ON be zere folowand þat I rekened here Coronacio Edward com to land, als prince of grete filii præ In þe kyrke of Westminstere, at þe abbay sollempnely, be bisshop of Canterbere, Robert of Kilwardeby, Corouned Edward pore biforn alle pe clergy, 2 ⚫ & dame Helianore corouned quene & lady. If зе liste alle pe tales, pis storie tellis gow to. Pray we alle to God of myght, & his modere Marie, Grante him conquere his right Gascoyne & Normundie, þat þe kyng of France chalanges falsly. Help him to pat chance moder of mercy, & Thomas pe martire, St. Jon of Beuerle, 1 Others say it was the very day of the Assumption, or the 15th. of August. Ausint la Rayne Elyanore sa amye Fu Vol. II. coroune le jour, vnqes a B & dicti Henrici. & telle zow oper tales of Edward curteisie, gan, I schrowe alle per maners, þat lufes per partie. þe date of Criste so pundred whan Leulyn gan þis tene. THE next gere folowand of Edward coronment, pe Mountfort douhter to wedde, hir frendes alle consent, ¶ Whan Leulýn herd say, to werre sone he bigan, For tene he wende to deie, þat taken was his lemman. Ed Edward wex fulle grim, whan he wist he was risen. be Walssh wer alle day slayn, now rewes pam per res, Mad was pe mariage at Snowdon biside Bangore. IN' be zere seconde after his corounment,, New statute þei fonde, to Westminstere pei ment. Bot werred also tite on him with nyth & onde. Le [an] secounde apres commune assent, Ke de Wele encorounement, Le Reis a Wemonstere tynt son parlement. E statuz fist fere par monstere sunt dist propre ment, Codd. Gall. J Now is Leulyn bonden eft to Sir Edward, If he with faute be fonden, I trowe, it falles him hard. Now turnes Edward ageŷn to London his cite, Ilk thefe oper out said, ilk a schrewe oþer greues, 1 Edward' did smyte rounde pený, halfpeny, ferthýng, 2 þe croice passed passed" þe bounde of alle þorghout þe rýng. I See my Preface to Robert | rayment Quatre esterlinges of Gloucester's Chronicle, p. LXIII. where I have printed these eight Rhythms,that relate to K.Edward the first's alteration of the Coyn. As I had á desire my self to see how they are express'd in the French,so, it may be, some readers may have the same curiosity, and for that reason Ishall here publish them in that language, only noting, that all that I have inclos'd in Crotchets or Hooks is wanting in the MS. of the Heralds Office, tho'exstant in both Mr. Anstis's Copies, and that what is put in a parenthesis is a various Reading: Esterlýng, maylle, (vel male) ferthing (vel ferlynge) fet forger roundement, Et gros Tournais Englays qe valent ver en achate & vent. (vel esterlyngs a chat e a vent) [De ren (vel rien) se lo ly prestre. ke le offrande (vel offrant) atent, Ne lý cháytif pouers ke ren nad (vel rien ayd) dount despent.] En tote la moneye la croice par my se tent. (vel sestent) [Par quay le ferlynge (vel ferthing) rounde est communement. Offert v (vel ou) done pur deu (vel dieu) omnipotent, Le sterlynge et la maylle uienent (vel. venent) rerement, Sur deu (vel dieu) et sur les sons chet len payrement.] (vel foens chiet lempeyrement) Mil. cc. et octaunte (vel vttaunt) annz del incarnacioun Sunt passez par acounte kaunt de religioun (vel del Re 1 |