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IN offering to the public this volume of a new and enlarged series of The Churchman, the Committee will confine their remarks solely to the principles on which it has been conducted.

Precluded, by obvious reasons, from taking any part in the discussion, momentous as it is, which is now going on within the Church, the Conductors do not, however, neglect to speak boldly and plainly on the necessity of an Establishment, and the scriptural as well as the apostolical character of that under which we have the happiness to live.

Practical religion is no matter of party. We rejoice to believe that it would be with some difficulty a Church could be found where doctrines dangerously erroneous were preached, or the Gospel greatly misunderstood or intentionally withheld.

We have, therefore, acknowledged no party but that of the Church (if, indeed, it be not a contradiction in terms to call the Church a party at all): we recognize no watchword save those of Evangelical truth," and "Apostolical order."


With regard to our finances, these will be explained to our Subscribers at the end of the year. We respectfully solicit the co-operation and the literary contributions of our friends.

We continue to receive expressions of satisfaction, and assurances of continued support, from the greater part of those who have hitherto assisted us; and hope to make, by their assistance, the next volume still more valuable than the present.

342, Strand, June, 1841.

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