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THE ISLE OF WIGHT. No. IV. THE NEEDLE Rocks. AMIDST the vast variety of natural curiosities with which the Isle of Wight is known to abound, there are few more striking or remarkable than the rocks which bear the name of THE NEEDLES. The pearly whiteness of the chalk of which they, as well as the stupendous cliffs above them, are composed, their detached and isolated position, and their picturesque form, combine to invest them with a peculiar These rocky fragments present themselves at the western extremity of the island, at no great distance from the mouth of the narrow channel which separates it from the main land. They are, in fact, the termination of the lofty chalk range, which, commencing on the eastern side with what are called the Culver Cliffs, runs entirely across the island, and divides it into two distinct regions, the soil and strata of which are essentially different.

At a remote period, no doubt, the range extended in this direction much further into the sea, perhaps, indeed, as Mr. Wyndham supposed *, as far as the Shingle-rock, which still appears much above the water at half-ebb, and rears its dangerous head at two or three miles' distance from the shore. At all events, however far the line of land may have here stretched out in former days, the Needles are all that now remain of it, the sea, by continually beating against it on both sides, having worn away and undermined the less durable parts, leaving only these more solid portions.

It must, we think, very naturally strike spectators that these rocks answer but little, in their shape, to

the name they possess. But this is only one of the many instances in which we find the names of things still preserved when the original reason of the name no longer exists. The origin of the name, however, in the present case, is not, as it often happens, lost and forgotten. It is known that near to these there formerly existed a tall, circular shaft of chalk, which, though of only a small diameter, towered to the height of about one hundred and twenty feet above the sea, tapering gradually to a point towards its summit. This column, it appears, not unjustly obtained the title of the Needle. From this circumstance, no doubt, the other three rocks, without having any claim to it, came to be called by the same name with it, which name they have retained though that singular pillar has now long since yielded to the

fury of the elements, and sunk into the deep †.

A very striking and interesting view of the Needles, as may be perceived from our engraving, which is from a sketch taken in 1830, is to be obtained from the extremity of the cliff itself. From the shore a steep path leads up to the lighthouse, which stands upon the headland, and the view from thence is well worth the labour of the ascent. The land is extremely narrow, and descends on either side with a most rapid slope, till the smooth greenwood terminates quite suddenly in the tremendous cliffs, on the very edge of which sheep are often seen quietly and fearlessly grazing. But we should here pause for a moment to take a glance at the more distant scenes which present themselves around us. As the spot is elevated about 600 feet above the level of the sea, it commands a most extensive prospect on every side. Looking inland the prospect reaches almost round the whole island, and far beyond the opposite parts of Hampshire. "Towards the land," observes Sir

Picture of the Isle of Wight, by H. P. Wyndham, Esq. It fell in the year 1764, and with such a tremendous crash, that it is said the sensations caused by its fall were felt at Southampton. There is, a view of it in Sir R. Worsley's History of the Isle of Wight.

H. Inglefield, "when I viewed it on a very fine day, was bright and distinct. The Solent sea‡, of a deep azure, was studded with white sails shining like silver, and the distant hills of Hampshire melted into the air in the most pearly clearness." Turning towards the sea, on the right is seen the magnificent and ancient church at Christ Church, standing as it Purbeck cliffs, and in clear weather, those of the isle were almost in the waters; Hengistbury Head, the of Portland. On the left also is sometimes seen Beachy Head, on the coast of Sussex.

land, we find that the cape shoots almost to a point, On advancing towards the extremity of the headand here, if any where, we may easily realize that expressive description of our great poet.

How fearful

And dizzy 'tis to cast one s eyes so low!
The crows and choughs that wing the midway air,
Show scarce so gross as beetles.
The fishermen that walk upon the beach,
Appear like mice; and yon tall anchoring bark,
Diminished to her cock; her cock a buoy
Almost too small for sight. The murmuring surge,
That on th' unnumber'd idle pebbles chafes,
Cannot be heard so high. I'll look no more,
Lest my brain turn, and the deficient sight
Topple down headlong.-King Lear.

