Defy him, as a tyrant and usurper. [hurried off by Ragozzi and the Guard. EMERICK. Ere twice the sun hath risen, by my sceptre This insolence shall be avenged CASIMIR O banish him! This infamy will crush me. O for my sake, Banish him, my liege Lord! EMERICK. (scornfully) What? to the army? Be calm, young friend! Nought shall be done in anger. [Exit Casimir in agitation. EMERICK (alone, looks at a Calendar.) The changeful planet, now in her decay, [Exit. Scene changes to another view, namely, the back of the Palace-a Wooded Park, and Mountains. Enter ZAPOLYA, with an Infant in Arms. ZAPOLYA. Hush, dear one! hush! My trembling arm disturbs thee! Thou, the protector of the helpless! thou, Direct my steps! Ah whither? O send down Hush, sweet one! Thou art no Hagar's offspring: Thou art The rightful heir of an anointed king! Their queen has no home! Hear me, heavenly Father! Be as the shadow of thy outspread wings To hide and shield us! Start'st thou in thy slumbers? Thy wicked uncle's lie. [she starts back Ha! what? A soldier ? and enter CHEF RAGOZZI, CHEF RAGOZZI. Sure heaven befriends us. Well! he hath escaped! O rare tune of a tyrant's promises That can enchant the serpent treachery From forth its lurking hole in the heart, " Ragozzi! But gain some sure intelligence of the queen : ZAPOLYA. (coming fearfully forward.) Art thou not Ragozzi? CHEF RAGOZZI. The Queen! Now then the miracle is full! I see heaven's wisdom is an over-match For the devil's cunning. This way, madam, haste! ZAPOLYA. Stay! Oh, no! Forgive me if I wrong thee! This is thy sovereign's child: Oh, pity us, And be not treacherous! [kneeling. CHEF RAGOZZI. (raising her.) Madam! For mercy's sake ! ZAPOLYA. But tyrants have an hundred eyes and arms! CHEF RAGOZZI, Take courage, madam! 'Twere too horrible, Kiuprili! How? ZAPOLYA. CHEF RAGOZZI. There is not time to tell it. The tyrant called me to him, praised my zeal, (And be assured I overtopt his cunning And seemed right zealous.) But time wastes: In fine, Bids me dispatch my trustiest friends, as couriers With letters to the army. The thought at once Flashed on me. I disguised my prisoner What Raab Kiuprili ? ZAPOLYA. CHEF RAGOZZI. Yes! my noble general! I sent him off, with Emerick's own pacquet, ZAPOLYA. Ah, how? Is it joy or fear? My limbs seem sinking ! CHEF RAGOZZI. (supporting her.) To escort me. Oh, thrice happy when he finds ZAPOLYA. One brief moment, That praying for strength I may have strength. This babe, Heaven's eye is on it, and its innocence Through thee, dear babe, the inspiring thought pos sessed me, When the loud clamor rose, and all the palace To the deserted chamber of my lord. [then to the infant. And thou didst kiss thy father's lifeless lips, |