pel of CHRIST to do with the treachery of JUDAS, the cowardice of PETER, the ambition of JAMES and JOHN, the luke warmness and worldly spirit of our Bishops and Clergy, or with the superstitious and secular appendages of the Church of Rome, the Church of England, or any other human establishment under heaven! They are things perfectly distinct. And if we mean to defend the Gospel to any purpose, it must be the Gospel alone, independent of every human mixture and addition. Corrupt churches and bad men cannot be defended. 1 2. The best part of the book, in the opinion of the author, is that where he has enlarged upon the excellence and utility of the Sacred Writings. He confesses he is anxious to recommend them to the daily perusal of every man; because he is persuaded both our present peace and future welfare very much depend upon the practice. He trusts, therefore, if all the rest of the book is rejected with contempt, this will be attended to with peculiar seriousness. The reduction of the national religion to the pure standard of the Gospel, and the moral and religious reformation of all orders of men, are repeatedly insisted on, and with singular earnestness; as what alone, in his judgement, can save us from impending ruin. This is done, because he is firmly persuaded there can be no general spread of evangelical principles and practices, while the Hierarchy is in its present contaminated state, and the Bishops and Clergy continue in a condition so generally depraved. The good of his country is what he has exceedingly at heart, however much he may be mistaken in the means he thinks necessary to promote that end. The missions to the Heathen are here spoken of with zeal and approbation. These noble efforts for the salvation of mankind, he believes to be one reason, among others, why, in the midst of abounding iniquity, our fate, as a nation, is, for a season, suspended *. The * Is it not an instance of the most unamiable bigotry that ever was exhibited in a Christian country, that when such generous, disinterested, and noble efforts have been making for two or three years past, by various denominations of men, for the civilization and christianization of the South Sea islands, which are situated in the centre of some hundreds of millions of gross idolaters, scarcely one Bishop or dig The extravagances of the French governors are incidentally touched upon, and the vileness of their conduct, both towards their own people, and the neighbouring nations, exposed †. T He has taken the liberty of mentioning a variety of books upon different subjects. Some of these he has particularly recommended; others are only inserted among those of the same class. Young readers may find their advantage in this part of his Treatise. Both believers and unbelievers, he trusts, will meet with something or another that will be useful to them. Whatever is conceived to be pernicious, they will do well to reject, remem bering that we are enjoined by a very high authority, to prove all things, and hold fast that which is good. Several other miscellaneous matters are interspersed through the whole, which he wishes may be both profitable and pleasant -utile dulci. If nified Clergyman of the Church of England; scarcely one Arian or Socinian congregation, those more opulent bodies of Dissenters; scarcely one Nobleman, and but very few rich Commoners, appear to have contributed a single shilling out of their ample revenues towards promoting this expensive and god-like design?-The honour and blessedness of the glorious attempt is left to the poor! Is not such a conduct antong our great Ones speaking in the strongest of all language, that it is better the poor, miserable, benighted Heathen nations should continue in their present deplorable condition, than that they should be brought out of darkness into the glorious liberty of the children of God, in any other way than that prescribed by them! Oh! shame to these several Orders of men. What a curse has not bigotry ever been to mankind?-Master, we savo one casting out devils in thy name, and iwe forbade bim, because be followed not us, said the selfish and party-spirited Apostles Forbid him not, replied the benevolent and liberal-minded SAVIOUR, for there is no man that can work a miracle in my name, who will lightly speak evil of me. I add, with the Apostle, If CHRIST is preached, and souls saved, I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice, whoever is the instrument. † The difference between the English and French in point of piety is more than once noticed in the following pages. I observe here still further, in honour of the brave Admiral Lord NELSON, that the very next morning after the victory, August 2, 1798, while all must have been yet hurry and confusion, he issued the Following Memorandum to all the Captains of his squadron: " ALMIGHTY God having blessed his Majesty's arms with victory, the Admiral << intends returning Public Thanksgiving for the same at two, o'clock this day, and " he recommends every ship doing the same as soon as convenient," Public thanks were accordingly returned at the hour appointed. This solemn act of Gratitude to HEAVEN seemed to make a very deep imprese. sion upon the minds of several of the French prisoners, both officers and men. If any of his clerical brethren are so far offended at the freedoms he has taken with his own order, or the established religion of his country, as to make a reply, he shall think himself at liberty to return an answer or otherwise, as he may judge expedient. So far as the moral and religious conduct of the Clergy is concerned, the best answer to his charges will be, to correct and amend what is amiss. So far as the durability of the ecclesiastical constitution of the country is in question, he would refer his indignant reader to the prophetic declarations of the St. JOHN of the Old Testament. Some repetitions will be found, and some mistakes discovered. The reader will have the goodness to excuse the former, and correct the latter. Two Appendixes are subjoined, the former of which contains some farther thoughts on a national reform, and the latter, the author's reasons for resigning his preferment in the religious Establishment of the country, and declining any longer to officiate as a Minister in the Church of England. To the whole is added a copious Index, whereby every thing most important may be turned to without loss of time. If the author has advanced any thing that is wrong, uncharitable, unchristian, or unbecoming his station, in the course of these strictures, he is heartily sorry for it, and wishes it unsaid. Let him not, however, accept any man's person, neither let him give flattering titles unto man; for he