Imágenes de páginas

of Somerset, vi. 97, his letter to Sir George Villiers relating to
that earl, vi. 101, his remembrances of the king's declaration
against the lord chief justice Coke, vi. 127, sends the king a war-
rant to review Sir Edward Coke's reports, vi. 132, his remem-
brances to the king on his majesty's going to Scotland, vi. 134,
his additional instructions to Sir John Digby, vi. 138, his account
of council business, vi. 139, cases in chancery recommended to
him by the earl of Buckingham, vi. 142, and note (b) 143, 148,
&c. recommends Sir Thomas Edmondes to his niece for a hus-
band, vi. 147, desirous to have York-house, vi. 144, 396, con-
fined to his chamber by a pain in his legs, vi. 148, has not one
cause in his court unheard, vi. 149, resides some time at Dorset-
house, ibid. complains that the earl of Buckingham writes sel-
domer than he used, vi. 155, apologizes in a letter to the king, for
having opposed the match between the earl's brother and Sir Ed-
ward Coke's daughter, vi. 157, 158, 159, 160, the king's answer
to that letter, vi. 161, on ill terms with secretary Winwood, vi.
161, 162, note (b) earl of Buckingham exasperated against him,
vi. 165, reconciled, vi. 173, his advice to the king about reviving
the commission of suits, vi. 169, speaks with the judges concern-
ing commendams, vi. 173, his great dispatch of business in chan-
cery, vi. 182, created lord Verulam, vi. 203, note (c), desirous of
being one of the commissioners to treat with the Hollanders, vi.
215, returns thanks to the king for a favour granted him, vi. 220,
his letter to Frederick count Palatine, vi. 221, ordered to admo-
nish the judges for negligence, vi. 229, his advice, with regard to
currants and tobacco, followed by the king, vi. 232, gives a charge
in the star-chamber, vi. 244, draws up rules for the star-cham-
ber, vi. 247, advises the king to sit in person in that court, vi.
249, his letter to the king with his Novum Organum, vi. 252,
thanks the king for his acceptance of that work, vi. 256, approves
of the king's judgment about the proclamation for calling a par-
liament, vi. 257, notes of his speech in the star-chamber, against
Sir Henry Yelverton, vi. 258, his advice to the marquis of Buck-
ingham concerning the patents granted, vi. 262, letter of him and
the two chief justices, about parliament business, vi. 265, thanks
the king for creating him viscount St. Alban, vi. 271, his speech
to the parliament, vi. 273, his letter to the marquis of Buckingham
about the proceedings of the house of commons concerning griev-
ances, vi. 275, his letter to the king, vi. 276, speaks in his own
defence at a conference, ibid. note (a), his letter to the marquis
of Buckingham, when the house of commons began to accuse him
of abuses in his office, vi. 277, his concern in incorporating the
apothecaries, vi. 279, memoranda of what he intended to deliver
to the king, upon his first access after his troubles, vi. 280, 281,
282, proceedings against him, vi. 280, note (a), 281, his notes
the case of Michael de la Pole and others, vi. 284, his letters
to count Gondomar, vi. 287, directed to go to Gorhambury, vi.
288, his letter to Charles, prince of Wales, vi. 289, to the king, vi.
290, 291, grant of pardon to him, vi. 292, his letter to lord keeper
Williams, vi. 294, his petition intended for the house of lords,
ibid. his letter to lord Digby, vi. 296, to the marquis of Bucking-

