Imágenes de páginas

Growth of hair, nails, hedges, and herbs, in the moon's increase,

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ii. 39
ii. 51

Guiney-pepper causeth sneezing
Guise, Henry, duke of, in what sense the greatest usurer in France,
ii. 435
Guise, family of, many troubles in England and Scotland owing to
them, iii. 81, &c. England assists France several times against
the faction of this house, iii. 82, 83, duke of, is beheaded by
Henry III. of France, iii. 83, a saying concerning the duke of
Guise's liberality

Gum of trees, the cause of its shining
Gum dissolves both by fire aud water

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iii. 214

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i. 246

ii. 16

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i. 519

Gun-powder, the cause of the great noise it yieldeth, i. 258, white,
whether it giveth no sound

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i. 301, 302


HACKET, a fanatical disturber of the church, iii. 61, his execu-


Hair coloured black by the Turks, i. 501.

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fresh colours as birds' feathers, i. 246. How the colour of them
may be changed, i. 287. Hair on the head of children new-
born, whence, i. 473, standing erect in a fright, whence, i. 490.
Hair changing colour, ii. 22. Hair of the party beloved worn,
exciteth love

Hanaper of the chancery, what it included.

Hands have a sympathy with the head and other parts
Hannibal's character of Fabius and Marcellus
Hanno and Hannibal

Hansbeys, their cause in chancery.

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Hard substances in the bodies of living creatures, most about the
head, i. 504, some of them stand at a stay, some continually
grow, i. 504, all of them without sense but the teeth
Hard bodies, their cause

Harper, Sir John

Hatching of eggs.

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Hatton, lady, removes her daughter, to prevent her being married

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Hawkins, Sir John, his unfortunate death by sickness in the West

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Haws and hips in store, portend cold winters
Hay, Sir Alexander, his queries about the office of constables, with
.. iv. 309


Hayward, Dr. committed to the Tower, for the history of the depo-
sition of king Richard II. ii. 405, stolen from Cornelius Tacitus,
ii. 406
Head, its sympathy with the feet, i. 288, 289, local motion conti-
nued after the head struck off, whence
i. 389, 390
Health, regimen of it, ii. 330, interrupted by sudden change of
diet, ii. 331, cheerfulness a great preservative of it, ibid. how
consulted by the situation of buildings

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Health of the nation remarkable in queen Elizabeth's time iii. 50
Healthful airs oft-times without scent
. ii. 46
Hearing hath more immediate operation upon the manners and spi-
rits of men than the other senses, whence, i. 298, its hindrances
and helps, i. 347, why hindered by yawning, ibid. helped by
holding the breath, ibid. instruments to help hearing, ibid. Hear-
ing causeth horror, i. 484. Hearing more offended by some ob-
jects, than the eye by ungrateful sights
i. 344, 345
Heart of an ape worn, increaseth audacity, as reported, &c. ii. 70
Heat and cold.
ii. 177
Heat and cold, nature's two hands, i. 277. Heat the chiefest
power in nature, i. 291, how to make trial of the highest operation
of it, ibid. Heat and time work the like effects, i. 292, 351,
their different operations in many things, i. 351, 474, 475. Heat
more tolerable under the line than on the skirts of the torrid zone,
i. 388. Heat, being qualified by moisture, the effect, i. 475. Heat
causeth the differences of male and female, ii. 23, other differences
thereupon, ib. tempered with moisture, ib. the several effects of
heat in the sun, fire, and living creatures, ii. 25. Heat and cold
have a virtual transition without communication of substance,
ii. 29. Heat within the earth, ii. 36, greater in winter than sum-
mer, ibid. trial of drawing it forth by the moon-beams, ii. 38.
Heats under the equinoctial, less than under the torrid zones, three
causes thereof

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i. 388, 389

vi. 271, 297

Heath, Robert, made solicitor-general
Heathen opinion, touching generation of creatures perfect by con-

cretion, refelled.

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ii. 42
ii. 38, 48


ii. 99

Hector, Dr., his prescription to the dames of London
Hedgehog's flesh, its virtue

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ii. 70


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Heirs are bound, by the acts of their ancestors, if named,
charged for false plea, iv. 101, the great favour of our law to-
wards them
Helena, her lover quitted Juno and Pallas
Heliotropia, the causes of its opening and shutting, or bending to-
wards the sun
i. 414
Helwise, Sir Gervase, his declaration concerning Mr. Overbury's
death, iv. 460, lieutenant of the Tower, vi. 107, note (e), disco-
vered to be concerned in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury,
vi. 107, 108

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Hemp and flax, the great use of planting them
Henry II. of England

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Henry III. of France, is stabbed before the walls of Paris, by a jaco-
bin friar, iv. 422, is murdered, ibid. the revenge of his death,
ii. 262
Henry IV. of France, his question to the count of Soissons, ii. 404,
is called the king of faith, ii. 405, the best commander of his
time, iii. 518, much praised, iv. 422, is murdered
Heury II. and III. of England, some troubles of their reign men-
iii. 48, 49
Henry IV. of England, extolled by the prior of Trinity, v. 72.