To those, however, whose nerves are proof against the terrors of such a position, the view into the bays on each side immediately beneath,-Alum bay on the right, and Scratchell's and Freshwater bays on the left, and of the majestic cliffs, which there are, as it were, and sound of the waves below are but little perceived, left behind,-is extremely sublime. As the agitation it is scarcely possible to imagine that the vast expanse which now seems stretched out in boundless repose under the eye, is the same turbulent element which we had lately seen below, bursting with clouds of foam, and thundering on its rocky shore. As we approach nearer to the extreme verge, we observe that the head itself terminates in a thin edge of chalk, which is not indeed perpendicular, but of a very

bold and broken outline. And in that situation the


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three Needle-rocks, which have so long defied with security the blasts and fury even of the equinoctial storms, are seen in the midst of the bright blue rearing their wedge-formed fronts and rugged tops, like the jagged grinders of a stupendous jaw," at some little distance from each other, but in cliff beyond its present boundary, and thus conveying a direct line, so as, in imagination, to continue the

"an awful impression of the stormy ages which have gradually devoured its enormous mass.

Of the appearance of the Needles from the sea we gladly quote the interesting account given of them by Mr. Webster.

I procured a small fishing-boat to take me out to the Needles. These insulated masses of chalk, which from the island appear much less striking, proved, on approach ing them, to be rocks of great magnitude.

My visit to them happened at an interesting juncture. The Pomone, a frigate of fifty guns, returning home from Persia, after an absence of three years, had, but the day before, struck upon the point of the western needle. The chalk rocks having pierced through the bottom of the ship, she remained immoveable; and, filling with water, instantly The crew and passengers, became a complete wreck.

amongst whom were some Persian princes, fortunately got

safe to shore.

The vessel afforded me a scale, by which to judge of the size of the Needles; and I was surprised to find that the hull of the frigate did not reach one-fourth of their height. Viewing this scene merely as picturesque, and independ

The channel, which lies between the island and the coast of Hampshire on the north side, is so named. į § Cock-boat.

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

ently of the feelings of regret naturally excited by the loss of so valuable a ship, it was one of the grandest I have ever witnessed. The view of the end of the Isle of Wight, from the Needles, at any time, is one of the most uncommon, and at the same time, one of the most magnificent scenes in Great Britain; but such a wreck, on a spot so extraordinary, formed a combination, which, though not strictly accordant with the rigid laws of picturesque composition, yet was in nature highly sublime.

There being no chance whatever of saving the ship, it was determined to endeavour to take out the guns, and carry off such parts of the wreck as could be broken up. The masts were cut down, and lay overboard; and thirty or forty cutters, gun-hoys, and other vessels, were lying very near, or were sailing backwards and forwards to the dock-yard at Portsmouth; whilst many spectators, in pleasure-yachts, and other boats, attracted by this extraordinary occurrence, were viewing the scene. The ship's boats, manned by the unfortunate sailors, lay on their oars at a little distance.

The officers were seen on the wreck, giving orders to the carpenters, who were cutting down the rigging, and whatever was about the deck. Öthers were lowering the guns into the vessels which conveyed them to the hoys, and the sea around was strewed with the floating fragments of the ship: whilst, at a proper distance, the fishing-boats of the island were busily employed in picking up such pieces as would otherwise have drifted to sea.

When the flood-tide is in, there is frequently a very great swell at the Needles, which occasioned such an agitation amongst the various boats and vessels, as made it almost impossible to approach the Pomone without danger, but increased very much the picturesque effect of the groups; whilst the foam of the waves, almost constantly dashing over the ship, spouted to a great height, running back again through her gun-ports.

Sailing round the Needles, I had a full view into Scratchell's bay. The form of the chalk-cliff, over which, when at a sufficient distance, is seen the lighthouse, is singularly elegant; and the advancing line of these magnificent detached masses, the Needles, formed a whole that is scarcely to be equalled. The lines of flints in the chalk are distinctly to be seen; showing, that at the north side the strata are nearly vertical, dipping about eighty degrees; the angle lessening towards the south corner, when they dip about sixty degrees.

I was informed that on the first gale, the Pomone would be dashed to pieces, which accordingly happened not many days afterwards*.

* See Sir H. Inglefield's Description of the Isle of Wight. We are much indebted to this able work.

As, from the height and glaring whiteness of these cliffs, they gleam conspicuously many a league over the sea, they are often saluted by the returning Voyager with sensations, into which absence for some time from our beloved native country and friends can alone enable us fully to enter.

To him, who many a night upon the main,
At midwatch, from the bounding vessel's side
Shivering, has listened to the rocky tide,

Oh! how delightful smile these views again! And, perhaps, these were the very feelings of many amongst the home-bound crew of the Pomone. Little, doubtless, did they think, as after their long absence from England they neared the shore, what a melancholy fate awaited them there. So true it is that we "know not what a day may bring forth!"

