Buonaparte, his decree for abolishing the slave trade after his landing in France from Elba, 126-144-his opinion on the subject as expressed during his residence on that island, 127-his recent usurpatiou of power considered, 209-the prediction of a certain Noble Marquis of that event, ibid-his utter contempt of treaties remarked on, 214-the mode of dis- posing of him and his traiterous fol- lowers considered, 235-his atrocity described, 236, 237-madness of his Russian expedition, 442.
Burke (Mr.), philosophical and just remark by him quoted, 199-his sen- timents on the fate of religion in jaco- bin France, 220,
Byron (Lord), remark on the ten- dency of his poetry, 156-his Hebrew melodies considered, 200-their poe- tical merit, 201-serious hints to his Lordship, 203-extracts from his me- lodies, 204-206-the remainder of them descanted on, 207.
Calmucks, description of the, 451-453 -their religion, called Lamism, de- scribed, and their temples, 453, 454 -remarkably large drum used in their temples described, 454-im- mense number of their sacred books noticed, 455-particulars descriptive of the excellence of their moral cha- racters, 456.
Canada, the present bad state of the roads and bridges there complained of, 407.
Canals in the United States, the present state of, described, with remarks on an important projected one, 404. Cantabrian, or Iberian Language, its grammatical construction, &c. consi- dered, 513-shown to be an original tongue, ibid.
Carolina, South, the state of agriculture there, tenure of the lands, incomes of farmers, mode of living, produce, &c. described, 384-386-great propor- tion of slaves in that province no- ticed, 387-its agriculture and com- merce at different periods, 402-the planters there described, 410.
Castlereagh (Lord), his activity and abi- lity in the negotiations at Vienna for the abolition of the slave trade con- sidered, 142-his letter to Earl Ba thurst describing his interview with the Emperor of Russia on the sub- ject, 153-his luminous speech on
modation to the population in many districts in and near the metropolis, and its present forlorn state, de- scribed, 277-its supposed danger
from methodism considered, 279. Circassians, brief description of the, 469.
Clergy of the Established Church, their duty at the present critical time pointed out, 267-their character vin- dicated, 268-amusements unbecom- ing their sacred character, enume- rated, 274-the present mode of their education considered defective, 275. College of Physicians, objections against the inspection of madhouses being confided to them, 561, 562.
Commerce of the United States of Ame- rica considered, and shown from offi- cial documents, 397. Congress, interesting description of its proceedings at Vienna for the aboli- tion of the slave trade, 142-its pre- sent labours to settle the balance of power in Europe considered, 223. Convenience, a submission to the general law of, indispensable among nations, 222.
Cooke (Mr.), his examination before a committee of the House of Commons, on the state of madhouses in England,
Couriers, the extraordinary rapidity with which they travel in Russia de- scribed, 450.
Cotton, the manufacture of, in the Unit- ed States, described, 389. Creation of man and of the earth, &c., whimsical theory of, according to some philosophers, 26.
Criminals, remarks on the judicious treatment of, in the United States 414-417.
Dealtry (Rev Mr.) his Review of Mr. Norris's Attack on the British and Foreign Bible Society, 251.
De Carro, his pamphlet containing the Evidence before a Committe of the House of Commons, on the subject of the Slave Trade Abolition considered, 118, 121. the Conteuts of the seve- ral chapters related with some inter- esting extracts translated, 133- 140.
Deity, the general belief of the exis- tance of, in all nations, accounted for, 28-remarkable reason for supposing his residence to be above us, 78. Delaware River, proposed scheme for
connecting it with the Western Lakes described, 404-remarkably large bridge over it noticed, 406.
Deluge, Mr. Townsend's proofs and observations on that subject consi- dered, 33-resumed, 46.
Des Cartes, his philosophical errors no- ticed, 194.
Dodona, remarks on the remains of the Temple of, 164.
Dryden (Mr.), the genius of his poetry described, 54,
Eden, some curious conjectures as to its locality, 483, 484.
Edinburg Review, sapient observations of, on the return of Buonaparte to France, and on the consequent hos- tilities by the allies, 229,
Editor, the duties of a classical one des- cribed, 308.
Education, the flourishing state of in the United States of America remarked, on, 412.
Emetic, remarkable objection to take one, 167.
England, her great and glorious exer- tions with the allied sovereigns in favour of the abolition of the slave trade described, 119,-122.