ham, vi. 297, memorial of a conference with the marquis, vi. 298,
299, 300, his history of the reign of king Henry VII. vi. 303, his
letter to the duke of Lenox, vi. 306, to the marquis of Bucking-
ham, vi. 306, 307, to Mr. Tobie Matthew, vi. 311, desirous to
offer his house and lands at Gorhambury to the marquis, vi. 311,
312, his letter to the marquis of Buckingham, ibid. to the lord
viscount Falkland, vi. 316, to lord treasurer Cranfield, vi. 317, to
Thomas Meautys, esq. vi. 320, to Mr. Tobie Matthew, vi. 321, to
the queen of Bohemia, vi. 322, to the lord keeper, vi. 325, to the
marquis of Buckingham, vi. 326, to the countess of Buckingham,
vi. 328, to the marquis of Buckingham, vi. 329, memorial of his
access to the king, ibid. remembrances of what he was to say to
the lord treasurer Cranfield, vi. 335, his letter to the marquis, vi.
337, 338, to Sir Francis Cottington, vi. 339, he returns to Gray's
Inn, vi. 340, and note (b), his letter to the king, ibid. to secretary
Conway, vi. 341, to count Gondomar, vi. 343, to the marquis of
Buckingham, vi. 344, is obliged to secretary Conway, vi. 345, his
letter to secretary Conway, ibid. desirous of the provostship of
Eton, ibid. intends to sell Gorhambury, vi. 346, his papers on
usury, ibid. his letter to count Gondomar, vi. 347, to the earl of
Bristol, vi. 348, to Sir Francis Cottington, ibid. to Mr. Matthew,
ibid. to the duke of Buckingham, vi. 349, to Mr. Matthew, vi.
352, his history of Henry VIII. vi. 352, 353, his letter to the
duke of Buckingham, vi. 355, to the king with his book de Aug-
mentis Scientiarum, vi. 357, to the prince with the same book,
ibid. his essay on friendship, ii. 314, his conference with the
duke, vi. 359, 360, 361, letter of advice to the duke, vi. 364,
desires his writ of summons to parliament, vi. 368, his letter to
Sir Francis Barnham, vi. 369, to the duke of Buckingham, vi.
370, 371, to Sir Richard Weston, vi. 372, to Sir Humphry May,
vi. 374, to Sir Robert Pye, vi. 379, to Edward, earl of Dorset,
vi. 380, letter to Mr. Roger Palmer, vi. 382, to the duke of Buck-
ingham, ibid. to Mons. D'Effiat, vi. 384, to king James I. vi. 387,
388, his petition to king James I. vi. 389, his letters to the mar-
quis of Buckingham, vi. 391, 392, 393, 394, to Mr. Matthew,
vi. 394, to the archbishop of York, vi. 396, to the king, on Cot-
ton's case, vi. 73, his letter to Mr. Cecil about his travels, vi. 1,
letter of thanks to the earl of Essex, vi. 2, to alderman Spencer,
vi. 3, to queen Elizabeth, being afraid of her displeasure, vi. 6,
to Mr. Kemp, vi. 7, to the earl of Essex, about the Huddler, vi. 8,
to Sir Robert Cecil, vi. 12, his letter to queen Elizabeth, vi. 16,
to his brother Antony, vi. 17, another to his brother Antony,
about being solicitor, and the queen's temper of mind, vi. 18, his
letter to Sir Robert Cecil about his going abroad, if not made
solicitor, vi. 20, to Sir Thomas Egerton, desiring favours, vi. 32,
to the earl of Essex on his going on the expedition against Cadiz,
vi. 38, his letter to his brother Antony, vi. 40, to Sir John Davis,
vi. 50, his eulogium on Henry prince of Wales, vi. 58, 59, 60,
his letter to lord Norris, vi. 82, his letter to Sir George Villiers
about Sir Robert Cotton's examination, vi. 89, his letter to the
judges about the cause of commendams, vi. 94, his letter to the
king about the transportation of tallow, butter and hides, vi. 111,

to Mr. Maxey of Trinity College, vi. 146, to his niece about her
marriage, v. 147, his letter to the duke of Buckingham about Sir
Henry Yelverton's case, vi. 259, his letter to the lord treasurer
for his favour to Mr. Higgens, vi. 385, to Sir Francis Vere in
favour of Mr. Ashe, ibid. to Mr. Cawfeilde about sending inter-
rogatories, vi. 386, his friendly letter to lord Montjoye, vi. 387.
See letters.

Bacon, Antony, a letter from his brother to him, vi. 17, another let-
ter about being solicitor to queen Elizabeth

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vi. 18

Bacon, Sir Edmund, a letter to his uncle about the salt of worm-

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vi. 130

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v. 73

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Bajazet, better read in the Alcoran, than government
Bailiffs, their office, iv. 318, by whom appointed
Balaam's Ass, the title of a libel against king James I. note (a) vi. 73
Bankrupts, their petitions, when to be granted
Banquet of the seven wise men

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iv. 524

ii. 444

Baptism by women or laymen condemned, ii. 540, was formerly
administered but annually

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v. 115

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Barbadico, duke of Venice, joins in the Italian league
Barbary, the plague cured there by heat and drought, i. 384, hotter
than under the line, why
Bargains of a doubtful nature
Barley, William, sent to lady Margaret, &c. v. 98, made his peace
at last
Barnham, Sir Francis, letter to him from lord St. Alban vi. 369
Baronets, letter to king James I. from Sir Francis Bacon, on that
order, vi. 63, when first created
vi. 64, note (b)
Barrel empty, knocked, said to give a diapason to the same barrel

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Barrow, a promoter of the opinions of the Brownists
Barton, called the Holy Maid of Kent, is condemned for treason,

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Bastard, how his heirs may become lawful possessors, in opposition

to legal issue

iv. 99


i. 488

Bathing the body, i. 501, would not be healthful for us if it were in
use, i. 502, for the Turks good

Battery, how to be punished

iv. 82

Battle of Granicum, ii. 440, of Arbela, ii. 323, of Actium, ii. 329,
of Bosworth Field, v. 5, of Stokefield near Newark, v. 32, of St.
Alban, v. 52, of Bannockbourn, v. 59, of Cressy, Poictiers, and
Agincourt, v. 79, of Blackheath, v. 134, of Newport in Flanders,

iii. 524

Bayly, Dr. Lewis, bishop of Bangor, a book of his to be examined,
vi. 240, and note (d)
Baynton or Bainham
vi. 170, 171

Beads of several sorts commended

Beaks of birds cast

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Bearing in the womb, in some creatures longer, in some shorter,

i. 508
Bears, their sleeping, i. 270, ii. 41, breed during their sleeping, ii.
Bear big with young seldom seen


