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meeting-which was in substance, that the present constitution of the court should be allowed to remain unchanged for some time longer-was brought forward; and, after some discussion, the presbytery agreed to report it to the Synod, as their opinion, that for the present it would not be expedient to make any change in the constitution of the supreme court. Having adopted this opinion, they declined proceeding to answer the remitted queries on the subject. The consideration of the hymn-book was deferred till next meeting, on the Tuesday after the second Sabbath of December, at Dunfermline. All the members were informed to be prepared, by that time, to give their opinion as to what hymns should be retained, and on the subject generally.

Falkirk.-A special meeting of this court was held on the 5th of September, for the purpose of taking into consideration the remits of Synod to presbyteries. In the absence of the moderator, the Rev. William Smart was called to the chair, and constituted the meeting by prayer; and was followed by Mr Cuthbert in conducting devotional exercises. The queries proposed to presbyteries, as to a delegated assembly, were discussed, and answers to each of them agreed to. The further consideration of the subject was deferred till a future meeting. The proposed hymn-book, and the "scheme and rules for the distribution of preachers," came under consideration, and committees for the mature consideration of each of these subjects were appointed. The regular meeting of this presbytery was held upon the 3d of October. The Rev. William Steel, moderator, constituted the meeting by prayer, and was succeeded by the Rev. Mr Gardiner in conducting devotional exercises. The most important matter which came before the court, was the production of a call from Regent Place church, Glasgow, in favour of the Rev. John Edmond, colleague and successor to the venerable Dr Stark of Denny-Loanhead. The parties interested were furnished with reasons for translation, and summoned to appear with answers to their reasons at next meeting of presbytery, on the 31st of October. Messrs Leckie and Porteous having completed their course of study, were examined and taken on trials, in order to license as preachers of the gospel; and parts of trials prescribed to them.

Glasgow. The presbytery of Glasgow met on the second Tuesday of October; Rev. Mr M'Naughton of Milngavie, moderator. A call to Mr Mitchell, preacher, from the congregation of Craigs, Old Kilpatrick East, was sustained, and concurred in by the presbytery, and trials for ordination appointed to Mr Mitchell. A call to Mr Bannatyne of Hexham, from the con

gregation of Blantyre, was also sustained, and concurred in by the presbytery; and Dr Beattie, with Mr M'Innes, commissioner from Blantyre, appointed to lay the call on the table of the Newcastle presbytery. On the motion of Mr Beckett of Rutherglen, the presbytery appointed a committee, to consider what steps the presbytery ought to take in reference to the proposed endowment of Popery in Ireland. The committee, after retiring, reported, that they were of opinion that a pro re nata meeting of the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church should be called, to consider the momentous question referred to-the endowment of the Irish Roman Catholic clergy-and that the presbytery, at its first meeting, take up the question, whether they should present a requisition to the moderator of Synod to convene a meeting of Synod on this subject; which report the presbytery adopted, agreeing to consider the matter referred to in the report at next meeting accordingly. Entered on the case of the second congregation of Campbelton; and, after having heard read a communication from the secretary of the Mission Board, the presbytery instructed the clerk to write him in reference to the same; and being of opinion that a vigorous effort should be made to sustain the second congregation of Campbelton, the presbytery pledge themselves that L.50 annually shall be given, for three years, to the congregation; and appointed a committee to visit and confer with them, and requested Mr M'Rae of Oban to supply at Campbelton for four weeks, and engage in pastoral work amongst them. A moderation in a call was granted to the congregation in Drymen, and Mr Burgess appointed to preside. At an evening meeting, the only business done was the appointment of a committee to give trials to the fifth year students, whose examination, deferred owing to the exceeding thinness of the meeting, was fixed as the first business at the meeting this month.

Kelso. This presbytery met on the 10th October; Mr Cranstone, moderator. The Rev. Walter Hume, of Yetholm, was elected moderator for the ensuing twelvemonth. Reports were returned from six congregations, that collections had been made in behalf of the Synod's General Fund. The following report was submitted by the committee appointed to digest the result of the presbytery's deliberations on the subject of the constitution of a supreme delegated court, and, after consideration, unanimously adopted and ordered to be transmitted to the clerk of bills:

