Imágenes de páginas

Som men out þe kast of lond was holden wrong,
Fals couenantz bei brast þorgh powere holden long,
& som gaf raunson after per trespas,

Als be dede was don, so be amendes was.

Bot men did amend suilk folie openly knowen,
Non suld þam defend, ne dur wonne in þer owen.

A !

.! Jhesu, whan bou wille how rightwis is pi mede 2 þat of be wrong has gilt, þe endyng may þei drede. William Waleis is nomen, þat maister was of theues, Tiping to be kyng is comen, þat robberie mischeues. Sir Jon of Menetest sewed William so nehi,

He tok him whan he wend lest, on nýght his leman bi.
þat was þorght treson of Jak Schort his man,
He was be encheson, pat Sir Jon so him nam.
Jak broper had he slayn, þe Waleis þat is said,
þe more Jak was faýn, to do William þat braid.
Selcouthly he endis þe man þat is fals,

If he trest on his frendes, pei begile him als
Begiled is William, taken is & bondon.

To Inglond with him pei cam, & led him vrto Londar,
be first dome he fanged, for treson was he drawen.
For robbrie was he hanged, & for he had men slawen,
& for he had brent abbeis, & men of religion,
Eft fro pe galweis quik þei lete him doun,

& bouweld him alle hote, & brent pam in be fire,
His hede pan of smote, suilk was William bire;
& for he had mayntend be werre at his myght,
On lordschip lended þore he had no right,

De capcione Willelmi


Cowe de

Rege Scot


& stroied pore he knewe, in fele stede sers
His body bei hewe on foure quarters,

To hang in foure tounes, to mene of his maners

In stede of Gonfaýnounes, & of his baners.

¶ At London is his heued, his quarters ere leued, in Scot land spred,

To wirschip þer iles, & lere of his wiles, how-wele þat he


It is not to drede, traytour salle spede, als he is worþi,
His lif salle he tyne, & die þorgh pyne, withouten merci.
þus may men here, a ladde fortò lere, to biggen in pays ;
It fallis in his ige, þat hewes ouer hie, with þe Walays.

DeRoberto OF William haf ge herd, how his ending was,
Now of kyng Roberd to telle zow his trespas.
Als Lenten tide com in, Cristen man's lauh,
He sent for Jon Comýn, þe lord of Badenauh;
To Dounfres suld he come, vnto pe Minours kirke,
A spekýng þer þei nome, pe Comyn wild not wirke,
Ne do after he sawe of Roberd pe Brus.

De occisione Jchannis


Away he gan him drawe, his conseil to refus,
Roberd with a knyue pc Comyn þer he smote,

þorgh whilk wounde his lyue he lost, wele I wote.
He gede to be hie autere, & stode & rested him þore,
Com Roberde's squiere, & wonded him wele more,
For he wild not consent, to reise no folie,

Ne do als he ment, to gynne to mak partie,
Ageyn kyng Edward, Scotland to dereyne,
With werre & batail hard, reue him his demeyne.

Sir Jon wild not so, per for was he dede.
Bot Roberd wild do, & oþer þat gaf him rede,
þat he suld go to Scone, & mak redý þe se,·
& whan it were alle bone, to tak þe dignite.
'pe garland Roberd tok, þat whilom was þe right,
be lond forto loke, in signe of kynge's myght.
Primatis bisshopes tuo po, with croice & rýng,

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& an Abbot mo of Scone, pat dubbid þe kyng,
Erles, barons inowe mad him þer feaute,
With oth he did pam bowe, at his wille to be,
& alle Inglis men did he woyde pe lond,

þat þei mot fynde or ken in stede per he þam fonde. 1 Now gos þe Brus about, werre he pinkis to hold, be Inglis þe katched out, to be kyng þe told. Edward þan he toke folk with his banere,

þe erle went of Penbroke, his name was Sir Eymere.
& oper men fulle gode, barons & barons pere,

At týme wele pei stode, & did per deuere.
be date was a pousand, pre hundred mo bi sex,
Whan þe werre of Scotland porgh þe Brus eft wex.

