Have ever come too fhort of my defires, King. Fairly answer'd`: A loyal and obedient subject is The foulness is the punishment. I prefume, To me, your friend, than any. Wol. I profefs, That for your Highness' good I ever labour'd, More than mine own; that am I, have been, will bet King. 'Tis nobly spoken; Take notice, Lords, he has a loyal breast, [Giving him papers. And, after, this; and then to break faft, with What appetite you may. [Exit King, frowning upon Cardinal Wolfey; the Nobles throng after him, whispering and smiling. Wol. What fhould this mean? What fudden anger's this? how have I reap'd it i Leap'd from his eyes. So looks the chafed lion This paper has undone me-'tis th' account I writ to's Holiness. Nay, then farewel; I've touch'd the highest point of all my greatness ; I hafte now to my fetting. I fhall fall, Enter to Wolfey, the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, the Nor. Hear the King's pleasure, Cardinal; who commands you To render up the great feal presently Into our hands, and to confine yourself Where's your commiffion, Lords? words cannot carry Suf. Who dare cross 'em, Bearing the King's will from his mouth exprefly? Wol. "Till I find more than will, or words to do it, I mean, your malice;) know, officious Lords, I I dare, and muft deny it. Now I feel As if it fed yes and how fleek, and wanton, (Mine and your matter) with his own hand gave me ; Wol. It must be himself then. Sur. Thou'rt a proud traitor, prieft. Wol. Proud Lord, thou lyeft: Within thefe forty hours Surrey durft bettter Sur. Thy ambition, Thou fearlet fin, robb'd this bewailing land (With thee, and all thy best parts bound together,} Far from his fuccour; from the King; from all, Wol. This, and all elfe This talking Lord can lay upon my credit, His noble jury and foul cause can witness. Q2 And And all that love his follies. Sur. By my foul, Your long coat, prieft, protects you; thou fhould't feel And from this fellow? if we live thus tamely, Is poifon to thy flomach, Sur. Yes, that goodness Of gleaning all the land's wealth into one, The goodness of your intercepted packets You writ to th' Pope, against the King; your goodness, (22) Worfe than the fearing bell, This abfurd reading has only found place in Mr. Pope's two editions. I have reftor'd, from all the best copies, facring bell. That gentleman, fure, fhould know, that in Roman Catholick countries the little bell, which is rung to give notice of the Host approaching when it is carried in proceffion, as alfo in other offices of that church, is call'd, the fairing, or confecration bell; from the French word, Sacrer. And, CHAUCER, I find, in his dream, has made ufe of the word Sacre, to fignify confecration, or holy office. Which tent was church parochial," For the fefte, and for the Sacre; facetious Rabelais, 'book zd. ch. 26. particularly mentions the facring bell. Pleust a Dieu, que chafcun de vous euft deus paires de sornettes de facre un merton. I wish to God, every one of you had two couples of facring bells dangling at your chins. And facring is frequently mention'd by writers about our author's time. 1 K. Richard the firft's time, a fray happen'd, on the day of his coronation, Lay kiffing in your arms, Lord Cardinal. Wol. How much, methinks, I could defpife this man, But that I'm bound in charity against it ! Nor. Thofe articles, my Lord, are in th' King's hand: But thus much, they are foul ones.til dro Wol. So much fairer,116 ed of stub And fpotlefs, fhall mine innocence arife When the King knows my truth. Y 55 -1 I thank my memory, I yet remember Wol. Speak on, Sir, I dare your worst objections: if I blush, Sur. I'd rather want thofe, than my head; have at you. Nor. Then, that in all you writ to Rome, or else To foreign Princes, Ego & Rex mous Was ftill inferib'd; in which you brought the King. To be your fervant. Suf. That without the knowledge Either of King or council, when you went Sur. Item, You fent a large commiffion Without the King's will or the ftate's allowance, Suf. That out of mere ambition, you have made coronation, against the Jews, who, contrary to the King's own proclamation, would needs enter the church to fee him facred. Stow's Survey of London. In the mean time being near to a church, he heard a little facring bell ring to the elevation of a morrow-mafs. - Scot's Discovery of Witcheraft., You shall ring the facring bell, Q3 Merry Devil of Edmonton. Your |