of it, and instructing the clerk to certify accordingly. A committee was appointed to draw up resolutions expressive of the mind of the presbytery in reference to the threatened endowment of Popery in Ireland, and to suggest whatever other measures may be expedient in present circumstances, and to report. Several discourses delivered by students, at the meeting in the evening, were sustained, and thereafter the presbytery adjourned.

Lanark.This court met on the 31st October, and was constituted by the Rev. George Johnston. After the usual pre liminary business, a series of resolutions, condemnatory of the contemplated proposal of her Majesty's ministers to en

dow Popery in Ireland, were submitted, and unanimously adopted. The pres bytery afterwards held a conference with the Sabbath-school teachers within the bounds, who had been invited to attend for this purpose. Addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs Smith and McFarlane. A familiar conversation on the great subject of Sabbath-school education then followed, in which the teachers present were invited to take a part. The interesting, and it is hoped profitable ser vices, were closed with devotional exer cises. It was agreed to hold the next meeting on the Tuesday after the second: Sabbath of December.

Newcastle. At a meeting of presbytery held on the 1st October, on petition from the congregation of Stockton, a moderas tion was appointed to take place there on Thursday 26th October; Mr Houston to preach and preside. On considering the Synod's recommendation as to presbyterial visitations, it was agreed that this presby tery take immediate measures for carrying this important object into effect--that the series of proposed visitations be commenced in Sunderland, the ministers there to make arrangements for this purpose, and to report to next meeting of the presbytery." The question of a supreme delegated court, together with the queries remitted by the Synod as to the constitution of such a court, were considered, when, after some conver sation, it was agreed "that this presbytery holding the opinion that, in the present circumstances of the church, especially as connected with the recent Union, it is not expedient, for the present, to take measures for the formation of a delegated court, decline giving any judgment concerning the questions submitted to them by the Synod in reference to the constitution of such court." The presbytery met again, October 17th, when the Rev. Dr Beattie, being present, was requested to take his! seat as a corresponding member. ministers of Sunderland having reported a plan for the visitation of the congre gations there, it was agreed that the presbytery should meet for general business at Sunderland on Tuesday 7th Nov and that the visitation should take place in the evening. The ministers of Newcastle and Shields were appointed to make ar rangements for their respective localities at a time afterwards to be fixed.



Beattie, by appointment of the presbytery of Glasgow, having laid on the table a call to the Rev. Peter Bannatyne of Hexham from the congregation of Blantyre, together with a paper containing reasons for theb translation, it was agreed that notice of this call be given to the congregation of Hexham, that they may appear for their。

interests at next meeting of presbytery, on the 7th November. Appointed Messrs Pringle, Bell, and Houston a committee Mr Bell, convener to consider the plan proposed in the Synod's rules for the dis tribution of preachers, and report. Mr Bell gave notice of a motion to memorialise the Synod against the practice of reading discourses in the pulpits of the United Presbyterian Church, and also notice of a motion for reviewing the presbytery's decision as to a fund for meeting its expenses. Mr Fraser, at the same time, gave notice of a motion for reviewing the decision of the presbytery upon the question of a supreme delegated court. The presbytery met at Sunderland, November 7th, when there was read a letter from Mr Young of Bellingham, stating that he had been for a considerable time under severe affliction; it was agreed, in sympathy with Mr. Young, to provide supply for his congregation during the month of December. Mr Houston reported his proceedings in the moderation at Stockton, and laid on the table a call from the congregation there to the Rev. Thomas Bowman, late of North Shields. The call, which was unanimous, was unanimously sustained. The clerk was instructed to ascertain Mr Bowman's decision in due course. Mr M'Innes, commissioner from Blantyre, was heard in support of the call to Mr Bannatyne; and Messrs J. Chatt and Dodd, commissioners from Hexham, were heard in reply. Mr Bannatyne was also heard, stating that he felt it his duty to resign his present charge, and to accept the call from Blantyre. Upon which it was agreed to dissolve the relation between Mr Bannatyne and the congregation of Hexham. The presbytery agreed to record the unanimous expression of their warmest affection and esteem for Mr Bannatyne, and their deep sympathy with the congregation of Hexham. Mr Pringle was appointed to preach at Hexham, to intimate this decision to the congregation, and give them such counsel as their present circumstances. might require. Read a memorial from the session of Carliol street congregation in Newcastle against any change in the constitution of the Synod. The presbytery agreed to transmit the memorial to Synod. As to the question of a supreme delegated court, it was moved, according to notice, that the presbytery review its decision upon that subject. It was also moved that the presbytery adhere to its former deci sion. The second motion was adopted by a large majority. Upon which Mr Fraser dissented, for reasons to be given in if deemed necessary. Next meeting to be held at North Shields, on which day the visitation of the congregations there, and at South

Shields, shall take place. An adjourned meeting was held in the evening at Sunders land, when the committees appointed to visit the sessions and congregations there, reported their proceedings, which were ap proved. These reports, expressing the cordial feeling evinced among the parties who had met on that interesting occasion, were welcomed as satisfactory and encouraging, holding out a fair promise that the series of visitations, thus auspiciously commenced, will prove, when completed, by the divine blessing, a measure of great utility to all the ministers and congregations concerned.

