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How did Slavery originate?

IT is natural, when contemplating a practice of wide extent, and weighty influence, to inquire into its origin. There are some things in the constitution of society that are expressly appointed by God, or evidently and naturally arise out of the relations of human life. Such as the institution of marriage, and the duties of parental care and filial obedience. These things we can easily account for. They are fit and proper in themselves, according to the constitution of human nature, and the appointment of our wise and gracious Creator.

We can also account for the subjection of the brute creatures to man. God has endowed man with reason, which they do not possess, and which gives him a vast superiority over them. They appear, also, to have been (in a great measure) created for the service of man, and they have been expressly placed in subjection under him. In man's original state of innocency God blessed him, and gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth on the face of the earth, Gen. i. 28. Again, after the fall of man, and after the flood, God renewed and extended the grant to Noah and his sons, giving them not only dominion over the brute creation in general, but also permission to use for food such as are suitable for that purpose, at the same time carefully restricting them from cruelty towards the meanest creatures, Gen. ix. 1-4.

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of masters and servis, eachers ant kuriES, UN plovers and ensurTEL, WILL STEEL, EN, UNL in all these redes, de mi permOSSL VILL JE ZN mutual benefit of both parties. But we came ziUS account for slavery. Gd ever get a mix m human being this distine arvey per uvCIET: there is nothing in the more ani cunscriben IỂ society to require or jastry &, wer CALL I EIN WUout setting at noua ajast has bad ERÈ divine. God has made of one wood 4 mOURS of men to dwell upon the face of the earth; and be has given to every man certain na GA VIA another man cannot have a right to take for 1 These are, his right to his lië, Embla and Derry: his right, in common with others, to the use of 2516, air, and water, and his right to the produce of has personal labour. If a thousand persons, from thousand different parts of the world, were cast. together upon a previously uninhabited island, every one of them would, from the first, be entitled to these rights."* Nothing can forfeit them but an infringement on the rights of others. Thus, it may be necessary to deprive a madman, or a murderer, of

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his liberty, to prevent his depriving others of their lives. But the authority to do this is not given to any man as an individual, but to the whole community, or to the magistrate, as the representative of the whole. In this case, no man is benefited by the privation of another, any farther than all are secured against injury. This, therefore, can never account for the origin of slavery, which is one man usurping dominion over another for his own advantage, and to the injury of the person he oppresses. No. The origin of slavery can be found no where but in human depravity: the selfishness, hardness, and cruelty of the human heart, which prompt a man to pursue his own interests, though he sacrifices the welfare and the rights of others; and to oppress, and trample on the weak, merely because he has the power to do so.


Before we pass on to another section, it may not be amiss to remind the young reader, that every instance of childish violence and oppression springs from the very same source as slavery. stronger child who beats a weaker child, or snatches from him a toy or cake, discovers the dispositions that would lead him, in maturer years, if opportunity offered, to be the cruel tyrannical slave




IT may excite some surprise, and has often been advanced as an argument in favour of slavery, by persons interested in its continuance, that it is recognized and tolerated in the law of Moses, and even in the New Testament.

In answer to this it should be borne in mind, that several things were tolerated in the Mosaie economy which were not ordained, especially polygamy, (or having several wives,) and divorce, (or separation of married persons,) on comparatively trivial occasions. These things, it has been justly observed, “were always a deviation from the original institution of marriage, consequent upon man's depravity as a fallen creature, arising from the inconstancy of his mind and the impetuosity of his passions. This customary deviation God did not please, in the judicial law, (the magistrate's rule,) entirely to prohibit, lest it should occasion the ill treatment, or even the murder, of those women who were become disagreeable to their husbands." "In the days of Christ, the Jewish teachers having construed the permission into a commandment, extended it to the most frivolous matters. This our Lord reproved, and said, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so," Matt. xix. 8. The same remarks will apply to slavery. The law of Moses did not ordain the condition, but found it already in existence, and did not abolish it, but regulated and restrained its evils.

Another instance may be given to prove that scripture does not sanction all that it tolerates or takes notice of. God himself was pleased to be the King of Israel, and the nation could not, without sin and rebellion against God, desire another king; yet God, foreseeing that they would, in after ages, desire a king like other nations, caused

• Scott.


instructions to be given in the law of Moses as to the choice of a king, and his duties when chosen. Now, though these instructions are given, the appointment of a king is not commanded, nor even counselled, and it is certain the people sinned when they asked a king. So, though the rules respecting the treatment of slaves, suppose the existence of slavery, they do not prove that slavery was approved of God, or lawful in itself.


question must be settled by the plain precepts or general tenour of scripture, not by these judicial regulations.

There are many directions and encouragements given to the Israelites, in after ages, to turn to the Lord, even in foreign lands, whither they would be carried captives on account of their idolatry and wickedness. But it would be very wrong to construe these into a command or permission to sin, and commit idolatry, in order to their being carried away captive, and, in the land of their captivity, repenting, and seeking the God of their fathers.

Besides, it may be remarked, that the regulations given to the Jews respecting the treatment of slaves, though they did not at all disprove the evil of slavery, were calculated to convert that evil into a blessing, by bringing the heathen under the means of grace, and putting them in a way of obtaining the privileges of God's peculiar people. Still, though the goodness of God overruled evil, and often does thus overrule it, this gives to man no command or permission to do evil that good may come.

In concluding this argument, let it be remembered, that the moral law of God, which is in all ages the unchangeable rule of man's duty, requires every thing that is spiritually good in its highest

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