| Great Britain - 1763 - 446 páginas
...forfeitures ihall be to any of the King's fubjects that will fue for the fame in any of the King's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt or information : in which, action no efloin, protection, wager of law or other delay (hall be allowed. IV. And for better execution of the... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 464 páginas
...the forother rqoiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any feitures. Q3 of of the Queen's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt or information, in the which bill, plaint, anión or information, no wager of law, eflbin or protection ihall be admitted.... | |
| Great Britain - 1763 - 480 páginas
...otlier moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in, any futures. Q of Juftices of of the Queen's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt or information, in the which bill, plaint, aftion or information, no wager of iaw, effoin or protection (hall be admitted.... | |
| Joseph Ames - 1790 - 588 páginas
...forfeitures ihall be to any of the king's fubjefts, that will fue for the fame in any of the king's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, or information ; in which aftion no effoign,, protection, wager of law, or other delay, ihall be allowed. And for better execution... | |
| Sir Edward Coke - 1797 - 454 páginas
...""ce" &"5 of will fue for the fame before the juftices of peace, or in any of her majefties ordinary courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, or information, in which no eiluin or protection fru!l be allowed. And be it further enacted, that the juftices of peace of... | |
| Great Britain - 1811 - 898 páginas
...fue for the fame before the Jullices of Peace, or in any of the King's and Queen's Majelly's ordinary Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt or Information, in which Suits no Protection, Edbin or Wager of Law (hall be allowed. VII. And be it enacicd by the Authority... | |
| Richard Burn - 1831 - 972 páginas
...for the same before the justices of peace, or in any of the king's and queen's Majesties' ordinary Courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, or information, in which suits no protection, essoin, or wager of law shall be allowed." Sect. 7 enacts, " That the justices... | |
| Willem Sewel - 1834 - 616 páginas
...thereof to the king, and the other moiety to him or them that shall sue for the same in any of the king's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, or information ; in any of which no wager of law, essoign or protection shall be admitted : (G) and the said respective... | |
| Charles Dodd - 1839 - 580 páginas
...forfeitures shall be to any of the king's subjects that will sue for the same, in any of the king's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, or information ; in which action, no essoin, protection, wager of law, or other delay shall be allowed. And, for better execution of the... | |
| James Thomas Law - 1847 - 714 páginas
...forfeitures shall be to any of the king's subjects that will sue for the same in any of the king's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt or information : in which action no essoin, protection, wager of law or other delay shall be allowed. Justices of IV. And for better execution... | |
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