1. That the Supreme Court should consist of 250 members or thereby. 2. That one-fourth part of the members of each presbytery, as nearly as may be (odd numbers being adjusted by the return in alternate years of a member less or more; or by

conceding to small presbyteries the benefit of the same), should constitute the Supreme Court. 3. That, as nearly as possible, an equality should be observed in the number of ministers and elders. 4. That the general principle followed in their appointment should be that of rotation. 5. That the elders from sessions and presbyteries should be chosen, as at present, annually, and, as far as possible, by rotation. 6. That one-fourth part of the representatives from each presbytery should be at every election returned for two years; vacancies occurring by death or otherwise, to be filled up by presbyteries; it being also the rule that at least one-third part of the members of permanent committees appointed by the Supreme Court, should be taken from the members of presbyteries so returned for two years. 7. That no individuals should be members of the Supreme Court in virtue of their office. 8. That the Clerk of the Committee on Bills and Overtures should be permanent, and should not be a member of the Supreme Court unless chosen in the ordinary way 9. That there should be nine provincial Synods, distributed and composed somewhat as follows:-I. Synod of Newcastle and Manchester, comprising, at present, 48 churches, in the Presbyteries of London, Lancashire, Carlisle, and Newcastle. II. Synod of Kelso, 50 churches. in the Presbyteries of Berwick, Selkirk, and Kelso. III. Synod of Dumfries, 40 churches, in the Presbyteries of Dumfries, Galloway, and Annandale. IV. Synod of Ayr, 58 churches, in the Presbyteries of Paisley, Greenock, and Kilmarnock. V. Synod of Glasgow, 76 churches, in the Presbyteries of Glasgow, Hamilton, and Lanark VI. Synod of Edinburgh, 84 churches, in the Presbyteries of Edinburgh, Falkirk, and Stirling. VII. Synod of Cupar, 45 churches, in the Presbyteries of Cupar, Kirkcaldy, and Dunfermline. VIII. Synod of Perth, 62 churches, in the Presbyteries of Perth, Dundee, and Arbroath, IX. Synod of Aberdeen, 51 churches, in the Presbyteries of Orkney, Elgin, Buchan, and Aberdeen. 10. That there should be no Commission. 11. That members' expenses should be paid out of a general fund, to be raised by an annual congregational rate; the expenses to be taxed by Assembly's Committee of Finance, to be confined to the cost of travelling, and to be regulated as far as possible by mileage. 12. The attendance of members who are not relieved from their appointment in their rotation, and who do not object to the election of their presbyteries, to be imperative on all the sederunts of Assembly; members to report their diligence to their constituents.

Mr James Scott, student, was examined and recommended to pursue his studies; intimation to be given of his intention to the superintendent at the seat of the university. It was moved by Mr Renton, and unanimously agreed to, that the presbytery appoint all the congregations under its inspection to observe a special season for thanksgiving to God, on account of his goodness in the harvest, leaving to the several sessions the selection of the day which shall be found most suitable in their respective bounds. A case of reference from the session of Morebattle, was, after the hearing of parties and documents, remitted to a committee for friendly conference, and, thereafter, was amicably adjusted. The following motion was submitted by Mr Renton, seconded by Mr Jarvie, and unanimously adopted :-That seeing the design is very generally imputed to her Majesty's Government, of bringing forward, during next session of Parliament, a measure for

the national endowment of the Roman Catholic priesthood of Ireland, which derives strong countenance from the expressed opinions of leading members of the cabinet, and of other influential members of the legislature, in favour of such a measure, and from the zealous advocacy it has of late received from various newspapers and periodicals which are regarded as the organs of the liberal party :-this presbytery record their opinion, and urgently recommend to all under their spiritual care, that such a project should be promptly and resolutely resisted by all peaceful and constitutional means, on the ground, not merely nor chiefly that the system proposed to be endowed is one of gross error and debasement, which has in all past ages been adverse alike to the temporal and spiritual interests of men; but that any national endowment whatever of religion is unwarranted by, and contrary to, the sanctions and spirit of christianity, an insult to all unconnected with the endowed sect, and a direct violation of the rights of conscience; is a great political injustice, and wherever it has obtained has been the constant source of many moral evils. And, therefore, that the occasion should be seized to demand the total and immediate abolition of the civil establishment of the Episcopal, and the withdrawment of all subsidies from the Presbyterian, Church of Ireland. The next meeting was appointed to be held on the 12th December.

Kilmarnock. This presbytery met 17th October.

