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rise to make it what it is. To improve upon what it is, ought to be the first care of its inhabitants-the means to effect it are obvious their opposite is as palpable—it is but to choose and take -the source of our prosperity is the same in character as heretofore; and woeful must be the result should it ever be made to appear that an alteration had been effected in the loyal character of the town. In some cases there may be virtue in passiveness-but, when the ruffian would cross the threshold to destroy domestic peace, and annihilate the germs of future ease, non-resistance becomes a crime, and ignominy its merited desert. But to drop metaphor-your suggestion, to reduce the circulation of libellous matter, is duly appreciated as a measure of justifiable defence it may be pursued with some advantage-but offensive operations, to give a certain effect to it, must also be had recourse to, upheld and sanctioned by the law, and regardless of the expense to which the honest and honourable endeavour may be exposed. A forcible observation appeared in the GLEANER of February last-it is acknowledged to be decidedly accurate in the advice it contains, in my connexion; and, a resolution, therefore, that it shall eventually be acted upon, may well be supposed to have unanimously passed among us. The following is the passage I allude to :-There is a species of libel, though framed in the bitterest spirit of malignance, which conscious, generous worth, will totally disregard—and it is right, perhaps, that it should do so; but the forbearance will not similarly apply to the adherents of the assailed, to whose beneficence and favours they may chance to owe every essential benefit they possess. It is not, we say, for such men to be idle spectators of, nor listeners to, a libellous process of such a cast-every principle of gratitude in them demands, that the first exposition of the will towards it, should be received as the deed, and that their united efforts should be ceaseless until the venal enemy is subdued.' For the present, farewell-but, if you please, you may shortly hear again from, Sirs, yours, &c. D. E."

"To the Editor of the Brighton Gleaner.

"Sir-I cannot resist the impulse I feel, to call your attention to the beginning of a letter from Worthing, as it appeared in the Brighton Herald of Saturday, the 10th inst. viz. :—

For the last six months, this place has been marked by a suspension of animation almost without a precedent, and it is cheering to find that something like life is again observable.'

"The gloomy picture involved in the above words, from Worthing, during the months alluded to, is precisely similar to that which was annually exhibited here at the same season, ere the rays of royalty spread their golden tints upon the canvas, and

formed the glowing contrast. That the same cause, so long as it may remain, will continue to us the same effect, no rational doubt can be entertained-but rumours are abroad, portentous rumours, that the seat of royalty will be changed, and that our winter months, in the future, may be destined to afford us but little consolation beyond the range of our own firesides, and the profitless consumption of fuel. The cause of such a possible change has been whispered abroad likewise-but, at present, I shall touch no farther on the subject, than that of referring those whom it may concern, to the many well-timed remarks which have appeared in your GLEANER, decidedly relating to it, in the few several months last past. I am, Sir, with respect, yours, &c. "OBSERVATOR."

The King left us on the 16th ult. for Carlton Palace. The gloom which the departure of His Majesty occasioned, is still continued with us, and that insignia of dulness, "Lodgings to Lett," frowns expressively upon us in all the fashionable parts of the town.

By the Newspapers which pride themselves in being accurate upon that important subject, we have the satisfaction to learn, that the King is in greatly improved health; and that, besides holding a Court Drawing-room, it is his Majesty's intention of shortly honouring the Metropolitan Theatres with his presence.

Local Information.

The Local Catch and Glee Club, at the Golden Cross Inn, maintains its ascendency. The elder son of the founder of the Club, Mr. Charles Incledon, of national celebrity, for the first time, joined the society at the last meeting, and to a request from the chair, the President, perhaps, concluding, that harmonic capabilities were hereditary, sang the popular ballad with the burthen, "A Heart that o'erflows with Good Nature." Whatever was the inference of the President, the company had every reason to be satisfied with the selection he had made; the ballad was exquisitely given, both as it appertained to the good sense which marked the utterance of the words, and the pleasing jus

tice which was done to the melody. This young gentleman, though his voice is not so powerful, but is yet of considerable force and compass, often reminded us, by the fulness of his tones, and his dulcet transitions from the grave to the gay, the spirited to the pathetic, of the once unrivalled excellence of his father. The quality of his voice is good, nor is it deficient in flexibility. His shake is open, and may be much improved by practice.

