Imágenes de páginas

And whistled many a snatch of merry tunes
That had no mirth in them; or with his knife
Carved uncouth figures on the heads of sticks-
Then, not less idly, sought, through every nook
In house or garden, any casual work

Of use or ornament; and with a strange,
Amusing, yet uneasy novelty,

He blended, where he might, the various tasks
Of summer, autumn, winter, and of spring.
But this endured not; his good humour soon
Became a weight in which no pleasure was:
And poverty brought on a petted mood

And a sore temper: day by day he drooped,
And he would leave his work-and to the Town,
Without an errand, would direct his steps,
Or wander here and there among the fields.

One while he would speak lightly of his Babes,
And with a cruel tongue: at other times

He toss'd them with a false unnatural joy :
And 'twas a rueful thing to see the looks
Of the

poor innocent children. "Every smile," Said Margaret to me, here beneath these trees, "Made my heart bleed."

At this the Wanderer paused;

And, looking up to those enormous Elms,

He said, ""Tis now the hour of deepest noon.

At this still season of

repose and


This hour, when all things which are not at rest
Are chearful; while this multitude of flies

Is filling all the air with melody;

Why should a tear be in an Old Man's eye?
Why should we thus, with an untoward mind,
And in the weakness of humanity,

From natural wisdom turn our hearts away,
To natural comfort shut our eyes and ears,
And, feeding on disquiet, thus disturb

The calm of nature with our restless thoughts?"


He spake with somewhat of a solemn tone:
But, when he ended, there was in his face

Such easy chearfulness, a look so mild,

That for a little time it stole away

. All recollection, and that simple Tale

Passed from my mind like a forgotten sound.
A while on trivial things we held discourse,
To me soon tasteless. In my own despite

I thought of that poor Woman as of one

Whom I had known and loved. He had rehearsed
Her homely Tale with such familiar power,
With such an active countenance, an eye
So busy, that the things of which he spake
Seemed present; and, attention now relax'd,
There was a heart-felt chillness in my veins.-
I rose; and, turning from the breezy shade,
Went forth into the open air, and stood
To drink the comfort of the warmer sun.

Long time I had not staid, ere, looking round
Upon that tranquil Ruin, I return'd,

And begged of the Old Man that, for my sake,
He would resume his story.—

He replied,

"It were a wantonness, and would demand
Severe reproof, if we were Men whose hearts
Could hold vain dalliance with the misery
Even of the dead; contented thence to draw


A momentary pleasure, never marked

By reason, barren of all future good.

But we have known that there is often found

In mournful thoughts, and always might be found,


power to virtue friendly; were't not so,

I am a Dreamer among men, indeed

An idle Dreamer! "Tis a common Tale,

An ordinary sorrow of Man's life,

A tale of silent suffering, hardly clothed
In bodily form.-But, without further bidding,
I will proceed.-

While thus it fared with them,
To whom this Cottage, till those hapless years,
Had been a blessed home, it was my chance
To travel in a Country far remote.

And glad I was, when, halting by yon gate
That leads from the green lane, once more I saw
These lofty elm-trees. Long I did not rest:
With many pleasant thoughts I chear'd my way
O'er the flat Common.-Having reached the door
I knock'd, and, when I entered with the hope
Of usual greeting, Margaret looked at me
A little while; then turn'd her head away

Speechless, and sitting down upon a chair

Wept bitterly. I wist not what to do,

Or how to speak to her. Poor Wretch! at last
She rose from off her seat, and then,-O Sir!
I cannot tell how she pronounced my name.-
With fervent love, and with a face of grief
Unutterably helpless, and a look

That seemed to cling upon me, she enquired
If I had seen her Husband. As she spake
A strange surprize and fear came to my heart,
Nor had I power to answer ere she told

That he had disappear'd-not two months gone.
He left his House: two wretched days had pass'd,
And on the third, as wistfully she rais'd

Her head from off her pillow, to look forth,
Like one in trouble, for returning light,
Within her chamber-casement she espied
A folded paper, lying as if placed

To meet her waking eyes. This tremblingly
She open'd-found no writing, but therein
Pieces of money carefully enclosed,

Silver and gold." I shuddered at the sight,"
Said Margaret," for I knew it was his hand

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