knows not to give flattering titles in so doing his MAKER would soon take him away. It has been, therefore, his desire to speak the plain honest truth, as it appears to him, without courting any man's favour, or fearing any man's displeasure *. He makes no question but a large number of good men are to be found both in the church established and out of it. Even the most despised of Sectarists, he conceives, * King GEORGE II. who was fond of the late Mr. WHISTON, happened to be walking with him one day, during the heat of his persecution, in Hampton Court gardens. As they were talking upon this subject, his Majesty observed, that " however right he might be in his opinions, it would be better if he kept them " to himself."" Is your Majesty really serious in your advice?" answered the old man. " I really am," replied the King. "Why then," said WHISTON, " had MARTIN LUTHER been of this way of thinking, where would your Maje" sty have been at this time?" " But 1 ceives, are not wholly destitutet. And, in his opinion, one such character is infinitely more estimable than a million of im moral Parsons, those most miserable and contemptible of all human beings, who contaminate every neighbourhood where they dwell; or ever so large a body of mere literary Clergymen, however extolled and caressed by the world, who, bloated with pride and self-importance, are a disgrace to the lowly spirit of the SAVIOUR of mankind. To every truly pious and consistent Christian, literate or illiterate, he would give the right hand of fellowship, and bid him god-speed in the name of the LORD, wherever he is found. Cle ical bigots, however, of every description, he most cordially pities and despises. They are despicable animals. Swollen with an imaginary dignity, they are wise in "But why," rejoins the impatient reader, "why speak so freely and openly * upon all these public abuses, at a time so critical as the present?" Because I may never have another opportunity, and it is proper that somebody should speak. For the public abuses specified in these papers, he conceives, must either be removed by the gentle hand of reform, or DIVINE PROVIDENCE will take the matter into its own hand, and subvert them by the rough hand of a most implacable enemy. I speak these things under correction, and with the most bene volent wishes for the prosperity of my King and Country, and the universal spread of the Gospel of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. + The wise ones of this world would do well to call to mind, who it is that hath said, That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Luke xvi. 15. Compare 1 Cor. i. 26-29. Men, sects, and parties, which are held in the highest estimation by the world, are usually, perhaps generally, held in the lowest estimation by God'; and, on the contrary, men, secas, and parties, which are held in the lowest estimation by the world, are usually, perhaps universally, held in the highest estimation by the ALMIGHTY. The way to heaven prescribed by the Scripture, and the way to heaven prescribed by worldly-minded men, are as opposite to each other as the cast to the west. The former saith, Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The latter say, Wide is the gale, and broad is the way, that leadeth *unto life, and many there be which go in thereat. Persons of this character are usually secure and confident, determined and resolute, merry and jovial, and perceive little or no danger even when they are dancing blind-fold on the brink of destruction. I reniember somewhere reading of, a genius of this sort, who, turning all serious godliness into ridicule and contempt, declared there was no need of so much ado, for if he had but time to say three words, "Lord, save me!" he did not doubt but he should go to heaven. Not long after, this same confident GALLIO was riding a spirited horse over a bridge, upon which he met a flock of theep; the horse took fright, leaped over the battlement into the river, where his rider was drowned, and the last three words he was heard to speak were, DEVIL-TAKE-ALL. Tis dangerous to provoke a GOD! in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight, lording it over the poor of CHRIST's flock, and binding heavy burthens upon them, and grievous to be borne, which they themselves will not move with one of their fingers. Such characters, whether found among Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Quakers, or any other denomination of men, are the Scribes and Pharisees of the day, to whom the great and inflexible JUDGE Of the world, in just, but terrible, language, exclaimed, Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? To the author of these papers the praise or dispraise of such men is almost equally indifferent. But a liberal-minded and benevolent soul, who embraces every human being in the arms of his charity, who rises superior to the superstitious tribe of infallible doctors-the genus irritabile vatum; . who can pierce through the guise of human distinctions, and trace religious excellence among all orders and descriptions of men, he would clasp to his bosem, make him room in his heart, and give him a place in the attic story of his affections. He loves a generous soul, a noble spirit, with whom he can hold sweet converse * on things human and divine; trace the awful footsteps of a mysterious Providence, "And justify the ways of God to man;" while angels ministrant attend the enraptured strains.-" O noctes cænæque deûт!" From * The third chapter of MALACHI seems to me to contain the most emphatical recommendation of religious conversation that ever was penned. CICERO, too, speaks with an air of indignation of men of talents meeting together, and spending all their time in milking the ram, or holding the pail: "Quasi vero clarorum virorum aut tacitos congressus esse oporteat, aut ludi"cros sermones, aut rerum colloquia leviorum." Academ. Quast. lib. 4. This brings to my mind an anecdote, which I have somewhere read concerning the immortal LOCKE, who, being invited by a certain Nobleman to give the meeting to some of the most celebrated wits and scholars of the age, went in great expectation of enjoying a high intellectual repast. The card table being introduced after dinner, contrary to his expectation, he retired pensive and chagrined to the window. Enquiry being made if he was weli, he replied, "He " had come to give the company meeting in full confidence of receiving an 'un" common degree of satisfaction in the conversation of such celebrated characters, " and he must acknowledge he felt himself hurt at the disappointment." The card table was immediately withdrawn, and a rich flow of souls begun, to his no small gratification. 1 |