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Forbes, many years Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland. Illustrated by Engravings. 4to. 31. 38.

The Annual Register, or a View of History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1814. 8vo. 16s.


A Treatise on the Law of Wills and Codicils. By William Roberts, of Lincolns Inn, Esq. Barrister at Law. Second Edition, much enlarged and improved, in 2 Volumes. 8vo. 11. 188.

Taunton's Reports, Volume IV. Part V.

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Decisions of the First and Second Division of the Court of Session, from November 1812 to November 1813, collected by A. Clephane, R. Bell, J. Campbell, and J. Dunlop, Esq. Advocates. By appointment of the Faculty of Advocates. Pot Folio.

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The Laws relating to the Poor. By Edmund Bott and Francis Const, Esqrs. Continued to Hilary Term 1814. 3 Volumes. 8vo. 11. 16s.


The Enemy of Empiricism; or a concise Explanation of the most important Functions of the animal Economy. By a genuine Disciple of Hippocrates.

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The Morbid Anatomy of the Liver, being an Inquiry into the Anatomical Character, Symptoms, and Treatment of certain Diseases which impair or destroy the Structure of that Viscus. Order I. Tumours. Part II. On the Varieties of the Tubera Diffusa. By J. R. Farre, M. D. 8vo. 158.

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Medical and Surgical Remarks, including a Description of a simple and ef

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