Imágenes de páginas

howling dervishes, 275-loveliness of
Turkish children, 276-habits of the
Oriental, 277-cruelty to the Greeks,
278-women of Turkey, 279-Jani-
zaries, 281.

Corpulence, on, 181-absence of passion
contributes to, 182-apoplexy conse-
quent upon, 183-induces diseases,
185-remedies, 186.

Costume, or keeping, in character, 162.
Country Ball, 508.

Cowper, Private Correspondence of, 90-
remarks upon, ib. 91—on Cowper's re-
ligious ideas and their cause, 92-
Cowper's opinion of the poets, 94-his
letter on a friend's departure, ib.-
his views in his principal work, 95-
his joyous disposition, 96-specimen
of the parturiunt montes, 98.
Crown of Victory, the, 235.
Cuckoo, a ride in a, 357.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Life and Death, 374.

Goethe, Memoirs of, 473-his birth, it. Lille, a trip to, 497.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Painting and Sculpture, remarks on
Poetry as compared with, 157.
Pandæmonium, a sketch, 467.
Parry's (Capt.) second Voyage, 453.
Patents and Projects extraordinary, 24.
Personal Identity, 196.
People, Every-day, 527.
Phrenology, 533.

Physician, No. XII. 181-XIII. 437.
Poetical Scenes, No. I. 116-II. 304-
III. 467.

Poet's Supper, the, 380.

Poetry and Painting, the identity of, 157.
Poetry-the field of Grutli, 16-ode to
the closing year, 23-stanzas to time,
48-Pyramus and Thisbe, 49-the
hour of death, 60-the fall of Granada,
or the massacre of the Abencerrages,
66-the last look of Granada, 83-on
the death of Riego, 85-the haunted
chamber, 103 - sonnet, the new-
made grave, 110-Poetical Scenes,
No. I. Michael Angelo, 116-the three
blind tipplers, 130-the two swans,
145-the lover's quarrel, 155-the
souls of the just, 161-lines written in
the Bay of Naples, 168-the wall-
flower, 180-the patriot and the apos-
tate's daughter, or the Greek lover's
farewell, 194-farewell to Airdrie,
196-sonnet to Italy, from Guidiccioni,
222-poor Robin's prophecy, 234-


Queen Isabel's wish, 245-scene from
the Cisma de l'Inghilterra of Calde-
ron, 255-stanzas, 262-constancy,
267-stanzas, the heiress's complaint,
274-the child of the forests, 282—
Pourquoi existons-nous? ib.-canzo-
netta from the Italian, 289-the civic
dinner, 290-the surprise of Alhama,
316-the Ritter Bann, a ballad, by T.
Campbell, 324--Egypt, lines written in,
334-bring flowers, 341-the grave,
from the German, 347-song sup-
posed to be sung by the wife of a Ja-
panese, 363-song, 368-life and
death, 374-from the German, a
catch, 392-sleep, 408-translation
from Tasso, 417-To


the pirates' song, 430-London Lyrics,
the church in Langham-place, 436—
Punchinello, stanzas to, 441-the
sacrifice of Iphigenia, 451- winter
song, to my wife, 460-poetical scenes,
No. III. 467-the hunter of the Uru-
guay to his love, 479-the choice, 480
-conqueror's sleep, 496-the wish, il.
-trip to Lisle, 497-eating song, 507
-sonnet, 512-to Newton's study,
516-catch, 526-the Indian woman
to Diogo Alvarez, 532—the messen-
ger bird, 538-hymn to Apollo, 546
-a dream, by T. Campbell, 559—
Spurzheim v. Lavater, 568-Forget
me not, 576-stanzas, ib.

Poor Robin's prophecy, 234.
Prejudices, national, 517.
Press, the Bench and the, 169.

Priory des Deux Amants, account of,

Private Correspondence of Cowper, 90.
Punchinello, stanzas to, 441.
Pyramus and Thisbe, 49.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Table Talk, No. XI, 34.
Tasso, sonnet of, 417.
Theatre, Spanish, on the Modern, 328.

decline of the Ancient,
328-Don Luis de Gongora, il.—revi-
val of the theatre under Charles III.
333-effect of the Spanish drama on
French literature, 502-Candamo and
the last poets of the national school, ib.
-the new theory and Don Ignatius de
Luzan, 503 Montiano, 504 - La
Huerta, ib.-Moratin' the elder, 505-
Yriarte, ib.-Jovellanos, 506-Melen-
dez, ib.-other authors, 507.⚫
Time, stanzas to, 48.
Tipplers, the three blind, 130.
Tittup the Civilian, 111.


Tooke, Mr. Horne, account of, 246.
Travelling manners, past and present,
335-M. Simond's work, and errors,
336 the Genevese unchanged in
manners for a long time, 339-aristo-
cratic spirit strong among some Eng-
lish, 340-but generally declining, il.
Trembler, the, 7.

Trip to Lille, 497.


Uncle, my, a portrait, 61.
Upstarts, the, 431.


Voltaire, his house at Ferney, 20.
Vulgar Errors, on, 42.


Wall-flower, the, 180.

Winds, the influence of, on health, 437.
Winter song, to my wife, 460.
Wish, the, 496.


Year, ode to the closing, 23.



Page 174, line 34, for "will not overpower," read "will overpower."



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