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of wretchedness. For the rest, the great and fearful trial of the future,―that lies between his God and him.'

Although every person who heard these sentiments could not but feel deeply the worthiness of that injured individual, yet the general sentiment appeared to be, that he forgot justice in his anxiety for mercy. Nevertheless, Mr. Woodruff persisted in his determination to leave his brother-in-law without other punishment than that which might be awarded to him on his trial.

While this trial was drawing on, the constabulary made themselves active in ferreting out every scrap of evidence, in the hope of fixing the guilt upon a man to whom everybody believed it to belong. The circumstances preceding and attendant on the case were of such an unusual nature, that when the day of trial arrived, the most extraordinary interest was evinced by the public.

It is not my purpose to give the details, or to follow through its ramifications that mass of circumstantial evidence which the industry of the executive had accumulated. Neither is it needful to state more than that a most able defence was made by an eminent counsel retained on the part of the prisoner.

At length, his Lordship summed up in an address which occupied more than three hours in the delivery, after which the jury retired. They returned into court a few minutes before midnight, and before a breathless audience pronounced a verdict of NOT GUILTY. No sooner was it uttered than the prisoner dropped insensible in the dock. The people in the court murmured. The words NOT GUILTY were repeated on the stairs, and again outside, like magic. The multitude almost yelled for the murderer's blood. But the verdict had gone forth,-a jury had pronounced him innocent. They cried for him to be brought forth, and desperately threatened to wait till he came out, and execute him on the spot. The time of night, the darkness that reigned around, the fearful passions of the mob, now aroused almost to frenzy, all combined to render the scene one never to be forgotten.

Under the circumstances, it will not be supposed that Rowel was set at liberty that night. For his own sake, there was but one course to pursue, to detain him within the castle. The crowd outside, evincing no disposition to disperse, was at length driven away by the aid of the police. Some of them, however, assembled again outside the walls of the city. The cry here soon became For Nabbfield!' The spirit of destruction had arisen, and the threat of fire succeeded that of blood.

In the dead of night, a dense press of men moved rapidly but stealthily off, in a direction that offered the straightest line between York and that establishment. Scarcely a word was said during this fearful march; though many were the heavy stakes drawn from hedges in their path, and converted into clubs, as they proceeded. The dire determination of mischief, mistaken for justice, seemed gathered into one fierce, dark power, hurrying headlong and irresistible to the work of desolation.

Their outset had not been observed from the city; and none, save perhaps some late and solitary farm-servant, peeping fearfully from her lighted window when the dog barked, and the tramp and crash were heard as they passed below, knew of them on their road. Like a meteor that fails unseen when the world is asleep, that band was

only known to have been by the trail of destruction it left behind.Comparatively a brief time afterwards, the walls of Nabbfield were scaled, the gardens were trampled down, the trees uprooted. Now came the thundering at doors, the tearing down of shutters, the smashing of glass, and the shrieks and cries of the inhabitants, scarcely sensible from fear, and yet scarcely thrown off sleep. The invading party had entered the premises.

Scattered up and down the house might now have been seen des perate men, with their faces blackened, and otherwise disguised. Their first object seemed to be the seizure of the people who had the establishment in charge: and as this task, since the imprisonment of the Doctor, had devolved upon his own wife, the strong man Robson, with their usual assistants, the force that had thus suddenly appeared found little difficulty in effecting their object. Robson himself had started up on hearing the first assault, and made his way, half-dressed, into one of the lower rooms, where he encountered half-a-dozen of the men described. Thinking the disturbance had arisen in consequence of some of the patients having broken from their cells, he began to call upon them in his usual manner to submit to their keeper, when he found himself seized by many arms at once, and informed, that if he were not quiet they should knock him on the head without ceremony.

Mrs. Rowel contrived to take refuge in a small outhouse, where she remained shivering with cold and terror.

The dependants of the establishment having been secured, the mob proceeded to pile up the furniture in the middle of the rooms, and set it on fire; while others broke open the cells, and let out the inmates. Some of these escaped into the woods, and during several days rambled wildly over the surrounding country; others were conveyed to one of the stables, and fastened in, under the care of Robson; while a few, it was believed, whose maladies rendered them incapable of knowing what was going on, were burnt to death in the flames, which subsequently enveloped the whole in one sheet of fire.

The incendiaries then departed without leaving any trace whereby their route could be discovered: and although eventually, a reward of five hundred pounds, and a pardon to any person not actually guilty of the offence, were offered by the government, no clue was ever obtained to lead to their conviction.

