SPIRITUALISM is based on the cardinal fact of spirit communion and influx; it is the VOL. I. LONDON: F. PITMAN, 20, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1860. In presenting this, the first Number of the Spiritual Magazine to our Readers, we wish briefly to state that our object is to establish, if possible, a Periodical which shall be in every way worthy of the respectful consideration of the Public at large, and of the sacred and important cause it is intended to advocate. Ours is peculiarly a labour of love. We do not expect nor desire to make the Magazine a remunerative speculation; on the contrary, we are prepared to sustain it by sacrifices both pecuniary and personal; and whilst inviting contributors from all parts of the world to help us in our task, we must be permitted to exercise our humble judgment in rejecting all matter which we may deem unsuited to the object we have in view. Believing that "Spiritualism" inculcates no Sectarian prejudices, but that its facts and its teachings are needed by every denomination of religionists, and by all classes of philosophers, we especially deprecate and will endeavour to avoid all dogmatism. We are aware that the subject may be viewed, even by those who accept its reality, from many points, and therefore we shall deem it a duty to give prominence to all communications of sufficiently literary merit, whether their tendency be to advance the spread of Spiritualism or not, feeling assured, that "if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." VOL. I. |