Fowler (Mr.), extract from his Evi- dence before a Committee of the House of Commons, on the state of madhouses in England, 526,
Fox (Mr.), extract from his Letter to the Westminster Electors, on the conquest of France, 229.
France, the conquest of by the allies considered, 229-the necessity of an abridgement of her territorial extent by the allied powers urged, 230-the removal of the various works of art pilfered by France from other coun- tries recommended, 232-the present immorality of its people strikingly illustrated, 234-the wanton spolia- tions of her troops considered, 233- 235-remark on the restless and am- bitious spirit of, notwithstanding her humiliation, 444.
French Character, strong Delineation of the, 127-remarkable combination of opposite qualities in, 235. --Empire, the recent alarmiug ex- tent and power, and the subsequent downfall of, considered, 441.
Freshfield (Mr.), his correspondence with
Gay-Lussac (M.), his Memoire sur l'Iode, being a treatise on the nature of iodine, 351.
Genoa, its annexation to Sardinia ap- proved, 224.
Geology, the opposite theories of, main- tained in this country, briefly de. scribed, 39.
Georgia (America) the unfair mode of fighting there described, 410. German Language, its various dialects enumerated, 510.
Getæ, the ancient people so called de- scribed, 502.
Gisborne (Rev. Mr.), his Letter to the Bishop of Gloucester on the British and Foreign Bible Society considered, 252-the excellency of that produc- tion described, 263-extract there- from, 264.
Gloucester, (Bishop of) Letter to him on the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, 252.
Gouging, in America, what it is, 411. Gray (Mr.), his Letter to Mr. Wilber- force, containing a History of the York Lunatic Asylum, considered, 524, 537, 539, 548.
Great Britain, her glorious elevation, in the moral rank of nations, emi- nently displayed in her recent en- deavours for the abolition of the slave trade, 155,
Greek Tongue, the present pronuncia- tion of erroneous, 165-the common notion on the formation of its ad- verbs ill founded, 317.
Gypsum, its importance as a manure in America, described, 382.
Heart, some interesting experiments respecting its motion, 70.
Hebrew Language, its claim to be re- garded the original language consi- dered, 520, 521-its construction de- scribed, 522-its affinity to the Egyp- tian, ibid.
Hebrew Melodies, a selection of, ancient and modern, considered, 200.
Music, remarks on its total obli- teration at the present day, 202-the era of its perfection described, ibid. Herodotus, a tradition of his respect- ing the Amazons, supposed verifica- tion of, 474.
Herrnhuters, the character of those in the Russian settlements in Asia at- tacked and vindicated, 470, 471. Hierarchy, the existence of immediately after the patriarchal age demon- strated, 29-our knowledge of some of the sciences derived from it, 30.
Higgins Mr.), interesting extracts from his examination before the Committee on the state of madhouses in England, 532-536, 544-548, 549.
High Dutch, remarks as to its origin,
510. Hindu Language, remarks on, 493. "Hints to the Clergy of the established Church," remarks on the reported suppression of a pamphlet so called, 273.
Holland, (Dr), his Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. during the Years 1812 and 1813, considered, 156-his apology in his preface remarked on, 157-his route described, ibid.-his brevity in many instances censured, ibid.-his arrival in Albania, 158-his description of the Albanian chief, Ali Pasha, 159 -162-his visits at the Seraglio, 161 -his opinion respecting the site of Dodona, 163-his statement of Bry- ant's conjectures, 164-singular er- ror into which the Doctor has fallen pointed out, ibid. - his notion specting the difference between the ancient and modern Greek erroneous, ibid. the like as to the old Greek pronunciation, 165 - his excursion into Thessaly, ibid. his further pro- gress described, 166-happy descrip- tion by him of modern Athens, 767
descriptive of his view of the subject, 7-his manner of dividing the Psalms elucidated by an extract, 8, 9-his structure of Hebrew poetry com- mended, 10-the importance of his notes considered, 11-some imper- fections pointed out, ibid. - speci- mens of the work, 13-25-the 16th Psalm translated, with remarks, 14 -his description of other Psalms, described, 16-22-his construction of the 109th psalm very important, 23-defects of his translation noticed, 24-the great advantages thereof with a tribute to his memory, 25. Howard, the philanthophist, tribute to his memory, 525.
Hoxton, abuses in the treatment of in- sane persons in the madhouse there noticed, 526.
Hudsons River, plan for connecting it with the Lakes Ontario and Erie, 405.