D. I. E.



THE character and situation of the PHENICIANS were as favourable to commercial pursuits, as those of the Egyptians were adverse to it. Addicted to no unsocial form of superstition, and indulging in no self-important notions of their own superior dignity, they mingled freely and familiarly in the society of those with whom commercial or other pursuits called them to associate. Their territory was small, and not remarkable for fertility; hence commerce was the only means by which they could obtain wealth. Before them spread the Mediterranean, vast in extent, and almost unoccupied, as if it were inviting them to enter a field in which commercial enterprise was yet to reap its richest rewards. It is not strange that, with all these motives pressing upon them and urging them forward, the inhabitants of TYRE and SIDON engaged in commercial pursuits, with an ardour which in a short time gave them the empire of the sea. The trade of these cities was far more extensive and enterprising than that carried on by any of the other ancient states; they visited all the Mediterranean, the western part of which was almost wholly unknown before their time, and explored the western coasts of Spain and Africa; they probably

discovered England; and by some are thought to have | accomplished the circumnavigation of Africa.

Of these two famous cities, Sidon was the more ancient, having been built, as is supposed, soon after the Flood, by Sidon, the eldest son of Canaan. Tyre, about twenty-five miles south, was built about the year 1252 B. C. by a colony from Sidon. The fullest account that we have of the commerce of Tyre is to be found in the 27th Chapter of Ezekiel, and from that account it appears that she traded with Judea, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Syria, Babylon, Arabia, Spain, and India. From the mines of Spain she procured great quantities of silver, and the inhabitants of that country being then savages, unacquainted with the precious metals, the Tyrians easily persuaded them to sell large quantities of silver for a few gaudy trinkets; thus treating them, as the Spaniards themselves, at a subsequent period, treated the inhabitants of Mexico and Peru.

The numerous colonies planted by the Phenicians on the shores of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, while they added to the wealth and splendour of the parent state, diffused to a greater or less extent, among their uncivilized neighbours, the arts and improvements of civilized life. The city of Cadiz, in Spain, is supposed to have been founded by one of these colonies about 1000 years before Christ.

The commerce of the Phenicians, however, was not wholly confined to the lawful and honourable interchange of the products of their soil, or their industry, with those of other nations. There is but too much evidence that some of their maritime operations were little better than piracy, and in Scripture they are expressly charged with seizing the Israelites, and selling them to the Grecians for slaves. Possessing such resources, and controlling the commerce of the world, it is not strange that the Phenician cities excelled all others in commercial importance and naval power, and that Tyre especially, situated as she was, "at the entry of the sea," became "a merchant of the people for many isles."

The ISRAELITES, though a considerable portion of their territory bordered on the sea, do not appear to have applied themselves to commerce, to any considerable extent, before the time of Solomon. During his peaceful and prosperous reign, their commercial operations were extensive and important; and the wealth thus brought into the kingdom, made Israel, in his days, the glory and wonder of the East. After his death, the dreadful division which took place on the accession of his son, and the subsequent misfortunes which befel the Israelites, doubtless exerted a most injurious influence on their commerce, as well as their other resources. In the reign of Jehoshaphat, an attempt was made, to restore the commerce of that people to its ancient prosperity, but the attempt was in a great measure unsuccesful. In fact, the religious character of the Jews, their worship, so different in its nature and objects from that of the surrounding nations, and the light in which they regarded the nations around them, all tended to prevent them from taking a high rank among the commercial nations of the world. Although at one period their commerce was flourishing, they cannot be reckoned among the nations who have improved navigation or extended discovery.

While Tyre and Sidon were pursuing their career of commercial glory, a colony founded by themselves on the northern coast of Africa, was fast rising to distinction among the maritime powers of the world. That colony was CARTHAGE. The Carthaginians, finding the Phenicians completely in possession of the trade with India, did not attempt to wrest any portion of that trade from them, but directed their own attention principally to the countries that lay to the west and north. Although the Phenicians had visited these countries, and had colonized some of them, yet their commercial intercourse with them was not very frequent or extensive, and the local situation of Carthage, not far from the present site of Tunis, gave her much more ready access to the western countries of Europe and Africa, than it was possible for the mother country to have. The commercial spirit which so much distinguished the Phenicians, was no less prevalent among the Carthaginians. Influenced by this, and encouraged by the prospect of an extensive and lucrative commerce, which was offered to them, they rapidly extended their maritime operations, till the name of Carthage was known, and her power felt through the greater part of Europe and Africa, and while the name of Rome, afterwards the formidable rival, and at length the relentless destroyer of

Carthage, was scarcely known beyond the limits of Italy, the fleets of the latter city were traversing every sea, where there appeared a prospect that wealth might be acquired by commerce, or glory attained by the discovery of unknown regions. Even at the time of the first war between Rome and Carthage, about two hundred and sixtyfour before Christ, the Romans had scarce begun to turn their attention to maritime operations, and a Carthaginian ship, accidentally cast away on their shores, furnished them with a model for the construction of those ships, which afterwards bore their victorious armies to the destruction of Carthage, with the words Delenda est Carthago on their banners.