The necessary attention was given to collections for Synod fund, and other matters of finance. A call to Mr John Baxter from the congregation of Catrine, subscribed by 131 members, was sustained, and his trials for license prescribed. Returns were received from the congregations in the bounds to a schedule of statistical queries, which the presbytery had prepared and sent to them; and a committee was appointed to examine them and report. The presbytery approved of a considerable number of important alterations in the draft of hymn-book, which were suggested in an interim report of their committee on this business, and the committee were instructed to complete their work as soon as possible, and furnish the members of presbytery with a printed copy of their recommendations, that they may be better prepared for judging at next meeting. The following resolutions, prepared by a committee, were unanimously adopted by the presbytery against the endowment of the Roman Catholic clergy:—

I. That from recent acts of the legislature, having a reference to the interests of Popery, taken in connexion with the avowed policy of her Majesty's government on this subject,

it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that a measure will be speedily introduced into Parliament for the endowment of the Roman Catholic priests of Ireland, and for providing more effectually, by educational institutions and otherwise, for the maintenance and extension of the Roman Catholic religion.

II. That while those professing the Roman Catholic faith are equally entitled, with their fellow-subjects, to a full participation of all the civil rights and privileges which belong to them, and while measures having this object in view are deserving of a liberal and generous support, any proposal to establish in this country by force of law the faith of the Church of Rome, and publicly to endow those who are occupied in teaching and extending the doctrines of that church, cannot be viewed otherwise than with just alarm, as being a measure at once dishonouring to God, destructive of the interests of truth, most injurious in respect of the social and civil consequences it is fitted to entail, and stamped withal with a highly unconstitutional character, should it be carried-as the prime minister has declared it may, in opposition to the known sentiments of the people of the United Kingdom.

III. That the measure in question, together with the course of policy of which it forms a part, of endowing all religious systems alike, however opposed to one another, provided their supporters are only willing to accept of an endowment, demands from the people of this country the most prompt and strenuous resistance; and that, for this purpose, it is highly necessary that all proper means should be employed for awakening and enlightening the public mind on the subject, eliciting the expression of public sentiment, and calling forth the combined exertions of the friends of civil and religious liberty for the overthrow of a system of human policy, which, while it confounds all distinction between truth and error, saps the foundations of morality, diffuses a spirit of indifference and of scepticism in regard to religion, and invades the sacred rights of conscience, by compelling men to support systems of belief and forms of worship, which they reject and condemn as opposed to the word of God.

IV. That the mistaken and mischievous course of policy which the rulers of this nation are now following, in seeking to carry out measures of the kind described, so obnoxious in their character, and so much fitted to excite the just anxiety and alarm of the country, naturally springs from the very objectionable principle, that it belongs to civil governments, as such," to establish religion;" that, acting on this principle, statesmen and legislators are not only always furnished with a pretext for interfering with religion, in the view of adopting it to state purposes, as circumstances may require, but are forced at length, from a regard to the conflicting interests of parties, to hold it as a maxim of common equity as well as of sound policy, that, if one class of religionists be endowed, all others should be endowed likewise; that

this being a sentiment which is now very ge nerally entertained, it is clear, that such a sentiment can only be satisfactorily met by the declaration, that what justice and the interests of truth really demand on this subject, is not the endowment of all parties, but the endowment of none; that opposition, there. fore, to the anticipated measures of government, whensoever they may be proposed, in order to be effective, and in any degree successful, must be based on no narrow or ex clusive grounds, but on a rejection of the erroneous and very injurious principle on which the whole scheme of religious endowments proceeds, and on the broad assertion of the equal rights of all parties to a simple protection, and nothing more, from civil government, in respect of the exercise of their religion,

V. That nothing appears more certain than that it would be morally impossible for any government in this country to carry a measure for the endowment of Popery, or any other system of error, were it not for the fact, that certain churches, claiming to be Protestant, are already established, and that there are other churches which, although not immediately incorporated with the state, are receiving, in one form or another, money from government for the teaching of religion; that seeing that the alternative to which statesmen now feel themselves shut up requires, either that no party should be established, or that all par ties who will accept of them, should be offered endowments, such churches as those referred to, cannot but be regarded as having, at this moment, a heavy responsibility attaching to them as it respects the religious interests and prosperity of this country; that the truth cannot be concealed, that, whatever opposition may be offered by the law, along with others, to the proposals that may be made to a state alliance with the Church of Rome, it is only by their renouncing government pay and government support, that "the Man of Sin" can be kept from being set up, while their continuing to receive the aid extended to them, in common with the supporters of the worst and most deadly errors in religion, renders the establishment of Popery in this country, with all its abominations, an event which, humanly speaking, seems altogether unavoidable.

