| Samuel Daniel - 1718 - 442 páginas
...Blood, -and rifes by Diftrefs; ; And th'. Inheritance of 'Defolation leaves • To great-expeftifig Hopes ; He looks thereon, • ' As from the Shore...unwet Eye, And bears' no Venture in Impiety. Thus, Madam, fares that Man, that hath prepar'd A Reft for his Defires ; and fees all Things Beneath him... | |
 | Samuel Daniel - 1718 - 440 páginas
...filoed, and rifes by Diftrefs ; •; And th'Iflheritance of Defolation leaves ' ' ' To great-cxpefttftg Hopes : He looks thereon, As from the Shore of Peace,...unwet Eye, And bears no Venture in Impiety. Thus, Madam, fares that Man, that hath-prepar'd A Reft for his Defires -, and fees all Things Beneath him... | |
 | Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - 1823 - 402 páginas
...deceiv'd ; whilst man doth ransack man, And builds on blood, and rises by distress ; And th' inheritance of desolation leaves To great-expecting hopes : he...unwet eye, And bears no venture in impiety. Thus, madam, fares that man, that hath prepar'd A rest for his desires ; and sees all things Beneath him... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1821 - 372 páginas
...builds on blood, and rises by distress ; And th' inheritance of desolation leaves To great expecting hopes : he looks thereon, As from the shore of peace,...with unwet eye, And bears no venture in impiety." Michael Draytou's Poly-Olbion is a work of great length and of unabated freshness and vigour in itself,... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1821 - 374 páginas
...builds on blood, and rises by distress ; And th" inheritance of desolation leaves To great expecting hopes : he looks thereon, As from the shore of peace,...with unwet eye, And bears no venture in impiety." Michael Drayton's Poly-Olbion is a work of great length and of unabated freshness and vigour in itself,... | |
 | Henry Southern - 1823 - 398 páginas
...deceiv'd ; whilst man doth ransack man, And builds on blood, and rises by distress ; And th' inheritance of desolation leaves To great-expecting hopes : he...unwet eye, And bears no venture in impiety. Thus, madam, fares that man, that hath prepar'd A rest for his desires ; and sees all things Beneath him... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 páginas
...builds on blood, and rises by distress] And th' inheritance of desolation leaves To great expecting tern / bean no venture in impiety. ot man, Thus, madam, A rest for bj«.J~ ' • , v sr • _. __ •*v glory... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1825 - 600 páginas
...peaee, with unwet eye, Ar:d bears no venture in impiety. Thus, madam, fares that man, that hath prepar'd tor; That all his miraeles were eheats, Perform'd...The ehureh had never sueh a writer; A shame he ha eompar'd The best of glory with her sufferings : By whom, I see, you labour all you ean To plant your... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1827 - 452 páginas
...deceived: whilst Man doth ransack Man, And builds on blood, and rises by distress; And th' Inheritance of desolation leaves To great.expecting Hopes : He...desires; and sees all things Beneath him ; and hath learned this Book of Man, Full of the notes of frailty ; and compared . The best of Glory with her... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1827 - 456 páginas
...builds on blood, and rises by distress ; And th' Inheritance of desolation leaves To great- expecting Hopes ; He looks thereon, As from the shore of Peace,...desires ; and sees all things Beneath him ; and hath learned this Book of Man, Full of the notes of frailty ; and compared The best of Glory with her sufferings... | |
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