p. 29, 609, 610 Abretonway or Abreconwaye 263.
Acres besieged by the Christians 173, &c. and taken 179. An Account of a dreadfull fa- mine there 174. Acres taken, by the Saracens 248.. Act of Parliament for the abo- lishing and putting away of divers Books and Images 545 Adelard (K.) 6 Adelwolf or Ethelwolf (K.) 19. he was the first King in Eng- land, that gave Tithes to the Church ibid. Some say he was Founder of the University of Oxford, which, however, is more rightly said of his Son Alfred ibid.
Alabaster Monument, an ac- count of an old curious one 541
Albemarle (William of) 119,
Arthur (King) his prudent con-
duct and strict Justice Ashbury sive Asheberye 370, 387, 601 Ashecote
.360 Athelstan (K.) 28. crowned at Kingston ibid.forcesthe Welsh to pay him tribute ibid. con, quers several kings ibid. the treachery of his brother Ed- wyn, who is therefore thrown into the Thames ibid. his be nefaction to Beverlay and Durham 29, vanquishes Con- stantyn K. of Scotland ibid. smites an ell in a stone at Dunbar ibid. his sister Hilda married to Charles K. of France 29, 30. vanquisheth Constantyn K. of Scotland again, and also K. Anlaf 30, 31, 32. his death and bu rial 32. his Acquisitions in Scotland 321
Atkins (Sir Robert) Auenu, Aucune or Aucunes (Sir James of) 188
356 Bacon (Fryer) See Oxford. 226 Badbury 377
Bruce (Ld.) 597, 600 Bruce (Robert) K. of Scotland kills John Comyn 330. and takes possession of Scotland 331. and defies the English, ibid. he is vanquished and forced to ramble about 336. and his two brothers are tak- en ibid. and both executed 337. See Bruse. Brunesburgh Brunne (Robert of) perhaps the Author of the Lives of the Saints in old English Verse 542. and of several old MSS. tracts (one of which a- bout Hell in the Hands of the Publisher
Charles I. (King) his Excel- lencies 533. Lieutenant Coll. Joyce probably the person that cut off his Head 535 Charter of liberty Cherry (Francis). Chester
Christ Malford Christians, their success against the Saracens in the time of K. Stephen 125 Cistercian Monks come into England 88
Clergymen (punishment of) 337
Clewer -Cnute seizes the Crown of Eng- land 45. but is chaced by K. Eilred or Ethelred ibid. he is made K. of England 48. the agreement between him and Edmund Ironside ibid. his behaviour and diligence im- mediately upon Edmund 1- ronside's death ibid. he mar- ries Q. Emma 49. attentive- ly considers the words of Q. Emma, with regard to Edrick the traytour, whom he or- ders to be hang'd 49, 50. di- vides his dominions amongst his Sons 50. his death and burial 51 Coffrer (Sir Ralph) 319, 320 Colibrant the Gyant 31. slain
by Guy E. of Warwick 32 Columns or Colonnesi, the con- troversie between the Pope and them 322. the destru- ction of them by Pope Boui- face 323 Commandments (the ten) in old English 585, 586 Common (the) a Wood so called 360
Comyn (Robert) burnt at Dur- ham 74
Comyn (Sir John) slain by Ro- bert Bruce King of Scotland 330
-Conquest in Somersetshire, a. Discourse of some Antiqui- ties found near it 439
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Coventry (Church of) robbed by Rob. Marmion 123. Coway stakes 544 Cowe, a Rhythm so called 320, uti etiam alibi. Coyn (the) altered Cranmer (Tho.) 550, 556, 644 Creed (Apostles) in old English
586, 587, 588, 589, 634 Cressyngham (Concerning Sir Hugh) 297, 298 Cromish Castle
Cromwell (Oliver) the Arch- Rebell 535
Crouland Crumwell (Lord) Culham Cumlerton Cumnor Cuthbert's (St.) Reliques 76, 77. they are brought again, and put in a Shrine at Dur- ham, where they had been be- fore 77
Cysteaux (The order. of) first brought into England 89
Danegelde or Dane gelt (alias Dane-gild) 109, 110. taken off 57
Constantyn K. of Scotland his Dardan, Son of the K. of Den-
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