KING Henry VI. Humphry Duke of Gloucefter, Cardinal Beauford, Bp. of Winchefter, Uncles to the King. Duke of York, pretending to the crown. Duke of Buckingham. Duke of Somerfet, Earl of Salisbury, } Of the King's Party. Of the York Faction. Lord Clifford, of the King's Party. Lord Say. Lord Scales, Governor of the Tower. Sir Humphry Stafford. Young Stafford, his Brother. Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman. Young Clifford, Son to the Lord Clifford. Edward Plantagenet, Richard Plantagenet, Sons to the Duke of York. Vaux, A Sea Captain, and Walter Whitmore-Pirates. A Herald. Hume and Southwel, 2 Priefs. Bolingbrook, an Aftrologer. A Spirit, attending on Jordan the Witch, Thomas Horner, an Armourer. Peter, his Man. Clerk of Chatham. Mayor of St. Albans. Simpcox, an Imposter. Jack Cade, Bevis, Michael, John Holland, Dick the Butcher, Smith the Weaver, and feveral others, Rebels. Margaret, Queen to King Henry VI. fecretly in Love with the Duke Suffolk. Dame Eleanor, Wife to the Duke of Gloucefter. Mother Jordan, a Witch employ'd by the Dutchess of GlouWife to Simpcox. [cefter. Petitioners, Aldermen, a Beadle, Sheriff and Officers, Citizens, with Faulconers, Guards, Mejengers, and other Attendants. The SCENE is laid very difperfedly in feveral Parts of England. The |