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Story of the first year of his reign published, and dedicated to
lord Essex, which offends the queen, iii. 221, is deposed and

iii. 175

iii. 49

V. 5

Henry V. of England, his remarkable success
Henry VI. of England, slain by the hands of Richard III.
Henry VII. of England, his history, ii. 299, in his greatest business
imparted to few, ii. 302, his device to improve England, ii. 325,
stout and suspicious to a great degree, ii. 332, what Henry VI.
said of him, ii. 342, styled earl of Richmond before his accession
to the crown, v. 5, caused Te Deum to be sung on the place of
his victory, ibid. his three titles to the crown, v. 7, depresses the
title of the house of York, v. 9, disperses the fears of the people
by his peaceable march to London, v. 10, sparing of creations
when crowned, v. 12, institutes yeomen of his guard, ibid. sum-
mons a parliament, v. 13, his attainder how mentioned by the
judges, v. 14, his marriage more solemnized than his entry or
coronation, v. 17, successful and secure, ibid. punishes the rebels
by fines and ransoms, v. 34, obtains from the pope the qualifying
of sanctuaries, v. 35, 36, his conduct in the affair of Britainy,
v. 37, his schemes therein too fine to be fortunate, v. 37,
38, great affairs being too stubborn to be wrought upon by points
of wit, v. 45, calls a parliament, 46, recommends laws against
riots, v. 50, and to encourage trade and manufactures, ibid. passes
several good laws, v. 55, 56, retrenches the privileges of the
clergy,v. 56,serves himself by intimacy with Adrian de Castello, the
pope's legate, v. 59, barters laws for treasure, being one of the
best lawgivers, v. 60, improves the military force, v. 63, de-
mands the title and tribute from France, v. 76, his speech to his
parliament, v. 78, proposes to try his right for the crown of
France, ibid. receives from the king and queen of Spain letters,
containing particulars of the final conquest at Granada, v. 85,
draws together a puissant army, and lands at Calais, v. 87, 88,
invests Boloign and makes peace, v. 89, notifies his gainful peace
to the mayor and aldermen of London, v. 90, general clamour
against the king, v. 98, his diligence in tracing Perkin's history,
v. 100, has his own spies cursed publicly at St. Paul's, v. 101,
the probable reasons of his distaste against Sir William Stanley,
v. 109, the king pestered with swarms of libels, the females of se-
dition, v. 110, crushes money from his subjects by his penal laws,
v. 111, enters into a league in defence of Italy, v. 114, a reward
promised for killing or taking the king by Perkin's proclamation,
v. 125, the king's wars were always a mine of treasure to him,
v. 128, creates bannerets after the victory at Blackheath, v. 135,
demands of the Scots to have Perkin delivered, v. 139, con-
stantly named in the Italian league before Ferdinando, v. 115, ex-
erts his utmost force to secure Perkin, when we had got him on
English ground, v. 144, enters the city of Exeter joyfully, and
gave them his sword, v. 146, takes Perkin out of sanctuary, on
promise of life, v. 147, rebuilds the palace of Shene, v. 149, as-
signs a ship manned to Gabato, to discover unknown parts, ibid.
how the king missed the first discovery, v. 150, makes peace
with the king of Scots, v. 152, has a third son born, named Ed-

mund, who soon died, ibid. passes over to Calais, and has an in-
terview with the archduke, v. 157, summoned by the pope to the
holy war, v. 159, creates Henry prince of Wales, v. 164, his bar-
barous usage of the earl of Oxford, one of his principal servants in
war and peace, v. 168, had scarce any parliament without an act
against riots and retainers, v. 172, subsidy and benevolence in
one year without war or fear of any, ibid. his treatment of the
king of Castile, forced to put in at Weymouth, v. 177, 178, 179,
solicitous to have Henry VI. canonized, v. 181, marries his se-
cond daughter, Mary, to Charles prince of Castile, afterward en-
peror, ibid. his death, v. 184, his character and benefactions,
v. 185, laws and justice prevailed in his time, except where he
was party, v. 186, 187, his reputation abroad greater than at
home, v. 188, born at Pembroke castle
Henry VIII. of England, his birth, v. 77, receives the pension or
tribute from France, v. 89, his eminent distinguishing qualities, v.
194, learned, but short of his brother Arthur, ibid. his felicity
upon his succession, v. 194, 195, his confederacy with Francis I.
and Charles V.
iii. 507
Henry, prince, insolence of Sir Thomas Overbury to him, vi. 98,
his death imputed to the earl of Somerset, vi. 99, Mr. Bacon's
Latin eulogium on him, and its translation.
vi. 58, 61,
Henry II. last king of France of value, except Henry IV. vi. 362
Heraclitus, ii. 417, styled the obscure, ii. 446, a dark saying of his,
ii. 318, v. 320

