With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Environ'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hideous cries, that with the very noise, I trembling wak'd, and, for a season after, Could not believe but that I was in hell; Such terrible impression made my dream. The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes - Página 215por William Shakespeare - 1767Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| William Shakespeare - 1709 - 572 páginas
...on him, Furies, take him unto Torment—— With that, methought, a Legion of foul Fiends ïnviron'd me, and howled in mine Ears Such hideous Cries, that with the very Noife, I> trembling, wak'd; and fora feaion after Could not believe but that I was in Hell: Such terrible Impreffions made my Dream.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1745 - 508 páginas
...• Clarence is come, falfe, fleeting, perjur'd Clarence, Tbatftabb'd me in the field by Tewskbury ; Seize on him, Furies, take him to your torments——...in mine ears Such hideous cries, that with the very npife I, trembling, wak'd ; and for a feafon after Could not believe but that I was in hell. Such terrible... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 372 páginas
...him, Furies, take him to your torments — • With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Iaviron'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hideous cries, that...with the very noife I, trembling, wak'd ; and for a leafon after Could not believe bat that I was in hell. Such terrible imprefiion made my dreim. Brak.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 434 páginas
...Clarence is come, falfe, fleeting, perjur'd Clarente, That ftabb'd me in the field by Tewkdury ; Seize Seize on him, Furies, take him to your torments !...with the very noife I, trembling, wak'd ; and for aTeafon after Could not believe but that I was in Hell : Such terrible impreffion made my dream. Brak.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1907 - 266 páginas
...on him, Furies, take him unto torment ! " With that, methoughts, a legion of foul fiends Environ'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hideous cries, that with the very noise 60 I trembling wak'd, and for a season after Could not believe but that I was in hell, Such terrible... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 500 páginas
...onliim, Furies, take him to your torments !— •With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Tnviron'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hideous cries, that...in Hell : Such terrible impreffion made my dream. Bre.k. No rtwvel. Lord, that it affrighted you ; * That ivcu'f'th" jl-m\< ictfm.] 3 Fleeting is the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 522 páginas
...on him, Furies, take him to your torments !With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Tnv'iron'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hideous cries, that...I, trembling, wak'd-, and for a feafon after Could no: believe but that I was in Hell: Such terrible impreflion made my dream. Pabbled in blood, and he... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 426 páginas
...aloud Clarencels come, falfe, fteeting, perjur'd Clarence, That flabb'd me in the field by Tcwkfbury ; Seize on him, Furies, take him to your torments !...ears Such hideous cries, that with the very noife 1, trembling, wak'd; and for a'feafon after Could not believe but that I was in Hell : .Such terrible... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 518 páginas
...— With that, methought, a legion of foul fiends Inviron'd me, and howled in mine ears Such hindeous cries, that with the very noife I, trembling, wak'd;...not believe but that I was in Hell. : Such terrible impreffioq made my dream. Brak. No marvel, Lord, that it affrighted you j * That wood the Jlimy bottcm,]... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1769 - 368 páginas
...: Clarence is come, falfe, fleeting, perjur'd Clarence That ftabb'd me in the field by Tewkftmry ; Seize on him, furies, take him to your torments !...after Could not believe but that I was in hell: Such tirrible impreflion made rny dreaicd. Brak. No marvel, Lord, that it affrighted you; 1 am afraid, methinks,... | |
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