| George Bishop - 1703 - 602 páginas
...am sure that things will not go " well, as long as we incur the fulfilment of that awful word, " ' If ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not "consumed one of another.' These things, (says he,) which "were then uttered, with many others, from... | |
 | Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 páginas
...Cot. ii. i9, i8, ip. Luke i7. t. • i Pet. 3. i0, ii. fPf. i33.i. '- Am, j. 3, '• Mat. i2. i(. a If ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not confumed one of another: For, where Envying and Strife is, there is Confufion, and every evil Work. b Whofoever is angry with... | |
 | John Sharp (abp. of York.) - 1734 - 436 páginas
...long run. This is fairly intimated by St. tyaul to the Galatiansj If, fays he, ye bite a>idc^.f.if. devour one another , take heed that ye be not confumed one of another. His Caution implies that there is no Neceffity in order to the Ruin of a Church or Nation, that the... | |
 | Peter Brett - 1748 - 260 páginas
...all the Law is fulfilled in one Word, even in this ; Thou fhalt love thy Neighbour as thyfelf. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not confumed one of another. Epbef. iv. 26, 27, 31, 32. Be ye angry, andfin not : Let not the Sun go down upon your Wrath : Neither... | |
 | William Shepheard - 1748 - 410 páginas
...which can neither preferve the Honour due to their Religion, nor themfelves in Quiet and Safety. For if ye bite and devour one another, take Heed that ye be 'not consumed one of another (b). AND to their relative Obligations, he ftibjoins the Enforcement of their... | |
 | John Watson - 1751 - 32 páginas
...to oblige the Members of the contrary Party with any Aft of Kindnefs in their Power ; for, lays he, if ye bite and devour one another, take Heed that ye be not confum'done of another. Again, Thirdly, One believes the Church can oblige Men to external Communion... | |
 | Sophia Hume - 1752 - 166 páginas
...other Commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this, ThouflMlt love thy Neighbour as thy/elf. But if ye bite and devour one another , take heed that ye be not conjumed one of another. The Apoftle James tells the Believers, if they fulfill" d the royal Law according... | |
 | 1757 - 522 páginas
...Reader, > • -. An Old BritimFoxHUNTER. No, 100. SATURDAY, Jime 18, 1757. ' ' \ it * • • • -» fc If ye. bite and devour one. another, take heed that ye be not confumed one of another. St. PAUL to the GAL. v. 1 5. To tbeM. ONITOR, SIR, *"p HIS admonition, how much fo ever an* ' liquated... | |
 | Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 páginas
...fervicc in the field: all their fervice wherein they made them ferve, was with rigour. v Gal. v. ij. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be Hot confumed one of another. Prov. xxiii. 29. Who hath wo? who hath forrow ? who hath contentions ?... | |
 | Thomas Secker - 1766 - 404 páginas
...and Comfort, but, in the End, of Freedom itfelf. Let us therefore always remember St. Paul's Caution, If ye bite and devour one another, take Heed that ye be not confumed me of another -\ ; and behave fuitably to St. Peters Rule, as free, yet not ufing our Liberty for a... | |
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