The letter to expect yet, and the manner of the delivery. That my lord do not impute it, if he hear I deal with others; for he shall better perceive the value, and I shall make it good to his lordship, being my state requireth speed. TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN. May it please your Lordship, REMEMBERING, that the letter your lordship put yesterday into my hand was locked up under two or three seals, it ran in my head, that it might be bustness of importance, and require haste; and not finding Mr. Matthew in town, nor any certainty of his return till Monday or Tuesday, I thought it became me to let your lordship know it, that so I might receive your lordship's pleasure, if need were, to send it by as safe a hand, as if it had three seals more. My lord, I saw Sir Arthur Ingram, who let fall somewhat, as if he could have been contented to have received a letter by me from your lordship, with something in it like an acknowledgment to my lord treasurer, (a) that by his means you had received a kind letter from my lord marquis. But, in the close, he came about, and fell rather to excuse what was left out of the letter, than to please himself much with what was in it. Only indeed he looked upon me, as if he did a little distrust my good meaning in it. But that is all one to me; for I have been used to it, of late, from others, as well as from him. But persons apt to be suspicious may well be borne with; for certainly they trouble themselves most, and lose most by it. For of such it is a hard question, whether those be fewest whom they trust, or those who trust them. But for him, and some others, I will end in a wish, that, as to your lordship's service, they might prove (a) Lionel, lord Cranfield, made lord treasurer in October, 1621.. but half so much honester, as they think themselves wiser, than other men. It is doubtful, whether the king will come to-morrow or not; for they say he is full of pain in his feet. My lord marquis came late to town last night, and goeth back this evening: and Sir Edward Sackville watcheth an opportunity to speak with him before he go. However, he wisheth that your lordship would lose no time in returning an answer, made all of sweetmeats, to my lord marquis's letter, which, he is confident, will be both tasted and digested by him. And Sir Edward wisheth, that the other letter to my lord marquis, for presenting your discourse of laws to his majesty, might follow the first. I humbly rest Martii 3, 1621. Your Lordship's for ever truly to honour and serve you, THO. MEAUTYS. TO THE LORD VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN. May it please your Lordship, I HAD not failed to appear this night, upon your lordship's summons, but that my stay till to-morrow, I knew would mend my welcome, by bringing Mr. Matthew, who means to dine with your lordship only, and so to rebound back to London, by reason my lord Digby's journey calls for him on the sudden. Neither yet was this all that stayed me; for I hear somewhat, that I like reasonably well; and yet I hope it will mend too; which is, that my lord marquis hath sent you a message by my lord of Falkland, which is a far better hand than my lord treasurer's, that gives you leave to come presently to Highgate and Sir Edward Sackville, speaking for the other five miles, my lord commended his care and zeal for your lordship, but silenced him thus: Let my lord be ruled by me: it will be never the 66 worse for him." But my lord marquis saying farther to him, "Sir Edward, however you play a good "friend's part for my lord St. Alban; yet I must "tell you, I have not been well used by him." And Sir Edward desiring of him to open himself in whatsoever he might take offence at; and withal, taking upon him to have known so much from time to time, of your lordship's heart, and endeavours towards his lordship, as that he doubted not but he was able to clear any mist, that had been cast before his lordship's eyes by your enemies; my lord marquis, by this time being ready to go to the Spanish ambassador's to dinner, broke off with Sir Edward, and told him, that after dinner he would be back at Wallingford-house, and then he would tell Sir Edward more of his mind; with whom I have had newly conference at large, and traced out to him, as he desired me, some particulars of that, which they call a treaty with my lord treasurer about York-house, which Sir Edward Sackville knows how to put together, and make a smooth tale of it for your lordship; and this night I shall know all from him, and to-morrow, by dinner, I shall not fail to attend your lordship: till when, and ever, I rest Indorsed, Your Lordship's in all truth Received March 11. to honour and serve you, T. MEAUTYS. TO HENRY CARY, LORD VISCOUNT FALKLAND. (a) My very good Lord, YOUR lordship's letter was the best letter I received this good while, except the last kind letter from my lord of Buckingham, which this confirmeth. It is the best accident, one of them, amongst men, when they hap to be obliged to those, whom naturally and per (a) Appointed lord deputy of Ireland, September 8, 1622. sonally they love, as I ever did your lordship; in troth not many between my lord marquis and yourself; so that the sparks of my affection shall ever rest quick, under the ashes of my fortune, to do you service; and wishing to your fortune and family all good. Your Lordship's most affectionate, and much obliged, &c. I pray your lordship to present my humble service and thanks to my lord marquis, to whom, when I have a little paused, I purpose to write; as likewise to his majesty, for whose health and happiness, as his true beadsman, I most frequently pray. Indorsed, March 11. Copy of my answer to Lord Falkland. TO THE LORD TREASURER. (a) My very good Lord, I HAVE received, by my noble friend, my lord viscount Falkland, advertisement, as from my lord marquis, of three things; the one, that, upon his lordship's motion to his majesty, he is graciously pleased to grant some degree of release of my confinement. The second, that if I shall gratify your lordship, who, my lord understandeth, are desirous to treat with me about my house at London, with the same, his lordship will take it as well, as if it was done to himself. The third, that his majesty hath referred unto your lordship the consideration of the relief of my poor estate. I have it also from other part, yet by such, as have taken it immediately from my lord marquis, that your lordship hath done me to the king very good offices. My lord, I am much bounden to you: wherefore if you shall be pleased to send Sir Arthur Ingram, who formerly moved me in it for your lord (a) Lionel, lord Cranfield. ship, to treat farther with me, I shall let your lordship see how affectionately I am desirous to pleasure your lordship after my lord of Buckingham. So wishing your lordship's weighty affairs, for his majesty's service, a happy return to his majesty's contentment, and your honour, I rest Your Lordship's very affectionate Indorsed, to do you service, FR. ST. ALBAN. March 12. To the lord treasurer. TO THE LORD TREASURER. My very good Lord, THE honourable correspondence, which your lordship hath been pleased to hold with my noble and constant friend, my lord marquis, in furthering his majesty's grace towards me, as well concerning my liberty, as the consideration of my poor estate, hath very much obliged me to your lordship, the more by how much the less likelihood there is, that I shall be able to merit it at your lordship's hands. Yet thus much I am glad of, that this course, your lordship holds with me, doth carry this much upon itself, that the world shall see in this, amongst other things, that you have a great and noble heart. For the particular business of York-house, Sir Arthur Ingram can bear me witness, that I was ready to leave the conditions to your lordship's own making: but since he tells me plainly, that your lordship will by no means have to be so, you will give me leave to refer it to Sir Arthur Ingram, who is so much your lordship's servant, and no less faithful friend to me, and understands values well, to set a price between us. For the reference his majesty hath been graciously pleased, at my lord marquis's suit, to make unto your |