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any of the marks of the Beast. To me this admits of no doubt. If I am mittaken, it is my very great misfortune. My judgment has not been biassed by interest, by connections, by inclination, or by any human confiderations whatever. I have thought much upon the subject; read on both fides of the question whatever has fallen in my way; conversed with various persons for the fake of information; fuffered the matter to rest upon my mind for fome years undetermined; have never made my fears, fufpicions, and dissatisfaction known to any man; and now, when I bring near to myself the thought of quitting one of the most commodious churches in the kingdom, erected on purpose for my own ministrations; leaving interred by it many a precious depofit, who will, I trust, be my joy and crown in the great day of the LORD JESUS, besides a mother, a wife, two children, and a fifter; and giving up various kind friends, whom I love as my own foul, together with a large body of people, that, if it were poffible, would have plucked out their own eyes, and have given them to me: What shall I say?-All that is affectionate within me recoils. I am torn with conflicting paffions; and am ready to say with the Apostle, I could wish that my Self were accurfed from CHRIST for my friends and brethren, whom I love in the bowels of JESUS CHRIST.

But then, various passages of Scripture- (ill understood, Some will fay)-urge me, on the most momentous confiderations, to renounce a situation, which I cannot any longer retain with peace of mind. Perhaps it is my own fault; certainly it is my very heavy misfortune. I bewail it exceedingly, I have received no affront; conceived no difguft; formed no plans; made no connections; consulted no friends; experience no weariness of the ministerial office, the ways of religion are still pleasant; I have been glad when duty called me to the house of GOD; his Word hath been delightful; the pulpit has been awfully pleasing; the table of the LORD hath been the joy of my heart; and now that PROVIDENCE calleth me away, with some degree of reluctance it is that I fay, LORD, here I am. Do with me what feemeth thee good. Let me stay where I am. I gladly I gladly stay. Send me where thou wilt. I will endeavour to fubmit. Only go with me, and thy pleasure shall be mine.

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" I argue not

Against Heav'n's hand or will, nor bate a jot "Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer "Right onward."


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pleasing death of,

ADDISON, Joseph, Esq. quotations from,

Adolphus, Gustavus, spent much time in prayer,

[blocks in formation]

account from, of an infidel in France,

[blocks in formation]

prefers the Psalms to Pindar and Horace,



Adrian, address of, to his soul at death,


Africa, inhabitants of,


Aikins's favourable account of the Methodists,

Alexander, Dr. Disney, conversion of,


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

Alfred, King, great diligence and devotion of,
Allix, reflections of, on Scripture, recommended,
Alphonsus, King, read the bible fourteen times over,

Altamont, affecting death of,

America, example of, on religious liberty,

[blocks in formation]

gentleman, wickedness, conversion, and death of,

40, 41

Antitheus, unhappy death of,



27, 28

Antiphanes, an ancient author, on a future state,

[blocks in formation]

Arguments, four main, for the truth of scripture,

[blocks in formation]

Atheist, shocking death of an,
Augustine, for a devout spirit, noted,
Aukland, Lord, quotation from a speech of,
Authors, ascetic, devout, but superstitious,


royal and noble, since the conquest,
Aylmer, Bishop, on the character of women,


Babylon, prophecies concerning, conclusive,






[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Lord, thought of, on deism,

some account of,

[blocks in formation]

declaration of, on the gospel,

Bankrupts, seldom afterwards pay their credit,
Baptism, office of, an hardship on the clergy,


[blocks in formation]

Barnes, Joshua, read his small bible 120 times over,

[blocks in formation]

Bath, Earl of, devoted his leisure to prayer and the bible,


Beauties, of scripture, where found,


Beattie, Dr. on the causes of infidelity,


a fine quotation from,

Beings, human, number of,

Belisarius, began the 1260 years of scripture,

Belgium, unhappy condition of,

Bernard, St. hymn of, on the name Jesus,
Beza, intimately acquainted with the bible,

Bible, shall be coexistent with time,

[blocks in formation]

account of one who burnt, and another who roasted it, 281

a chief means of the present learning and liberty, 107, 203

[blocks in formation]

should be read in classical schools for its beauties,

[blocks in formation]

Bingham, on the ancient Christians love to the bible, 295, 297

Birds, species of,




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