Human Race, the question whether there are one or more species of, consi- dered. 523
Hume (Mr.) his opinions on the subject of the human mind, 170.
Huns, remarks on the supposed ruins of
one of their chief cities, 468. Hunter (Dr.), his recommendation to the Governors of the York Lunacy Asylum, 538-his subsequent conduct considered, 539-541.
Huttonian Geologists, their theory and those of the Neptunians and Werner- ians described, 40.
Jesuitism, Its crimes shewn to be inse- parable from its constitution, 109. Jesuits, a brief account of them with historical proofs in support of it &c. 107-striking feature in their charac- ter, 109-the dangerous powers of their general, 110-the principle of their polity, ibid-their secret instruc- tions, which caused their former abo- lition, set forth, 111,-113-their enormous plots and transactions enu- merated with their melancholy conse- quences, 114-116-thefamous league in France attributed to their Agency, 114-their excesses in Poland, ibid. -in Bohemia, 115-in England, ibid. -their principles with their results reconsidered, 116-the mistaken po- licy of the present pope in reviving this order censured, 117, 118.
Jews, their interpretation of the Psalms described and considered, 11-Sup-
posed corruption by them therein, 17.
Infidelity, the dangerous consequences to the established church to be appre- hended from it considered, 281.
Instinct, the great importance attached to its existence in the human mind by some philosophers, complained of, 191-198.
Iodine, M. Gay Lussac's treatise on the subject of, considered, 351-its ac- cidental discovery described, ibid- the experiments of various chemists on the subject, 352-substance from which it has been obtained, ibid- derivation of its name, 353-sea plants in which it is found enumerated, ibid-its description, 354-its poi sonous qualities described, ibid-sim- ple combustibles and metals with which it combines, enumerated, 355 -364-the different iodates describ- ed, 366-circumstance which led to its discovery, 370.
Johnson (Dr.), service performed by him to religion, noticed, 197-hint by bim to authors, 275.
Jones, (Sir Wm.), his opinion of the antiquity of the Veda of the Hindus, 463.
Italy, the progress of dramatic poetry in considered, 325-the character of its tragic poetry described, 326.
Lambert (Mr.), his Travels through Canada and the United States of America, considered, 377-his cha- racter as a writer, and the contents of his volumes remarked on, 378- his description of the commerce of the States from official documents, 397.
Lamism, the religion so called, particu- lar and interesting account of, 453 its doctrines described, 457-its creed or confession of faith, ibid-one of its penitential hymns, 459-its similarity to some other religions in Asia, noticed, ibid-the question whe- ther it is to be regarded a corruption of christianity, considered at some length, 461.
Languages, remarks on the present fa. vourable period for the study of, 477 -the progress of, described, 479- table showing their classification, 485. Laplanders and Finlanders, the languages of, considered, 514-question as to
their origin and affinity to the Hun- garians, 515-supposed resemblance of their tongue to the Hebrew con- sidered, ibid.
Lavater, his system of physiognomy con- sidered, 67.
Le Baron de Bignon, his exposé on the state of France considered, 208- extract therefrom, 226-another with remarks thereon, shewing his senti- ments to be genuine French, 227, 228-his hatred of Great Britain
Lincoln, Bishop of, letter to him on his attack on the British and foreign Bible Society, 251-the excellency of the letter asserted, 263.
Literary Adventurers, the grand object of those of the present day described, 156.
Societies in the United States
of America noticed, 412. Liverpool, Earl of, letter to him on the danger of the established church, 251. Lloyd (Mr.), his translation of the Italian Tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri consi- dered, 325-remarks on the merits of. the translation with quotations and mistakes, and instances of dissonant metre pointed out, 347-350-con- cluding favourable observations on the translation, 351.
Locke (Mr.) his opinions on the subject of the human mind remarked on, 170. Louis 18th, his observations to the Bri- tish Ambassador, in answer to the application from the Prince Regent on the abolition of the slave trade, 125-the failure of the French minis- ters to make good their Sovereign's promise remarked on, 126-his letter in answer to the Prince Regent's, 128 -his restoration to the throne of France considered, 208-and justified 215.
Lyric poetry, the class of persons hy whom it is chiefly admired described, 51.
Mad-houses, report of the committee of the house of commons appointed to consider the state of, with the evidence adduced, 525-state of the private ones remarked on, 527-the cases of private and public ones contrasted, with remarks ou the species of abuse peculiar to each, 530-the bad con- sequences of the physicians of the public ones having private institutions
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