The presbytery, judging that the dispensation of Divine Providence furnished a special call for thanksgiving and for humiliation, recommended to their sessions to set apart a suitable time in their different congregations for the public performance of these duties. A favourable account.. was received from the station of West Kilbride; and the Rev. John Boyd's location there was, at the request of the people, continued for other six months. Mr John Kechie was examined, and subjects of trials for license were prescribed to him. The other students were put under the charge of committees of presbytery. Next ordinary meeting of presbytery is to be at Irvine, December 5,

Paisley and Greenock.-This court met at Greenock, 19th September; Rev. James


Meikle, moderator. Mr John Smith, under call to Union Street Church, Greenock, delivered all his trials for ordination. edict was appointed to be served on the ensuing Sabbath, and the ordination to take place on the 10th of October. It was agreed that the remit of Synod anent a delegated assembly be considered at a meeting of presbytery, to be held in Paisley on the first Tuesday of November. The Rev. Mr Caldwell, Greenock, having craved leave to resign his pastoral charge, his demission was accepted, and the connexion between him and the congregation of Sir Michael Street, Greenock, declared to be dissolved. The presbytery again met on 10th October; Rev. Mr Clapperton, moderator, pro tempore. A petition from Gourock for the appointment of a moderation was granted, and the Rev. Dr Baird was appointed to preside on the 26th October. Mr Smith's edict was returned; and no objection being presented, he was ordained to the pastoral charge of Union Street congregation.

Perth. A meeting of this presbytery was held on Tuesday, 10th October; the Rey, James Bow, moderator. The clerk read letters of certificate from the professors in favour of the students of divinity within the bounds. The congregation of Lethendy petitioned for a moderation in a call, which was granted, and Mr Bayne, Bankfoot, appointed to preach and preside on a convenient day in the beginning of November. Supply of sermon was appointed to the vacant church of Dalreoch; the Rev. Mr Ramage of Kirriemuir, at the request of the family and congregation, being appointed to preach the funeral sermon of the late Rev. Robert Clark on the subsequent Sabbath. The presbytery expressed their deep sorrow on account of the death of Mr Clark, and their liveliest sympathy with the bereaved family and congregation.

Stirling. This presbytery met on the 19th of September. Commissioners from the station at Bridge of Allan presented a petition, subscribed by eighty-one members of the church, and by thirty-four adherents, praying that the presbytery would form and recognize them as a congregation in connexion with the United Presbyterian Church, and under the charge of this presbytery. The petitioners stated, "that, after being favoured with the preached gospel in Bridge of Allan for about seven months, they entertained the belief that a congrega.. tion might be established at that place in connexion with the United Presbyterian Church, with the prospect, under the Divine " blessing, of being able to maintain the dispensation of ordinances amongst them." The presbytery agreed, that those of the petitioners who are members of our church

should forward to the clerk of presbytery their certificates of disjunction from their respective congregations, that they may be presented at next meeting, when the presbytery will judge in this matter. Appointed next meeting to be held on the 14th of November.


Back Street, Dalkeith.-On Wednesday,. 18th October, Mr Duncan M'Intosh was ordained pastor of the congregation of Back Street, Dalkeith; Messrs R. D. Duncan, Elliot, and Bruce, officiated.

Anstruther.-On Wednesday, 27th September, Mr William Meikle was ordained pastor of the congregation at Anstruther; Mr Brown, Markinch, and Mr Ogilvie, Crail, officiating.

Union Street, Greenock.-On Tuesday, 10th October, Mr James Smith was ordained pastor of the Union Street Church, Greenock; Mr M'Ewan, Helensburgh, Mr Halley, Dumbarton, and Mr Allison, Kilbarchan, officiated.


Newington, Edinburgh.-On Wednesday, 11th October, the Rev. James Robertson, formerly of Musselburgh, was inducted as pastor of the United Presbyterian Church at Newington, Edinburgh; Messrs Cross of West Linton, Cooper of Fala, and G. Johnstone, Edinburgh, officiated.


Catrine. Mr John Baxter, probationer, called 30th September: Mr Dickie of Cum-nock presiding.

Craigs, Duntocher.-Mr Robert Mitchell, probationer, called colleague and successor to Rev. James Gardiner; Mr Lawrie of Partick presiding.