Beasts, why their hairs have less lively colours than birds' feathers,
i. 246, 247, 287. Beasts do not imitate man's speech as birds
do, whence, i. 335, 336. Beasts communicating species with or
resembling one another, i. 472, the comparative greatness of
beasts and birds with regard to fishes, ii. 23, 24, greater than
birds, whence

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Beasts that yield the taste or virtue of the herb they feed on, i. 417,
their bearing in the womb

Beasts foreshew rain, how
Beautiful persons

i. 507

ii. 8

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Beauty, how improved

Beauty and deformity, ii. 357, 358, the relation of beauty to virtue,
ii. 357, when good things appear in full beauty

ii. 240

Becher, Sir William, vi. 116, resigns his pretensions to the provost-
ship of Eton
vi. 345, note (a)

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v. 436

Bedford, duke of, v. 12. See Jasper.
Bedford, lady, some account of her
Beer, how fined, i. 356, 357, 358, improved by burying, i. 383,
capon beer, how made, i. 266, 267, a very nourishing drink ibid.
Bees humming, an unequal sound, i. 317, their age, i.483, whether
they sleep all winter

Beggars, the ill effects from them

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i. 504

iii. 391

Behaviour of some men like verse, in which every syllable is mea-
sured, ii. 377, should be like the apparel, not too strait ii. 378
Belfast, lord
vi. 360, 363, and note (f)
Bells, why they sound so long after the percussion, i. 303, 304,
ringing of them said to have chased away thunder and dissipated
pestilent air, 305. See i. 343, Bells, what helps the clearness of
their sound

ii. 190
Bellum sociale, between the Romans and Latins, with the occasion
of it
iii. 302
Benevolence, a contribution so called, made of money, plate, &c.
to king James I. with the occasion of it, iv. 429, v. 81, 172, &c.
letters sent to the sheriffs, to bring the country into it, iv. 431,
great care taken to prevent its being looked on as a tax, or being
drawn into precedent; with reasons in justification thereof, iv.431,
432, 433. Oliver St. John's complaints against it, with his papers
relating thereto condemned in several particulars iv. 433, 434
Benbow, Mr.
vi. 301
vi. 156, 255

Bennet, Sir John
Bernard, St.

Bernardi, Philip

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Bertram, concerning his murdering of Tyndal, v. 452, his case,v. 554
Bertram, John, his case, vi. 133

Bevers, lord, admiral of the arch-duke
Bias, his precept about love and hatred

and note (e)

v. 127

ii. 416

Bill of review, in what cases to be admitted in chancery, iv. 509, &c.
of an immoderate length, is to be fined in chancery, iv. 517, that
is libellous, or slanderous, or impertinent, to be punished, iv. 518
Bills and beaks sometimes cast.

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i, 504
vi. 245

Bingley, Sir John, his answer in the star-chamber
Bingley turns pirate, and his ship is taken in Ireland iii. 337
Bion, his reproof to an envious man, ii, 418, esteemed an atheist,
ii. 437, reprimands the dissolute mariners in a tempest ii. 448
Birds, why their feathers have more orient colours than the hairs of

i. 247, 287

Birds have another manner in their quickening than men or beasts,
i. 288. Birds only imitate human voice, whence, i. 336, why
swifter in motion than beasts, i. 474, in their kinds, why less than
beasts or fishes, ii. 23, 24. Birds have no instruments of urine,
i. 473, the swiftness of their motion, i. 474, have no teeth, i. 504,
among singing birds the best, ii. 23, birds carnivorous, not eaten,
ii. 27

Birth of living creatures, how many ways it may be accelerated,

i. 372
ii. 427

Bishop taken armed in battle
Bishops, their wrong conduct often occasions controversies in the
church, ii. 506, of England answered, ii. 507, 512, ought not
lightly to be spoken ill of, ii. 506, 507, when any were anciently
excommunicated, their offence was buried in oblivion, ii. 508, ill
ones censured by the fathers, ibid. whether the present practice
of exercising their authority alone by themselves be right, ii. 531,
how they came by this authority, ii. 532, 533. Government of
the church by bishops commended, ii. 531, in causes that come
before them they should be assisted by the other clergy, ii. 533,
should have no deputies to judge for them, ii. 534, the causes
which they are to judge of
ii. 536
Bitumen, a mixture of fiery and watery substance, i. 519, mingled
,with lime, and put under water, will make an artificial rock, ibid.
Black the best colour in plums

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i. 421

Blackheath, battle there between Henry VII. and the Cornish re-


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Bladders dry, will not blow, &c.

v. 134

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i. 370

Blasphemy ought to be chastised by the temporal sword ii. 260, of

the devil..

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Blear eyes infectious

ii. 52

Bleeding of the body at the approach of the murderer

ii. 65

Blister on the tongue

ii. 379

Blois, an experiment about improving milk there

i. 385

Blood, five means of stanching it, i. 276, why it separateth when

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Blood of the cuttle-fish, why black, i. 502, one who hath
hands in blood, fit only for a desperate undertaking.
Blood-stone, said to prevent bleeding at the nose


2 F

had his

ii. 349

ii. 68

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