The Carthaginians appear to have been the first who undertook voyages solely for the sake of discovery. The discoveries of the Phenicians were numerous and important; but they were made in the course of their voyages of commerce, rather than by ships sent out for the express purpose of discovery. The Carthaginians, on the other hand, not only explored the western coasts of Europe and Africa, far more thoroughly than they had ever before been, but pressed forward far into the Atlantic, and finally discovered the Canary Islands, lying at the distance of one hundred and fifty miles from the nearest land on the continent. From the disposition which they manifested to keep their discoveries private, their knowledge of geography, for the most part, perished with their power, and was of comparatively little advantage to after-times. The progress of commerce and discovery among the GREEKS and ROMANS, though perhaps less splendid than among the Phenicians and Carthaginians, is better ascer tained. The situation of Greece is peculiarly favourable to commerce; the fertility of her soil would furnish valuable articles of export, while the intercourse which would naturally subsist between the different Grecian islands, would tend to give boldness and experience to the navigator, and thus prepare him for more distant and more important voyages. Still a long time elapsed after the settlement of Greece, before her commerce became ex tensive. Even at the period of the destruction of Troy, which is placed by Sir Isaac Newton at nine hundred and four years before Christ, the art of navigation had made so little progress in Greece, that the voyage from that country to the eastern border of the Mediterranean, where Troy was situated, was thought to be an enterprise requiring no small degree of courage, and conferring on those by whom it was made great and lasting glory,

It is not till after the rise and organization of the Grecian Republics, that we perceive any indications of that spirit of enterprise, which ultimately gave Greece so high a rank among commercial nations; but after this period, the progress of commerce and navigation in that country was very rapid, and she soon became an important maritime state. It is questionable whether ancient GREECE ever attained to so high a degree of naval skill as the cities of Phenicia, but her naval victories, the result of native spirit and courage inspired by liberty, rather than any remarkable skill in maritime operations, have made her naval battles and heroes more famous perhaps than those of any other ancient nation. It is very certain that until the time of Alexander the Great, the commercial operations and geographical knowledge of the Greeks were far inferior to those of the Phenicians.

The genius and talents of Alexander gave a new to the energies of Greece. His insatiable ambition led him to explore many regions previously unknown, in search of conquests; and thus, under his direction, the Greeks, though enthralled and subjected, extended their geographical knowledge far more rapidly than they had done in the days of their national glory. Grecian commerce also owed much of its importance to Alexander. The siege of Tyre, which detained him seven months in his career of victory, taught him the power and consequence, which commerce can give a nation, and the lesson thus given him he was not slow to improve. He saw that there were places in his dominions capable of being made all, and more than all, that Tyre ever was, and he knew that he possessed resources far greater than that proud mart could ever boast; he therefore resolved to build a city which should be called after his own name, and which should become the commercial emporium of the world. In the selection of a site for the contemplated city, Alexander showed the correctness of his judgment, and the grandeur of his views. Situated in a country then rich and prosperous, at the mouth of a noble river, and near to both the great scenes of commercial

enterprise, Alexandria, in a short time, became the most important commercial city in the world, and controlled the trade both of the East and of the West; and notwithstanding the commotions which followed the death of Alexander, the trade to India continued to flow through the city which bore his name, till the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, a period of more than eighteen hundred years. During all this time it was one of the principal commercial cities of the world, and even at this day it is a place of considerable trade; few cities, indeed, have maintained their rank as seats of commerce for so long a period as Alexandria.

