Able men to serve the King. Also there are able men, inhabitants within the Precinct of the sayde Lordeship, beyng in a redynes to serve the King, when L. so ever they shal be called upon, to the nombre of Bondmen. Also there are within the sayde Lordeship certayne persons, called Bondemen, whose bodyes and goodes are allwayes at the King's pleasure, to the nombre of The Mannour of Wrington. vii. Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenauntes. The Rentes of Assize and Customarye Te- xx nauntes there, with theire Workes, whiche (iiii v li. they are bounde unto by Tenure of theire vi s. iiii d. Landes, are of the yerely vale we of ob q. xlviii li. Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Profites comyng of the Perquysites of the Courtes holden there, with the II. greate Lawe dayes and Fynes of Landes at this Audite, was answer'd to the King, come to the Some of Woodes. Also within the sayde Manour there are dyverse Woodes growing, of dyvers Ages, as in the particular Boke of this Survey fully it doth appere, whiche are nowe worthe to be solde CLXXIX. li. vii s. vii d. whiche allwayes have ben used to be solde, every xviii. yeres, owt of whiche Woodes there may a yerely Wood sale be made of Able men to serve the King. viii s. vii d. C. S. Also within the sayde Lordship there be able men, beying all in a rednes to do the King Servyce, when so ever they shal be. called upon, to the nombre of 12 cxxxviii li. xiiii s. xid. ob d. q. 1 Bonde 2. Also there are within the circuite of the saide Lordeship retayne Bondemen, beyng at the Kinge's Highnes pleasure, in subje- ii. ction and bondage both bodyes and goodes, to the nombre of Common. Also a Commone there, called Blacke moore and Warmeshaw, wherof the King (i. myle ys chief Lorde, and hathe the Profitts of (dim. the dryvyng there of, and conteyneth The Mannour of Pylton. Rentes of Assise and Customary Tenanntes. The Rentes of Assise and Customary Ten-xx nants, with their Workes, whiche they are bounde to doe by costome of theire Tenures, are of the yerely value of Demaynes. iiii vi. li. The Demaynes apperteynyng unto the sayde Mannour, now letton owt by Indenture for terme of yeres, with the herbage of xv li. LX S. the Parke there, are of the yerely value of Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Profitts of Courts and Fynes of Landes, apperteynyng unto the sayde Manour, were xix li. answered this yere, in the boke of Ac-xvs. viii d. comptes, to the somme of Woodes. Also within the Parke, and other Woodes aboute the Manour, there are cxLvi. Acres of Wood, the pryce of the Acre xx. s. whiche allwayes heretofore have ben usedxs. to be felde and solde. Owte of the whiche Wood there may a yerely Wood sale be made of cxxi li. xix`s. ii d. ob. di q. Woodes. Able men to serve the King. Also there be within the Precinct of the sayde Lordship able persons, to doe the King servyce at all tymes, when so ever nede shall requyer the same, to the nombre of XX. xxii. The Mannour of Godenbay. Rentes of Assise and1 Customary. The Rentes of certayne Custumarye Tenauntes there, whiche are lett by Copye, and not by Indenture, are of the yerely value of Rentes and Fermes.. > xvii s. xid. The Scite of the sayde Manour, with the Demaynes and other Customary Landes. there, were letton owt by Indenture, for XL. li. terme of Lyves, and are of the yerely value of Perquisites of Courtes and Fynes. The Perquysites of Courtes, Fynes and other Casualties were ansuered this year, as>xix s. x d. appereth in the Boke of accompts, Sic Apogr. 1 3 Woodes. Woodes. Also there are apperteynyng unto thesame Mannour iiii. Woodes, called Brode Oke Common, Godley Moore Common, and Blackwars Wood, and Heathe Moore Common, wherein is moche fayre Tymbre, and li. Siiii hathe allwayes used to be felled and solde to the Tenannts there, and upon this Survey esteemed to be worthe to be sold cLxii. li. ix s. iii d. wherof there may a yerely Woodsale be made of Common. Also there is a Common belonging unto the saide Mannore, called, Godley Moore Common, wherof the Kinge's Highness is chief Lorde, by th' anttaincture of the sayde vi. myles. Able men to serve the King, Also there are inhabiting within the sayde Lordeship of Tennants, and other able persons, at all tymes in redynes, when so ever it xxiii. shall please the King's Highnes, and they are in nombre Bondmen. Also there be recyannte within the saideLordeship certayne Bondemen, dependyng bothe Bodye and Goodes upon the King's pleasure, whiche ar in nombre The Mannour of Dultyng. i. xxx li. Rentes of Assise and Customarye Tenanntes. The Rentes of Assise and Custome there, with the Workes and Customes, whiche they are bound unto by Teanure of theyre Landes, are of the yerely value of i s. xviii XLV li. xvii s. ixd. Rentes Rentes of Assise and Customarye Tenanntes. The Rentes of Assise and Customarye Tenaunts, apperteynyng to the saide Manour, payable at the Feastes of th' annunciation of our Ladye and Saynct Mychaell th archangell, are of the yerely value of The Scite of the same Manour, with the Demayne Landes, apperteynyng unto the same, being lett out by Inden xxv li. xi s. vi d. q. |