'Et la gerlaunde i prist, qe Reis solait porter, En signé de seignorye a son encoronner, E mayntenaunt apres par tut fist crier Citez, burgs & villes, des Englays voyder. Euesqes deus estoy-" ent primatz au [vel a] dubber

Vol. II.

Oue le abbe de Scone, qe, puys lachata cher, [vel le chata chier,] Countes & barouns, chiualer, esquier, Du realme descoce estoynt [vel estoyent] conseyller, Jurez en eýde al Breus, par tere & par mer, &c. MSS. Gall.



De solem- IN þis zere, als I told, at pe Whitsonen day,


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festi Regis þe kyng his fest suld hold at Westmynstre fulle gay, apud West

monaste- His sonne Edward pe prince, & fiffene for his sake,



pre hundred of pe prouince, knyghtes wild he make.

It was þe kynges costage, for ilk a knyght was gest,
Also þei mad mariage of som pat were pe best.
þe gong erle of Warenne with grete nobley was pare,
A wif2 þei him bikenne, pe erle's douhter of Bare.
þe3 erle of Arundelle his londes lauht he þan,
& toke a damýselle, William douhter of Warenne.
gong Sir Hugh was pare, pe Spensere stoute & gay,
Gilbert douhter of Clare wedded he pat day.
It is not to wene, bot certeÿnly to witen,
Joye inouh is sene, þer suiĺk a fest is smyten.
In alle Breteyn was nouht, sipen Criste was born,
A fest so noble wrouht aftere no biforn,

Out tak Carleon, þat was in Arthure tyme,
þare he bare pe coroute, pereof git men ryme.


1 Others say, that the whole number then knighted was, two hundred threescore and seven. See Dugdale's Baronage, Tom. I. p. 80. b. Dugdale observes (loc. cit.) that John E. of Warren, having an offer made unto him by the King, in his Chamber at Westminster, in Parliament, upon Munday next, be. fore the feast of S. Edward, King

and Martyr, 33 Edw. I. of Joan, Daughter to Henry, Earl of Baar, gratefully accepted thereof (he being not then fully twenty one years of age) and took her to wife. 3 Le Count de Aroundel, saisie de ses fecz, Il prist la damoisele, ki [vel qe] pere fu clamez Willam de Warenne, a dieu comaundez, MSS. Gall.


THE prince after pe fest sone his leue toke,

With jolif men of gest toward þe North he schoke,
To chace kyng Robyn, where he mýght him fynde,
þat slouh pe gode Comyn, destroie him rote & rýnde.
His fader Edward, North mad his jornė,

Him toke a sekenes hard, at Laynertost lay he.
Bot Jhesu þorgh his mýght, blissed mot he be,
Reised him vp right, & passed þat hage.

* þer after ros hard schoures in Scotlond of be clergie,
Bisshops, abbotes, & priours, þei had misborn þam hie,
& alle pat fals blode, þat often was forsnorn,

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þat neuer in treuth stode, sen Jhesu Criste was born. I Sire Eymere of Valence lay at Saynt Jon toun, In his alience with many erle & baroun.

Of Scotlond þe best were pan in his feith,

þer þei gan alle rest, tille pei herd oper greith.

Sir Robert þe Brus sent to Sir Eymere,

& bad he suld refus pat him had forsaken ilk a pantenere.

be traytours of hise pat him had forsaken

þei suld to be Jewise, whan pei pe toun had taken.
be toper day on pe morn com þe Brus Roberd,
pe toun wist it beforn, þorgh spies þat þei herd.
Sir Eymere wild haf gon out, Sir Ingram Vmfreyuile
Preid him forto lout, tille it were none þat while.
"If we now out wende, & leue pe toun alone,
"bei gete pe faired ende, & we be slayn ilkone.

'Lanercost vulgo. Et sic bes, as euesqes, as clers & MSS. Gall. 2 Maintenaunt lays plusours De la tere descoce a [vel as] gentz souent periours, MSS. Gall.

apres surdrent [vel sour. drount] les dolours As ab

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Iter arri puit versus Scociam.



de Valencia apud Sanctum Johannem. Et de bello

de Metfen.

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