Notwithstanding the violence which Doctor Rowel might receive by making his appearance upon the scene of his crimes, he no sooner was informed of the destruction of his establishment than he grew frantic, and, in a state of excitement bordering on derangement, set off from York in as private a manner as possible.

On arriving at his late residence, he beheld only a black ruin, with but one solitary object near it which had survived the general deso lation, the old yew-tree under which Woodruff had passed so many weary years, and which now brought back to the Doctor's eye a picture of all that had led to this. The tree used to look black before; but now, amidst the greater blackness of the place, it looked gaily green in the sunshine, as though it rejoiced over the wild justice that had overtaken one guilty of so many crimes.

Outside was a throng of gazers, kept off by the constabulary. On a knoll at some little distance he recognised Lupton and Woodruff,

watching the workmen employed in recovering as much of the property as might have escaped with partial damage. He would have got out, but dared not.

Unrecognised in his carriage, he was secure; and having drawn up to the spot where the little party stood, he gazed with intensity of look upon the operations. It was plain some strange idea had come into his mind; it seemed written in his features that something might be found which he would have no man know.

'But it was a wooden box,' thought he, 'and it could not escape.' Yet, as he comforted himself thus, the possibility was still standing on his brow as plainly as did the mark on Cain's. Still the workmen worked, and he still gazed. At last they carried out on a hand-barrow a heap of broken furniture.

"Tis it!' exclaimed the Doctor, madly, as he dashed his fist through the window; and having rapidly opened the door, rushed distractedly to the men.

This sudden apparition so astonished the people, that all fled backwards in fear. Mr. Lupton, and Woodruff, besides many others, instantly recognised the Doctor; while the first-named gentleman as instantly hastened after him, in order at once to know the cause of this wild proceeding, and to prevent by magisterial authority the mischief which he feared might ensue.

'That's it!-it's mine!--my own!' cried the Doctor, as he threw himself upon a box of considerable dimensions, deeply scorch. ed, but not burnt through. At the same time he clasped his arms about it. The workmen interfered.

'Molest him not,' said Mr. Lupton.

'I swear it is mine!' again exclaimed Rowel, and no man shall open it while I live. I'm innocent; they judged me so last night. People will destroy me if it's seen. They'll swear it is his body.' 'What body?' demanded Mr. Lupton in astonishment.


'His-his. I'm. No; his who died. They shall not open Again the Doctor endeavoured to hide it with his body. Mr. Lupton saw in this more than appeared upon the surface; and accordingly commanded the constabulary to protect Mr. Rowel back to the carriage, and convey the box to Kiddal.

The Doctor made such a desperate resistance, and raved so furiously, that great force was required to get him into the carriage; and it was found necessary to bind him ere his conveyance could be considered safe. This done, he was driven off to the residence of his brother on Sherwood Forest.

During these transactions, the excitement of the multitude was so great, that, but for the judicious measures adopted, the disorders of the previous night would have been concluded by the murder of the Doctor. This fearful consequence was, however, happily avoided. Mr. Woodruff again joined Mr. Lupton, and followed the crowd that accompanied the mysterious box to the Squire's own residence.

A short time after, the above-named individuals, with one or two others, retired into a private room, whither the chest had been carried, and remained present while a heavy lock upon it was broken, and the uplifted lid displayed a sight so horrible, that the strongestnerved present recoiled. Before them, huddled up to make it fit into its babitation, lay a corpse, sufficiently perfect to leave not the slightest doubt but that they looked upon the remains of the unfor

tunate Skinwell. By what motive the Doctor had been actuated in taking the body from its grave, could only be conjectured: the most probable one was, that he had done so to destroy all traces of the poison. But why he should still preserve so horrible an object few attempted to divine. Whatever the cause, however, the fact was proved; since the remains were subsequently identified by many. Another circumstance remains to be recorded, as it may also serve to illustrate Doctor Rowel's conduct.

Beneath the head of the corpse was found a smaller and curiously ornamented box, wherein the title-deeds of Charnwood had been kept during many generations. On being opened, it was found still to contain them in the same state in which Rowell had so many years ago possessed himself of them, after securing the person of their The effect of Mr. Skinwell's conduct in resisting the doctor's solicitations to co-operate with him in altering those writings now became apparent.


Mr. Woodruff having taken them into his own custody, he and his daughter set out to take possession of their hereditary home. On their arrival, however, they found it inhabited by tenants whom the reader will feel surprised to find there.