Blantyre. - Rev. Peter Bannatyne of Hexham called 25th September; Dr Beattie presiding.


Died at Dalreoch, Perthshire, on 4th October last, the Rev. Robert Clark, minister of the United Presbyterian Church there, in the twentieth year of his ministry. Mr Clark was suddenly killed, by a fall from his horse, in the course of his pastoral visitation.

Died at Cornwall, Jamaica, on the 7th August last, the Rev. William Paxton Young, minister of the United Presbyterian Church there, in the third year of his ministry.


The collection for the Synod Fund having been appointed to take place second Sabbath of October, "Presbyteries are en

joined, at their first meeting after the day appointed, to see that every congregation and missionary station within their bounds has made a collection in behalf of the fund."

Between 25th October and 27th December, correspondence anent the appointments of preachers is to be addressed to the Rev. JAMES ELLES, Saltcoats.

Monthly Retrospect.


ON Thursday the 5th October last, after a tedious and careful trial, Mr Smith O'Brien, the chief of the late insurrection in Ireland, was, by a jury of his countrymen, found guilty of high treason; and on the Monday following the sentence of death was recorded against him. The marked forbearance of the authorities in conducting this business, and particularly the painstaking and impartial conduct of the judges who presided at the trial, must have lent great weight to the decision ultimately arrived at, and will serve, in some degree, to efface an impression made, unfavourable to government, in the judicial proceedings connected with the banishment of Mitchell. While the jury found a verdict of guilty, as the force of evidence required, their whole behaviour manifested at once their mercy and their conscientiousness. A recommendation in the following terms was appended to the verdict: We earnestly recommend the prisoner to the merciful consideration of government, the jury being unanimously of opinion that for many reasons his life should be spared." In the spirit of this recommendation, the people of Ireland, of all creeds and of all ranks-gentry, dignitaries of the church, merchants, and others who have the deepest stake in the peace of the country, and the integrity of the Union, are joining in an address to the Lord-Lieutenant, praying for mercy to the unhappy convict. The address from Dublin has been subscribed by 14,000 names, of the most influential citizens. Even the men of the Orange clubs have for once laid aside their fanaticism, and are uniting in the cause of mercy. It is not likely that the scaffold will be erected in the face of such protestations, even if government were disposed, which we cannot think it is, to proceed to the extremity of its powers against the arch-rebel. There is reason to fear, indeed, that the leanings of government, if not in this individual case, at least on the general question of what is to be done with the participators in the late insurrection, are too much on the side of clemency, or rather of a timorous and partial policy, assuming the aspect of mercy as a disguise. Rumour has it, that now the majesty of law has been sustained by the condemnation of O'Brien, ministers intend to proclaim a general am

nesty in favour of the late political offenders in Ireland-and even a royal visit is talked of, with the view of adding to the grace of the proceeding. It is unfortunate for government that the country will hardly give them credit for merciful intentions, even should the project be followed out. We referred last month to the suspicions that were then entertained as to the wish of the authorities to screen from justice certain of the Romish clergy, including several bishops, who were said to be implicated in the rebellion. The country would be just as likely now to suspect, if a general amnesty were proclaimed, that its chief object was to give a colour of decency to a particular design in regard to the priests. A paragraph which has been going the round of the papers, will show what is believed concerning the relation between the government and the Romish priesthood. "Much indignation exists among those well acquainted with the state of the country, at the course now adopted by the Government and the Attorney-General, whose great object is to conceal the part taken by certain priests in organizing and participating in the late movement. Every thing is done to prevent their reverences' conduct being made known to the people of England; therefore, every document affecting the loyalty of the priests is submitted to a tribunal composed of Mr O'Ferrall, commissioner of metropolitan police, Mr Redington, Mr Baldwin, Mr Lynch of the Leinster bar, and the Attorney-General, all Roman Catholics, who take very good care that no document that compromises the priests shall go beyond their conclave. Documents, letters, papers of all descriptions, clearly and extensively establishing the guilt of the priests, have been seized in all directions, and forwarded to government; but all suppressed, even when inquired for as corroborative testimony on other points."

Now, we are far from wishing to hinder the prerogative of mercy in regard to the misguided men who have sought to plunge their country in civil war; but, certainly, we should like to know who the men are for whom mercy is solicited; and, particularly, we want to know whether or not there be priests among them? Their vocation, as the keepers of the people's conscience, the depository of all their guilty secrets, and the administrators of a spiritual

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