| David Irving - 1804 - 524 páginas
...Boece,Channonof Aberdene; translatit laitly be Maister Johne Bellenden, Archdene of Murray, Channon of Ros, at the command of the richt hie, richt excellent,...and noble prince, James the V. of that name, King of Scottis ; and imprentit in Edinburgh be Thomas Dauidson dwellyng fornens the Frere Wynd." Thomas Davidson... | |
 | 1821 - 626 páginas
...Channon of Aberdene ; translatit laitly be Maister John Bellenden, Archdene of Murray, Channon of Ros, at the command of the Richt Hie, Richt Excellent,...and Noble Prince, James the V. of that name, King of Scottis ; and imprentit in Edinburgh be Thomas Davidson, dwellyng forenens the Frere Wynd. It will... | |
 | 1821 - 818 páginas
...Maister John Bcllenden, Archdene of Murray, Channon of Kos, at the command of the Richt Hie, Kicht Excellent, and Noble Prince, James the V. of that name, King of Scottis ; and imprcntit in Edinburgh be Thomas Davidson, dwellyng forenens the Frere Wynd. It will... | |
 | Charles Henry Timperley - 1839 - 1266 páginas
...channon of Aberdeene. Translatit Sail K in our vulgar and common langage be raaister Johne Bellendcn, archedene of Murray, and channon of Ross ; at the...hie, richt, excellent, and noble prince James the 5th. of that name, king of Scottis ; and imprentit in Edinburgh be me Thomas Davidson, prcnter to the... | |
 | William Anderson - 1862 - 268 páginas
...Channon of Aberdeene. Translatit laitly in oar vulgar and common langage, be Maistcr Johne Bellenden, Archedene of Murray, and Channon of Ross ; at the...hie, richt excellent, and noble Prince, James the 5th of that name, king of Scottis. Another, without date. All the above were printed by Thomas Davidson.... | |
 | William Anderson - 1867 - 798 páginas
...Translntit laitly in onr vnlgar and common langagc, be Sinister Jobne Bellendeii, Archedone of Mnrray, and Channon of Ross ; at the command of the richt hie, richt excellent, and noble Prince, James the ,r*th of that name, king of Scottia. Another, withont date. All the above were printed by Thomas Davidson.... | |
 | Oxford Historical Society (Oxford, England) - 1907 - 496 páginas
...channon of Aberdene. Translalit laitly by maister Johne Bellenden, Archedene of Murray, channon of Ros. At the command of the richt hie, richt excellent,...noble prince James the . V. of that name, king of Scottis. And imprentit in Edinburgh be Thomas Dauidson, dwellyng f omens the frere wynd. The History... | |
 | William T. Dobson - 1887 - 250 páginas
...channon of Aberdene. Translatit laitlie in our vulgar and commoun langage be maister Johne Bellenden, archedene of Murray, and channon of Ross ; at the command of the richt hie, richt excellent, and nobill prince James the 5th of that name, king of Scottis ; and imprentit in Edinburgh be me * At the... | |
 | William Geddie - 1912 - 490 páginas
...Aberdene. | Translatit laitly be maister lohne Bel- | lenden Archedene of Murray, chan | non of Ros. At the command | of the richt hie, richt excellent, and noble prince lames | the v. of that name king of Scottis. And impren- tit in Edinburgh be Thomas Dauidson | dwellyng... | |
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