" is an assured truth, and a conclusion of experience, " that a little or superficial knowledge of philosophy may incline the mind of man to atheism, but "a further proceeding therein doth bring the " mind back again to religion; for in the entrance " of philosophy, when the second causes, which are "next unto the senses, do offer themselves to the " mind of man, if it dwell and stay there, it may in"duce some oblivion of the highest cause; but when " a man passeth on farther, and seeth the depend"ence of causes, and the works of Providence, then, "according to the allegory of the poets, he will "easily believe that the highest link of nature's "chain must needs be tied to the foot of Ju" piter's chair. § 3. THE COLOURS OF GOOD AND EVIL. This tract was published by Lord Bacon in 1597,* and has been repeatedly published by different editors. It was incorporated in the treatise on rhetoric, in the advancement of learning, and more extensively in the treatise " De Augmentis." The dedication, of which there is a MS.‡ in the British Museum, to the Lord Mountjoye, is copied from "The Remains," published by Stephens.§ * " Of the Coulours of good and evill a fragment. 1597." At the end, and after the word "Finis," in this old edition is, "Printed at London by John Windet for Humfrey Hooper. 1597." + See vol. 2, page 213. † Harleian 6797, and there is a page or two of the work itself. § But I do not find it prefixed to the work. § 4. PRAISE OF KNOWLEDGE. This tract " In Praise of Knowledge," of which there is a MSS. in the British Museum,* is a rudiment both of the "Advancement of Learning," and of the "Novum Organum." This will appear from the following extracts: PRAISE OF KNOWLEDGE, PAGE 251 OF THIS vol. "The truth of being, and the truth of knowing, " is all one: and the pleasures of the affections greater than the pleasures of the senses. And are "not the pleasures of the intellect greater than the "pleasures of the affections? Is it not a true and " only natural pleasure, whereof there is no satiety ? " Is it not knowledge that doth alone clear the mind " of all perturbations?" ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING, PAGE 85 OF VOL. II. "The pleasure and delight of knowledge and "learning far surpasseth all other in nature; for, " shall the pleasures of the affections so exceed the senses, as much as the obtaining of desire or vic tory exceedeth a song or a dinner; and must not, " of consequence, the pleasures of the intellect or " understanding exceed the pleasures of the affec"tions? We see in all other pleasures there is a satiety, "and after they be used, their verdure departeth; "which sheweth well they be but deceits of plea"sure, and not pleasures; and that it was the no"velty which pleased, and not the quality: and * Harleian MSS. 6797. "therefore we see that voluptuous men turn friars, " and ambitious princes turn melancholy. But of "knowledge there is no satiety, but satisfaction and "appetite are perpetually interchangeable." PRAISE OF KNOWLEDGE, PAGE 255 OF THIS VOL. "Printing, a gross invention; artillery, a thing "that lay not far out of the way; the needle, a "thing partly known before: what a change have "these three things made in the world in these "times; the one in state of learning, the other in "state of the war, the third in the state of treasure, "commodities, and navigation ?" NOVUM ORGANUM, PART I. APH. 129. "Rursus, vim et virtutem et consequentias Re" rum inventarum notare juvat: quæ non in aliis " manifestius occurrunt, quam in illis tribus, quæ " Antiquis incognitæ, et quarum primordia, licet re"centia, obscura et ingloria sunt: Artis nimirum " Imprimendi, Pulveris Tormentarii, et Acus Nau"ticæ. Hæc enim tria, rerum faciem et statum "in Orbe terrarum mutaverunt: primum, in Re "Literaria; secundum, in Re Bellica: tertium, in "Navigationibus: Unde innumeræ rerum muta" tiones sequutæ sunt, ut non imperium aliquod, " non Secta, non Stella majorem efficaciam et quasi " influxum super res humanas exercuisse videatur, "Again, it may not be improper to observe the power, the "efficacy, and the consequences of inventions, which appear no § 5. VALERIUS TERMINUS. This too is clearly a rudiment of the "Advance " ment of Learning," as may be perceived almost in every page: for instance, by comparing, It is also a rudiment of the " Novum Organum." In page 285 of this volume, he says, "Let the effect " to be produced be whiteness; let the first direction " be, that if air and water be intermingled, or broken " in small portions together, whiteness will ensue, " as in snow, in the breaking of the waves* of the sea, " and rivers, and the like." In the "Novum Organum," under the head of travelling instances, he says, "To give an example " of a travelling instance; suppose the nature in"quired after were whiteness, an instance advancing "to generation is glass, whole, and in powder; " where plainer, than in those three particulars, unknown to the " ancients, and whose origins, though modern, are obscure and " inglorious, viz. the art of printing, gunpowder, and the com pass, which have altered the state of the world, and given it "a new face; 1. With regard to learning; 2. With regard to war; and, 3. With regard to navigation. Whence number " less vicissitudes of things have ensued, insomuch that no em" pire, no sect, no celestial body, could seem to have a greater " efficacy, and, as it were, influence over human affairs than "these three mechanical inventions have had." * I have ventured in this preface to substitute "waves" for ways. "and again, simple water, and water beat into "froth; for whole glass, and simple water, are transparent bodies, not white; but powdered glass, " and the froth of water, are white, not transparent." § 6. FILUM LABYRINTHI. The tract entitled "Filum Labyrinthi,"* of which there is a MSS. in the British Museum,† seems to have been the rudiment of the tract in Latin in Gruter's collection, entitled Cogitata et Visa,"‡ the three first sections containing the same sentiments in almost the same words. That it is a rudiment of the "Advancement of "Learning" is manifest, as will appear by comparing the beautiful passage in page 16 of vol. ii. with the following sentence in page 313 of this volume, " He thought also, that knowledge is almost " generally sought either for delight and satisfaction, or for gain or profession, or for credit and ornament, and that every of these are as Atalanta's "balls, which hinder the race of invention." It is also a rudiment of the Novum Organum. Speaking of universities, he says, in page 319 of this volume, " In universities and colleges men's studies "are almost confined to certain authors, from which " if any dissenteth or propoundeth matter of redar"gution, it is enough to make him thought a person * " Scala Intellectus, sive Filum Labyrinthi," is the title of the fourth part of the " Instauratio." + Catalogue Harleian, vol. iii. page 397. Art. 6797. ↑ These will be explained hereafter. |