From the SummitXulon Press, 2005 - 116 páginas |
Introduction | xiii |
The Controversy of Creation | 23 |
Gods Quest For A Godly Man | 29 |
Gods Quest For A Holy Nation | 39 |
Gods Plan To Redeem Man | 45 |
The New Church Under Gods Spirit | 51 |
The Great Tribulation | 69 |
The Millennium Reign of Christ | 87 |
Gods Eternal Kingdom | 101 |
Términos y frases comunes
Absalom Adam Adam and Eve Antichrist apostles beast behold believe Bible reference blood body born bride CHAPTER children of Israel church cometh coming of Christ commanded Corinthians covenant created death destroy disciples earth eighth empire elements shall melt eternal evil faith false prophet Father fear flesh following Bible gave Genesis glory God's gospel hath heart heaven Holy Ghost Holy Spirit horns Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John judgement King kingdom knew lake of fire Lamb living creatures Lord Jesus Christ Lucifer marriage Matthew melt with fervent Moses mystery nations NKJV Noah pain passage Passover Peter plagues present creation prophecy received reign of Christ Revelation righteous Romans Sadducees saints saith the Lord Satan saved seal second coming shew soul ten virgins thee thereof Thessalonians things thou shalt throne tree Tribulation truth verse wickedness wife wisdom woman words worship wrath Zechariah