PROSE IN RHYME: OR, EPIGRAMS, MORALITIES, AND THINGS WITHOUT A NAME. Ἔρως ἄει λάληδρος ἔταιρος. In many ways does the full heart reveal The absence of the love, which yet it fain would shew. THE ONLY SURE FRIEND OF DECLINING LIFE, A SOLILOQUY. UNCHANGED within to see all changed without, heed Whether the object by reflected light And tho' thou notest from thy safe recess Old Friends burn dim, like lamps in noisome air, Love them for what they are: nor love them less, Because to thee they are not what they were. SONG. THO' veiled in spires of myrtle wreath, Love is a sword that cuts its sheath And thro' the clefts, itself has made We spy the flashes of the Blade! But thro' the clefts, itself had made, We likewise see Love's flashing blade By rust consumed or snapt in twain : And only Hilt and Stump remain. PHANTOM OR FACT? A DIALOGUE IN VERSE. AUTHOR. A LOVELY form there sate beside my bed, But ah! the change-It had not stirr'd, and yet And still, methought, I knew, it was the same! FRIEND. This riddling Tale, to what does it belong? Or rather say at once, within what space Of Time this wild disastrous change took place? |