Paisley and Greenock.--This presbytery met on 7th November; Rev. Mr Meikle, moderator. A call from the congregation of Gourock to Mr John Baxter, probas tioner, was sustained. Reports were called for as to the collection for the Liquidation Debt Board, and for the Synod Fund. A motion on the minutes in reference to presbyterial visitation was taken up, and a committee appointed to consider the details of a plan according to which the congregations may be visited. Students in the bounds were examined, and a committee appointed to superintend their studies. A committee was appointed to consider the proposed hymn-book. Entered on the remit of Synod respecting a delegated assembly, but adjourned the consideration of it till next meeting, to be held at Paisley on the third Tuesday of December.

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Perth. This presbytery met on the 14th November. A call from the congregation of Lethendy to Mr Joseph Hay, preacher, was sustained, and subjects of trial for or dination appointed to him. Mr D. Young of Kinclaven was appointed to preside in the moderation of a call, Mr Mar shall to assist, in the second congregation, 1 Coupar-Angus. The presbytery agreed to consider the question of a delegated as sembly at next meeting, on Tuesday, the 9th of January.

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1. Stockton-on-Tees. Rev. Thomas Bowman, formerly of North Shields, called 26th October; Rev. J. C. Houston of Newcastle presiding.

Keith The Rev. A. Millar of South Ronaldshay, Orkney, called November 13th; Rev. J. White of Boghole presiding.

Drymen. Mr Robert Mitchell, probationer, called 25th October; Mr Burgess of Glasgow presiding.


Mr William Drummond, licensed by the presbytery of Edinburgh 1st October.

Messrs Donald M'Donald, James Henderson, Andrew Morton, Thomas Fullarton, Ebenezer Ross, and George Brown,

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Monthly Retrospect.


WE referred last month to a declaration issued by the Romish hierarchy of Ireland, deprecating a state provision for their clergy and themselves; and as if notice had been regularly given of a parliamentary motion on the subject--announcing their determination to resist the project. Nobody acquainted with the nature of Jesuit tactics, and the principles of the Romish faith, will regard this announcement as any thing else than an indirect move in the game in which endowment is the stake played for. O'Connell's plan was to take an instalment in the mean time, and continue his importunity till the whole claim should be discharged; but a different system is sometimes deemed more expedient, and the priests, like skilful players, decline to pick up a chessman of inferior value, when they think that, by their forbearance, they are likely to make a better capture at the next move. Nolo episcopari is a phrase which has come down to us by tradition, as having been used by Romish clergy; but nolo dotari, or any thing equivalent, would, in their mouth, be something new under the sun. All the principles of a Romish priest lead him to regard the civil magis trate and the national purse as, by divine right, the servant and the property of mother church; and for kings and premiers to hold a priest's stirrup, or kiss a priest's toe, is, according to him, the true model of church and state connexion. It would be the height of folly, therefore, if the enemies of Romish endowment were put off their guard by the manifesto of the bishops. The recollection of O'Connell's

By appointment of Synod, objections to any of the hymns in the draught hymnbook must be sent to the committee before 1st January 1849; and hymns which re main unchallenged at that date, are to be held as approved by the church, ad quidt W oko 9.3 121 molnige to 31 SOMNT 120mm adt diw be Sanilt sw algeo it 149:96 st 79d declaration in favour of the voluntary sys tem, with his subsequent scramble for thirty thousand annually wrung from Protestant dissenters and others to support Romanism at Maynooth, should be enough to keep the country awake in spite of the sleeping dose compounded for it by the united skill of the archbishops and bishops met at Dublin," on the 11th October last. The agitation, accordingly, goes on as vigorously as if the right reverend fathers had

held their peace. eds grillmost eqoileid

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A letter published last month by priest of the archdiocese of Tuam," fürnishes us with additional means of apprais ing the patriotic professions of the Romish dignitaries. It discloses also in a light which leaves no room for doubt, the secret history of the ministerial project! The idea of closing the clamorous mouth of Irish patriotism, by buying up the priests, had long been in favour with political coteries, both Whig and Tory; but the ex pounding of it in parliament, at the time and in the circumstances chosen by the premier, was a stroke of policy adapted to a crisis. The priests' necessity was to be Lord John's opportunity; and that the hour of necessity had come, there was, ad cording to the letter referred to, good ground for his Lordship to believe. Let us hear the Tuam priest: Without speaking of the other provinces, I can state with truth, that there is not a bishop in this province who had not, in ordinary times, an annual income of from L.700 to L.1200. In their menial livings, as in other parishes, their revenues have suffered some decrease. But in their great sources of income such as clerical dues and dispensa27 tion fees there has been scarcely any di minution. On an average, the bishops


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