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v. 193

Herbs made tenderer, i. 406, removed from beds into pots prosper
better, ibid. grow sweeter by cutting off the first sprout, whence,
i. 407, inquiry whether they can be made medicinable, and how,
i. 417, four designations of it, i. 418, their ordinary colours,
i. 420, 421. Herbs growing out of the water without roots, i. 436,
growing out of the top of the sea without roots, ibid. growing
out of snow, ibid. growing out of stone, i. 437, growing in the
bottoms of mines, ibid. none growing out of the sea sands, ibid.
Herbs dying yearly, i. 440, that last many years, ibid. the largest
last not longest, as the largest trees do, why, i. 441, fable of an
herb in the likeness of a lamb, i. 452. Herbs which shew the
nature of the ground, i. 466. Herbs which like to be watered

with salt-water, i. 471. Herbs that foreshew rain
Hercules, i. 312, unbinds Prometheus

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ii. 8

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ii. 262

ii. 510

Heresy, cases relating thereto, and the punishment of it, iv. 301,
one great occasion of it
Herlackenden's case, relating to the inheritance of timber trees,

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iv. 219, &c.

Hermogenes, the rhetorician, an instance of an early ripeness and
hasty fading.

ii. 356
ii. 7

Herons' high flights foreshew wind
Hetherington's declaration concerning lord Essex's treason, iii. 187
Hialas, Peter, a Spaniard, occasions the marriage between the two

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v. 138

Hiccup, why removed by sneezing, i. 746, means to cease it, ibid.
Hiero visited by Pythagoras, ii. 446, his question to Simonides,
ii. 447

High-constable. See Constable.
Highways presentable

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iv. 393

ii. 6

iv. 248

Hills with night-caps on in Wales
Hill's and Graunger's case
Hippocrates, his rule about the garment worn next the flesh, i. 270,
his aphorism touching diseases contrary to complexion, age, &c.
i. 275, his prognostics upon the seasons of the year, i. 384, says,
Athens is mad, and Democritus only sober
Hippocrates's sleeve

Hippophagi, the Scythians so called
History, general division of, i. 76.

iii. 480

i. 247

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ii. 27

i. 88

Natural history, i. 77. Civil

history, i. 80. Appendices to history

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History of England, observation on the defects, &c. thereof, v. 294,
of Henry VII. commended
Hobart, Sir Henry, vi. 70, and note (b), vi. 83, 189, 226, likely
to die
Holland cheese
Homage, vowed to the king by every tenant by knight's service,
iv. 104, how performed, ibid. importeth continuance in the blood,
iv. 218
Homicide, how many ways it may be committed, iv. 294, thought
justifiable only in one case by the Romans, iv. 405, how distin-
guished by the law of God, ibid. law about it
Honesty of life, breaches of it how presentable, and of what kind,

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Honey, i. 453, 455, ii. 20, several ways how it is used, ii. 20, a
wine of honey, ii. 21. Honey of the box-tree
Honey-dews upon certain leaves and flowers
Honour, the place of virtue

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Honour and reputation, ii. 381. Honour hath three advantages, ii.
345, the degrees of sovereign honour, ii. 381, of honour in sub-
jects, ii. 382, the spur to virtue, ii. 246. Honour of the judge
is the king's honour

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Horns, i. 504. Horned beasts have no upper teeth

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Horse, every tenant by knight's service is obliged to keep one for

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Horses, English, excel in strength and swiftness

Horses' flesh eaten, ii. 27. Horses' tooth hath the mark
age, i. 506. Sea-horse tooth ring good for the cramp

Hornsby, Francis .

Hortensius, his character to the life

iv. 103

iii. 455

of their

ii. 67

vi. 206

ii. 356

Hospitals, how frequently they are abused to ill purposes, iii. 388,
ill effects of very large ones, iii. 390, are best managed in Lon-
don, and why they are so, ibid. the good effects of them in pre-
venting beggars, iii. 391, are not an adequate remedy for sup-
porting the poor.

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Hostility, how many ways hindered from being put in execution,
when it is between nations

Hot bread, its odour nourishing .

Houghton, Sir Robert, some account of him

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