The new "Royal Pleasure Grounds and Tea Gardens" keep open the fashionable promenade between that site and the North end of the Old Steyne-a more agreeable walk in favorable weather is scarcely to be found. The list of supporting names in the subscription books of the former, are rapidly on the increase.

DISTRESSING CATASTROPHE.-The weather at sea, on Friday, the 9th inst. was squally, and, at intervals, the swell in the channel tremendous.Our mackarel boats, in nets, suffered considerable losses the boat of Morley, of its aggregate, came in deficient eighty. Allen's boat was deprived of from thirty to forty. that of Wingham left behind upwards of twenty, and various other disasters occurred in a similar way. But severe as were these mishaps, they dwindle into insignificance when compared to the melancholy and fatal event which attached itself to the boat of Jacob Carden. The latter, with five hands on board, viz. Jacob Carden, jun. and his nephew, about fourteen years of age, Murrell, a lad aged eighteen, William Harman, and William Daniels, at between eight and nine o'clock, a. m. was seen by another boat, the "Samuel and Mary," Virgo owner, south of Newhaven, as returning for this place, and in the complete observance of the said "Samuel and Mary," to ship a sea which, in an instant, capsized her, and consigned all on board to a watery grave. To render assistance was impossible, nor has any of the bodies yet been picked up. Poor Harman has left a widow, with seven children, and who is far advanced in pregnancy with the eighth. An accident, of a similar nature, so perfect in its distressing character, has not before occurred here for many years; and, we trust, it is not destined to find a parallel in the future.

History, Biographical Traits, (tr. (tc.


(Continned from page 402.)

BARRACKS.-The inns and public houses are considerably rerelieved from the pressure of finding quarters for the military here, by excellent Barracks, in Church-street, which are sufficient for the accomodation of nearly four hundred men, These barracks have a spacious yard and conveniences every way suitable and complete. The Cavalry Barracks are nearly a mile from the town, on the Lewes road, and present a pile of buildings, in external appearance, not inferior to any place of the kind in the kingdom; nor has its internal compartments, in all that could render them uniform and useful, been neglected. Artillery with cavalry, are commonly stationed here.

ALMS HOUSES.-On the way to the barracks, at the northern extremity of the town, are the Alms Houses. These houses, six in number, were built by Mrs. Mary Mariott, in 1796, for the reception of a similar number of poor widows, of the Church of England, who had never received parochial relief, agreeably to the testamentary instructions of Mrs. Dorothy and Mrs. Ann Percy, and endowed with the sum of £48 per ann. to be increased at the demise of the aforesaid Mrs. Mary Mariott, to £96 annually. A new gown and cloak to each widow every second year, is also included in the charity.

Great additions and improvements to the town are contemplated in this quarter, including a coach road, beginning at the Alms Houses, over the Race Hill, into Black Rock Bottom, where it will form a junction with the road on the cliff, leading to

[blocks in formation]

Rottingdean-to be continued westerly from the Alms Houses, in a parallel line with the new flint wall across the old Cricket Ground, into the London road, leaving a sufficient space to erect a row of houses on the north side of it. The new road from the Dairy to the King's-road, is now finished. Thus a beautiful ride will be made round the town-a ride combining a great extent and variety of views. The elegant mansion of T. R. Kemp, Esq. crowns the summit of the hill, on the right-hand side of the road from the Dairy-it is built in a style perfectly unique: each side of this road is planted with trees which, in process of time will become a great ornament to it.


"While on service in Piedmont, I was detached with a party of dragoons into the woods that skirt the vale of Sessia, to prevent the smuggling that went on there. Upon arriving at night in that wild and desolate tract, I perceived among the trees the ruins of an old chateau, which I entered. To my great surprise, it was inhabited. I found within it a nobleman of the country. He was a person of an inauspicious appearance, about six feet high, and forty years of age. He gruffly supplied me with a couple of rooms. My billeting officer and I amused ourselves there with music. After a few days we discovered that this man had a female in his custody, whom we laughingly called Camilla. We were far from suspecting the horrid truth. In about six weeks she died. 1 felt an impulse of melancholy curiosity to see her in her coffin. I gave a gratuity to the monk who had charge of her remains, and towards midnight, under the pretext of sprinkling holy water, introduced me into the chapel where she lay. I found there one of those magnificent figures which continue beautiful even in the bosom of death. She had a large aquiline nose, whose contour, so expressive at once of elevation and tenderness, I never can forget: I quitted the mournful spot. Five years after, being with a detachment of my regiment that

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