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A glow-worm fallen, and on the marge remounting Shines and its shadow shines, fit stars for our sweet


O ever-ever be thou blest!

For dearly, ASRA! love I thee!
This brooding warmth across my breast,

This depth of tranquil bliss-ah me!
Fount, Tree and Shed are gone, I know not whither,
But in one quiet room we three are still together.

The shadows dance upon the wall,

By the still dancing fire-flames made;

And now they slumber, moveless all!

And now they melt to one deep shade!

But not from me shall this mild darkness steal thee: I dream thee with mine eyes, and at my heart I feel thee!

Thine eyelash on my cheek doth play'Tis Mary's hand upon my brow!

But let me check this tender lay

Which none may hear but she and thou ! Like the still hive at quiet midnight humming, Murmur it to yourselves, ye two beloved women !



NAY, dearest Anna! why so grave ?

I said, you had no soul, 'tis true!
For what you are, you cannot have :

'Tis I, that have one since I first had you !

I HAVE heard of reasons manifold
Why Love must needs be blind,
But this the best of all I hold-
His eyes are in his mind.

What outward form and feature are
He guesseth but in part;
But what within is good and fair
He seeth with the heart.


OB. ANNO DOM. 1088.

No more 'twixt conscience staggering and the Pope
Soon shall I now before my God appear,
By him to be acquitted, as I hope;
By him to be condemned, as I fear.-


Lynx amid moles! had I stood by thy bed,
Be of good cheer, meek soul! I would have said :
I see a hope spring from that humble fear.

All are not strong alike through storms to steer
Right onward. What? though dread of threatened


And dungeon torture made thy hand and breath
Inconstant to the truth within thy heart?

That truth, from which, through fear, thou twice

didst start,

Fear haply told thee, was a learned strife,
Or not so vital as to claim thy life:

And myriads had reached Heaven, who never knew Where lay the difference 'twixt the false and true !

Ye, who secure 'mid trophies not your own,
Judge him who won them when he stood alone,
And proudly talk of recreant BERENGARE-
O first the age, and then the man compare!
That age how dark! congenial minds how rare !
No host of friends with kindred zeal did burn!
No throbbing hearts awaited his return!
Prostrate alike when prince and peasant fell,
He only disenchanted from the spell,
Like the weak worm that gems the starless night,
Moved in the scanty circlet of his light:
And was it strange if he withdrew the ray
That did but guide the night-birds to their prey?

The ascending Day-star with a bolder eye
Hath lit each dew-drop on our trimmer lawn!
Yet not for this, if wise, will we decry
The spots and struggles of the timid DAWN;
Lest so we tempt th' approaching Noon to scorn
The mists and painted vapours of our MORN.


FROM his brimstone bed at break of day

A walking the DEVIL is gone,

To visit his little snug farm of the earth
And see how his stock went on.

Over the hill and over the dale

And he went over the plain,

And backward and forward he swished his long tail

As a gentleman swishes his can e.

And how then was the Devil drest?

Oh! he was in his Sunday's best :

His jacket was red and his breeches were blue

And there was a hole where the tail came through.

He saw a LAWYER killing a Viper

On a dung heap beside his stable,

And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind

Of Cain and his brother, Abel.

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