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one can talk on the subject, as it hap-instances, her members have been so pens to strike his humor at the mo-sensible of the interpositions of heaven ment; can condemn or justify him-in her behalf, as to exult in their God self, as circumstances vary, or the oc-with joy unspeakable and full of glory. casion suits him. But without seri-Of this we have an example in the ous pains to produce a reformation, psalm before us. The occasion on the evil has taken too deep root to which it was penned seems to have be easily eradicated. The united ef- been this: There was presented to forts of all, who rightly estimate the the Psalmist a scene in which God apimportance of obedience to parents, peared to be gloriously attentive to the are necessary to arrest the progress best interests of his church. The goodof the mischief complained of, andness of the Most High burst to view, to restore us to that better course, clothed with almighty power, and atwhich our fathers took in training up tended with knowledge equally unlimtheir children for public and private ited. The transporting prospect awakusefulness. In the number of those ened every power of his soul, agrandiagainst whom, the Apostle tells us, zed his views, inflamed his love, fixed the wrath of God is revealed from his confidence, and, at once refined Heaven, are the disobedient to parents, and exalted his joys. Exulting with and such as are without natural af triumph in the irresistible power and fection. At the present day too ma- matchless love of his divine Protector, ny can be found who answer to this he penned this psalm. The justice of description. A multitude of parents this representation is clear from the daily contribute to the revelation of seven first verses. In the eighth, dethis wrath, by their neglect in edu- sirous that others might at the same cating their children to obedience; time share and augment his satisherein manifesting their own want of faction in God, he cries aloud, “Come, proper natural affection, and teaching behold the works of the Lord, what them also the same impiety. Had desolations he hath made in the earth!" we our choice, with which genera-And then, in the ninth, recites some of tion should we wish to have our lot; the wonders with which he himself was with such an one as lived fifty years ravished. "He maketh wars to cease ago, or such, as from present pros-unto the end of the earth, He breaketh pects, without a special interposition the bow and cutteth the spear in sunof Providence, is like to be on the der, He burneth the chariot in the fire." stage of action at the end of half a This he said with reference to the sixth century to come? May our efforts be verse where he had told us, "The such, and such be the blessing atten-heathen raged, the kingdoms were modant upon them, that future genera-ved, He uttered his voice, the earth tions may account themselves happy melted." What particular occurrences in being descended from those, who gave birth to this psalm, we know not, put a just value on faithful parental | but certain it is they were such as comdiscipline, and filial obedience.



posed a noble prospect, which lost none of its force with the devout Psalmist. He felt it all. On him it had its

THE PERFECTION OF GOD THE FOUN-proper effect; for it was to him, what it was in itself, the voice of the living Two Sermons delivered at Torringford, in || God, saying, Be still and know that I Connecticut, Lord's day, Dec. 21st, 1777, by Nathaniel Niles, A. M.

PSALM 46.10.-Be still know that I am God.
THE church of God hath, in all ages,
enjoyed the divine favor; and in many

am God. So significant and forcible was it on the mind of David, that like a mighty voice in the mountains, it reverberated from his heart and pen in an echo, "Be still and know that I am God." Those works spake this la

