DRAMATIS PERSONE. MARQUIS VALDEZ, Father to the two brothers, and Donna Teresa's Guardian. DON ALVAR, the eldest son. DON ORDONIO, the youngest son. MONVIEDRO, a Dominican and Inquisitor. ZULIMEZ, the faithful attendant on Alvar. ISIDORE, a Moresco Chieftain, ostensibly a Christian. FAMILIARS OF THE INQUISITION. NAOMI. MOORS, SERVANTS, &c. DONNA TERESA, an Orphan Heiress. ALHADRA, Wife to Isidore. Time. The reign of Philip II., just at the close of the civil wars against the Moors, and during the heat of the persecution which raged against them, shortly after the edict which forbad the wearing of Moresco apparel under pain of death. ACT I.-SCENE I. The Sea Shore on the Coast of Granada. DON ALVAR, wrapt in a Boat cloak, and ZULIMEZ (a Moresco) both as just landed. ZULIMEZ. No sound, no face of joy to welcome us! ALVAR. My faithful Zulimez, for one brief moment ZULIMEZ. Then claim your rights in it! O, revered Don Alvar, And let the guilty meet the doom of guilt! ALVAR. Remember, Zulimez! I am his brother, Ordonio's brother. ZULIMEZ. Nobly minded Alvar ! ! This sure but gives his guilt a blacker dye. ALVAR. The more behoves it, I should rouse within him ZULIMEZ. REMORSE is as the heart in which it grows: Of true repentance; but if proud and gloomy, Weeps only tears of poison! ALVAR. And of a brother, Dare I hold this, unproved? nor make one effort thee, That this same life, which he conspired to take, Add too my oath ZULIMEZ. You have thrice told already The years of absence and of secrecy, To which a forced oath bound you: if in truth A suborned murderer have the power to dictate A binding oath ALVAR. My long captivity Left me no choice: the very Wish too languished ZULIMEZ. Heavy presumption! ALVARA. It weighed not with me-Hark! I will tell thee all; As we passed by, I bade thee mark the base Of yonder cliff ZULIMEZ. That rocky seat you mean, Shaped by the billows? ALVAR. There Teresa met me The morning of the day of my departure. [then with agitation. Had'st thou seen How in each motion her most innocent soul Beamed forth and brightened, thou thyself would'st tell me, Guilt is a thing impossible in her! She must be innocent! ZULIMEZ. (with a sigh.) Proceed, my Lord! ALVAR. A portrait which she had procured by stealth, |