We have already alluded to the progress of discovery under Alexander. Before his time, the regions east and north of Persia were almost wholly unknown to the Greeks; but in the course of his victorious career, he is said to have visited Samarcand, and to have explored all that part of Asia which lies south of Independent Tartary, and west of the Indus, and a considerable portion of the rich and extensive country between the Indus and the Ganges. How much further he would have gone, had his soldiers been willing to follow him, we cannot tell; but they, seeing no prospect of termination to their toils and wanderings, refused to proceed any further, and the ambitious conqueror was compelled to yield to their wishes, and return. On reaching the Indus he directed Nearchus, a general in whom he placed great confidence, to proceed down to the mouth of that river, while he went on to Persia by land. On reaching the mouth of the Indus, the Greeks beheld with astonishment and terror the ebb and flow of the ocean, which are there very great. The object of Alexander in sending Nearchus on this voyage, was to see if a channel for the commerce of India could not be opened through the Euphrates.

After the death of Alexander, his empire, fell to pieces, and in the division of his possessions, Seleucus obtained that part of India, which had become subject to Greece. Some exploring tours were made under his patronage, but the reader can easily judge of the value and correctness of the information thus obtained, from the fact that the tourists stated that they met with men, who had ears so large, that they could wrap themselves in them, and that they saw ants as large as foxes, employed in digging up gold.



ARTIFICIAL mounds of earth in the form of Pyramids are of frequent occurrence in many parts of Mexico: they were constructed by the inhabitants of those countries before the Spanish conquest, and were used for the purposes of worship, and as burialplaces for the kings and chief priests. The Pyramid of Cholula is considered the largest of these singular structures. It was visited by Humboldt during his travels in South America, and the following account is abridged from his description.

The largest, the most ancient, and the most celebrated of these pyramidal monuments is the Teocalli* of Cholula. It is called at present, The Mountain made by the Hand of Man, (Monte Hecho a Mano.) Seeing it from a distance, we should in fact be inclined to believe it a natural hill covered with vegetation, and in this, its present, state of ruin, it is represented in the engraving.

The vast plain of Puebla is separated from the valley of Mexico by a chain of volcanic mountains which stretch out from Popocatepetl, towards the river Frio, and the peak of Telapon. This fertile plain, devoid, however, of trees, is rich in remembrances of subjects relating to the history of Mexico; it contains within itself the chief places of the three republics of Tlascala, Huexocingo, and Cholula.

The little town of Cholula, which Cortez, in his letters to the Emperor Charles the Fifth, compares to the most populous cities of Spain, at present scarcely reckons sixteen thousand inhabitants. The pyramid is found to the east of the town, on the road which leads from Cholula to Puebla. The eastern side is in a tolerable state of preservation, and it is from that aspect that our view is taken. The plain of Cholula has the same naked appearance, which is It may not be improper here to mention a recent discovery, which seems to afford strong evidence that the soil of usual in steppes of land elevated more than 7000 feet In the fore-ground of America was once trodden by one of Alexander's subjects. above the level of the sea. A few years since, there was found near Monte Video, in the print may be seen a few aloes and gum-dragon South America, a stone, with the following words in Greek trees; in the distance is visible the summit of the written on it. 66 During the reign of Alexander, the son volcano of Orizaba, covered with snow, 17,000 feet of Philip, King of Macedon, in the sixty-third Olympiad, in height. Ptolemy," The remainder of the inscription could not be deciphered. This stone covered an excavation, which contained two very ancient swords, a helmet, a shield, and several earthern amphora of large capacity. On the handle of one of the swords was the portrait of a man, and on the helmet there was sculptured work representing Achilles dragging the corpse of Hector around the walls of Troy. This was a favourite picture among the Greeks. Probably this Ptolemy was overtaken by a storm in the Great Ocean, (as the ancients termed the Atlantic,) and driven on the coast of South America. The silence of Greek writers, in relation to this event, may easily be accounted for, by supposing that, on attempting to return to Greece, he was lost together with his crew, and thus no account of his discovery ever reached them.

After the overthrow of Grecian power in India, no European nation obtained possessions in that country till near the close of the fifteenth century. The change of political relations, did not, however, produce any material effect on the commerce with India. This still continued to flourish and to add wealth and splendour to Alexandria, by which city it was entirely possessed.

We may do much to make and to increase our own happiness. There are certain things which, if our minds are well trained, will always give pleasure, pleasures always at hand, go near to produce happiness. Such are acts of beneficence to the poor, acts of kindness to those in our own station, increase of knowledge, improvement in any thing useful, activity, usefulness, the endeavour to make others happy; all these cannot fail to produce satisfaction, and satisfaction of the best kind. If you add to these a love of Nature, and its various beauties, if you look "through nature up to nature's God," here is a source of almost daily delight.-Memorials of a departed Friend.

