Captus est To fend þe Walschrie with him at þer powere, ¶ Whan þe king herd say, þat Dauid werred on him, His hede pei of smyten, to London was it born, So is he worth be schent, who so traytour bez. And Snowdon com to grith, ilk castelle & toure I þe lordes þat er grete pe cheued as tenauntz salle. & with pe lawe pam bond, als skille wild he ches. I Qe fount les Waleis, qe uaunce al Reis, com a go sunt de valour? Fount che. uernour, MSS. Gall. pider bihoued him nede, to set þat lond in pes, a For foles haf no drede, þat long is justiseles.. A pousand & tuo hundred, & fourscore gere & sex, EDWARD wele has sped of alle þing þat has bien, Tille Gascoýn with him led dame Helianore our quene. þe gode erle of Cornwaile pis lond had in kepyng, In luf & pes sanz faile went Edward our kỳng, & spak with pe king of France at Paris as he went. pan felle a fair chance, pei wer at on assent. Forth he gan him hie, tille Gascoyn is he comen, þe rightes he did attrie of po þat wrong had nomen. Rightfulle dome he gaf on foles for þer misdede, No man be ouerhaf, bot alle þorgh lawe gede. 1 Towhile Sir Edward gos to Gascoyn forto apese, Wales to werre vp ros, borgh conseile of a Rese. . On Reseamiraduk, of Wales a lordyng, 2 Our Inglis did rebuk, & werred on our kyng. I kan not telle gow whi þat werre was reised olofte, A letter enselid fulle quaỳnt, for þe pes it ment. 1 Sic. : * Rees amereduke, vel Res admýraduck, in Codd. Gall. °. cc. LXXX. VI. Iter ' aripuit versus Gasconiam Eece de Reseamira duk. pis Reseamiraduk, als fole & vnwise, His letter gan rebuk, sette it at light prise. pe skape þat he might do with slauhter or prison hard, WHAN De falsitate justi He went ouer to France, & com neuer ageyn, I His clerkes stode to chance passed for a certeyn,' þei wer out of pe tour delyuerd for mone, þer held þei long soiour, bot penies mad þam fre, To serue kyng Edward, neuer more suld þei non. ses I Ses compaygnouns ad] la tour de Londres, deliuerez par mone, MSS. Gall. For For gold & siluer strong he gaf so grete plente, With wrong alle it cam, with gile salle gyuen be, THISE justise er atteynt of falshed & folie, Now comes a new pleýnt, to destroie pe Juerie. t þe kyng was enquere of per wikked dedes, For þam pe kyng was sette his priue parlement, þei said, porgh þe rescette pe Cristen men were schent. þe barons alle said, alle holy be clergie, be lond bei wild voide of þat herisie. I wene þe kyng alegid, þei were of his tresour, þe clergie said at pe end, "we grante it as ze deme. & assigned a day, þat taxe to be laid. þe dettes þat men þam auht, þer stedes & þer woning, Wer taxed & bitauht to be eschete of þe kyng. þe Reseamiradie was taken þat ilk gere, In Wales þorgh a spie, for all his powere. Whan þe kyng herd it seie, to gork he did him lede, First was he drawen for his felonie, & as a þefe pan slawen, on galwes hanged hie: 'Rees ameraduk, vel Rees admiraduk sive Rees amereduk, in Codd Gall. De iniqui tate Judels mi sive Judæorum. Now Now is non of age of his ancestrie May haf his heritage, to whom it salle alic. THE next zere folowand Acres was assaled, þe Cristen myght no stand, of help alle þam failed, Whan pe pape had tiþing, it was in a Sarazins handes, Whan po pat hedes are do þer to no gode ? At Westmýnster, I wene, his body did þei leie. þe heyr of Scotlond born, of Alisander bigete. Hied him Northward, his barons he asked rede. þat were of dignite, of olde ancestrie, Of |