No long period was required after Colin's arrival at Mr. Calvert's to enable him to discover that deep anxiety reigned throughout that house touching her who so late was its life-spring.

Miss Jenny, who had lately confined herself much to her chamber, was introduced by her sister; the latter having communicated to her the arrival of Roger and Colin.

'How changed!' thought our hero, as his spirit sank at the sight of her. In her face was written that the past was all of a pleasant existence she should ever look upon. Yet when she saw him, though the father looked solemn, and the mother chidingly, she flew to his arms. For what were a father's looks, or a mother's wishes? What was all the world now to her?

At this sight, so unexpected and affecting, her mother sobbed aloud; Mr. Calvert turned away in silence. Her sister seized her hands, and pressed them with a loving pressure, while honest Roger, with the tears bursting from his eyes, struck his hand upon the table in sudden agony, and exclaimed,

Though I don't swear, I say she shall have him, damme, if she shan't!'

The plainness of this declaration contrasted so with the occasion that scarcely a person could forbear smiling; while every one felt a conviction that Roger's words would eventually come true. But, as suddenly as that conviction flashed across the mind, so, with respect to Mr. and Mrs. Calvert, did it as suddenly cease. For though, during some few moments they felt half inclined to relent, yet, as the cause of that sudden conversion lost its temporary influence, they fell back upon old objections with increased prejudice.

Long did these two afterwards discuss the matter, while Colin and Jenny were rapidly settling it without any discussion at all.

While the last-named pair regarded the question as altogether one of the heart, the former held it as totally a question of the head: but, inasmuch as the worst philosopher may venture to back the heart against the head in any contention, our hero and Miss Jenny would certainly have triumphed, had it not happened that before

their forces could be brought to bear, Mr. Calvert sent a message to Colin, requesting his company in the study, and delivered to him the following speech ;

After what has occurred, Mr. Clink, I feel that it becomes my duty as a father to come to some decisive determination. Much as I respect Mr. Lupton and yourself, there are causes which made me fearful when I found your preference for Jenny, that a continued acquaintance between you would not lead to happiness. I shall not allude to those causes more directly; but they are insurmountable. And though I am aware that such matters are frequently regarded with indifference, yet I feel compelled thus to declare my sentiments, in the hope that nothing more will be required to assure you of the conrse which I wish you to adopt.'

'Sir said Colin, as his heart seemed to swell into his throat, 'I cannot but respect your motives. I know your objections,they are not to be removed.' He would have spoken more, but

could not.

'Do not mistake me,' observed Mr. Calvert. It is your misfortune not your crime. It was my hope that Jenny and you might possibly dissolve this acquaintance yourselves, and render such an explanation as the present needless. But I have been mistaken. We cannot go on thus longer. Nevertheless, carry with you the assurance that I still continue to remember your worthiness, and to regret so unhappy an ending to the young affection of one whom it would have been our delight, if possible, to have blessed with the good and worthy creature he sought.-Bless you, my friend!' added he, Bless you! I cannot part with you without betraying more

than becomes me.'

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'Your worthiness,' replied Colin, makes me, sir, lost, what to say. Had you treated me harshly I could have replied. If you will have it so, I know not how to oppose; but though I go never to return, believe me, sir, my heart will be left with those I leave,I shall do my best to live out my life with the memory of her whom I am forbidden to know in any other manner.'

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'I am afraid,' rejoined his friend, that on neither side shall we cease to feel pain but it will be our duty to bow before those decrees which we cannot escape. And now,' added Mr. Calvert, 'do not prolong this scene. We can do no more. Good-by'e!' he quitted the room.

But Roger Calvert and Colin had a further conversation below stairs, which ended in producing a determination of importance. Roger's conduct, indeed, throughout had inspired our hero with confidence, and now induced him, after the scene described, to draw his friend into an unobserved part of the house, and propose that they should settle the matter in the manner already suggested, that is, through the medium of an elopement; and that considerate young fellow readily undertook the task of informing Jenny of the design. It was agreed between them that, the more successfully to carry on their plan, Colin should take leave of the family under the impression, on their parts, of never seeing him again; but that, instead of quitting London, he should retire to some hotel, where he could remain until matters were arranged for his and Jenny's departure. This accordingly he did, quitting Mr. Calvert's house not without grief on the part of all, except Roger; though on his own with such a miserable exhibition of sorrow, considering the situation

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