The Teocalli of Cholula has four platforms of equal height, and its sides appear to have been placed with great exactness opposite the cardinal points of the compass; but as the angles are not very well defined, it is difficult to discover with correctness their exact original direction. This pyramidal monument has a more extended base than any other edifice of the same description found in the old continent. I have measured it with care, and am satisfied that its perpendicular height is not more than 170 feet, but that each side of its base is nearly 1400 feet in length.

Diaz del Castillo, a common soldier in the expedition of Cortez, amused himself in counting the number of steps in the staircases, which led to the platforms of the different Teocallis; he found 114 in the great temple of Tenochtitlan, 117 in that of Tescuco, and 120 at Cholula. The base of the pyramid of Cholula is twice as large as that of Cheops, in Egypt, but its height is very little greater than that of Mycerinus.

The pyramid of Cholula is built of unburnt bricks, cemented together with layers of clay; and the Indians assured me that the interior is excavated, and that while Cortez occupied their town, their ancestors had concealed within it a number of warriors, for the purpose of attacking the Spaniards; but the materials of which the Teocalli is constructed, Teocalli means, the house of the gods.

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and the silence of contemporaneous historians on the fact, render this assertion very improbable. It has, however, been proved by accident, that some kind of cavities exist in its mass.

Seven or eight years ago, the route from Puebla to Mexico, which formerly passed by the north of the pyramid, was changed, and to form the new road they cut through the first platform, so that an eighth part of it remains isolated, like a heap of bricks. In making this excavation, they found in the interior a square house, formed of stones, and supported by props of cypress; it contained two bodies, idols formed of basalt, and a great number of vases skilfully painted and enamelled. No care was taken to preserve these objects, but, it is said, that it was ascertained that this chamber had no place of entrance or exit.

It would be interesting to excavate a gallery through the centre of the Teocalli of Cholula, to examine its internal construction; and it is astonishing that the desire to discover hidden treasures has not already caused an attempt to be made. During my travels in Peru, in visiting the vast ruins of the city of Chimù, near Mansiche, I entered the interior of the famous Huaca of Toledo, the tomb of a Peruvian prince, in which Garci Gutierez of Toledo discovered, while digging a gallery, in 1576, more than the value of five millions of francs, (about 28,333 pounds sterling) in solid gold, this is proved by the accounts preserved in the town-house of Truxillo.

This pyramid formerly had upon its summit an altar dedicated to Quetzal coatl, the god of the air, the most mysterious of all the Mexican mythology. He was chief-priest to Tula, the lawgiver, the chief of a religious sect, who introduced the custom of piercing the ears and lips, and tattooing the body by means of the thorns of the aloe. We shall conclude this account by a very singular tradition of the natives, which has reference to the pyramid of Cholula, as it is another proof, in addition to many already on record, of the universal Deluge; and the reader cannot fail to recognise the similarity of this tradition with the Mosaical account of the building of the Tower of Babel, and the dispersion of the builders.

"Before the great inundation which occurred four thousand and eight years after the creation of the world, the country of Anahuac was inhabited by giants: all those who did not perish, were transformed into fishes, except seven who hid themselves in caverns. When the waters had retired, one of these giants, Xelhua, surnamed the builder, went to Cholula, where he constructed an artificial hill, in commemoration of the mountain Ttaloc, which had served as an asylum for himself and six of his brethren. He had the bricks made in the province of Tlamanalco, at the foot of the Sierra of Cocotl, and to carry them to Cholula, he placed a row of men, who passed them from hand to hand. The gods saw with anger this edifice, the summit of which was to reach the clouds: irritated at the audacity of Xelhua, they launched fire against the pyramid, many of the workmen perished, the work was discontinued, and it was ultimately consecrated to the god of the air, Quetzal coatl."

LITTLE facts and circumstances, in the economy of Allike others more prominent, to show the perfect and beaumighty God, have irresistible charms for me, and serve, tiful manner in and for which, every thing has been created. In contemplating them, what a delightful lesson may we not learn! We may find in them the strongest testimonies of the truth of revelation, and the superintendence of an all-wise and benevolent Creator. It has been well said, that in the book of Nature is written in the plainest characters the existence of a God, which revelation takes for granted; of a God how full of contrivance! how fertile in expedients! how benevolent in his ends! At work every where, every where too, with equal diligence; leaving nothing incomplete; finishing "the hinge in the wing of an insect," as perfectly as if it were all he had to do; untheir dispersion, unwearied by their incessant demands on confounded by the multiplicity of objects, undistracted by him, fresh as on that day when the morning-stars first sung together, and all nature shouted for joy.-JESSE'S Gleanings.



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