guage by the sure marks they bore ofing to exist, or to be less powerful, less the divinity of their Author. Words knowing, or less wise. All this is esare in some degree expressive of the sential to Deity. attributes of the speaker; but works In the scene presented to the Psalmare much more expressive of the attri- ist, the author appeared to be God inbutes of their author. Some works deed, possessed of divine perfection, discover one property in their author and worthy of divine adoration, togethand some another. Here malice is er with the most unlimited obedience, displayed, there goodness; here re-love, and confidence. In the text, this venge, there forbearance; here knowl-sentiment seems to be laid as the edge, there ignorance; here power, ground and reason of the command, there impotency; here stability, and "Be still." Let us now, in the first there its contrary. In some efforts, place, endeavor to investigate the true these properties are expressed more import of this command, and then conclearly than in some others; and insider how strongly it is enforced by the some instances more of them are ex-reason suggested in the text, namely, pressed than in others. Sometimes that the governor of the world is God · the real worthiness of the author is rep- indeed. First, then we attend to the resented, and sometimes the contrary. import of the command, "Be still." When they carry with them obvious The word still, properly used, refers to marks of the absolute and supreme matter, and signifies a state of rest, or perfection of their original; then they want of motion. The rest of bodies tell us they are the effects of one wor- is either absolute or relative. Absothy to be esteemed God, and treat-||lute rest is that state of bodies in which ed as such. To do this, they must they are supposed to have no kind of make it manifest that their author is motion; which, however, seems hardthe controller of nature, and, of conse-ly, in fact, to belong to any body whatquence, its author: since none but he, ever; as every thing in the material who framed the worlds, can be worthy world appears to be in motion; Yet of divine homage and adoration. They there are innumerable instances of relmust, too, display unlimited skill; oth-ative rest. This is exemplified in everwise they do not exhibit their author ery case where one body moves in exas being free from imperfection in an act conformity to another. Thus, article so material, as that imperfec-whatever is borne along the current of tion here, saps one fundamental notion ||a river, so as to move precisely with of divinity. It is also not less necessa- the moving waters, is at rest with ry, that they should discover him to respect to those waters. Thus, too, be infinitely good; since infinite pow-every thing fixed on the earth, as mouner and knowledge, unattended by e-tains, rocks, &c. though they move -qual goodness are, at best, a just occa- with incredible velocity, are yet, in a sion of regret. state of perfect rest with respect to the The honest soul, in quest of a God, earth. Concerning things which are cannot take up with any thing short of thus borne by the earth, it is oba being, both able, and perfectly dis-servable that they do not direct their posed to do whatever is best to be done, own motion; but are, together with evand to prevent whatever is best to be ery thing to which they are united, prevented, and that, without any fa- committed to the earth to be moved tigue or difficulty. He must not hesi- and disposed of according to the motate in choosing the best in any in-tions of the earth, without having any stance; nor must he, in any instance, tendency to detach themselves from be at a loss what is best to be done, the earth. On the contrary, they have nor can such an inquirer admit a possi-in themselves, a strong propensity, cal bility, that one, proper to be chosen led gravitation, to unite themselves for his God, should be capable of ceas-with the earth, to rest on it, and of con

sequence to be borne by it. Though aged and disposed of by him at pleasthis principle doth not cause the mo-ure. tion of which we speak, yet it is essen- When a traveller finds himself betially necessary in order to it.

wildered and lost among pathless In like manner they who are still, mountains, the haunt of savage beasts, in the sense of our text, volunta- where dangers of various kinds threatrily commit themselves to the conduct en him on all hands, how doth his heart and disposal of God, together with ev-leap for joy on the approach of some ery thing, to which they are united.— humane person acquainted with those It is observable too, that the very still-wilds! How cheerfully doth he comness of the mountain or the rock, infers mit himself to his guidance! With their motion, and not only so, but also, what confidence doth he rely upon it! that their motion is similar and uni- His fearful apprehensions vanish, and form to that of the earth. Were they he bids adieu to anxiety. This is a not to move with the earth, but rising faint representation of the man who hafrom its surface, remain in a state of ving found himself unable to direct his absolute rest, they would lose the steps, and conduct himself and his afrest they before had with respect to the fairs in the manner he could wish, or earth: In like manner also that stillness so as to secure another breath, has his of soul commanded in the text, neces-eyes open to behold the universality, sarily implies such exercises of our perfection and glory of the divine govminds as are uniform with the excerci-ernment. No sooner doth the prosses of the divine mind. pect open, than he flings himself and Our most obvious notions of the mo-all his concerns into the arms of the tion and rest of material things, have glorious Author of nature, to be manareference to the most important object ged and disposed of by him according in view. Thus, notwithstanding the to his own pleasure. He sees in the river is still with respect to the straw works of creation & providence, somefloating on its surface, yet we say it what of the character of God. Divine moves, because it is not still with res-revelation, raises & clears the prospect. pect to its banks, which are stable parts There he beholds such evidence of the of the earth. Since the earth is more im- perfection and loveliness of the Most portant & weighty than any thing on its High, as ravisheth his heart. The persurface,we,very justly, consider it as the fection of God is a sovereign balm for standard by which to determine wheth- every wound, and the glory of every er things of a material kind in the thing valuable. Take from him a view world are in motion or at rest: So that of the perfection of the Deity, and you whatever moves uniformly with the leave an infinite chasm; nay, worse; earth, appears to be still, and is spoken you leave a world of confusion, where of in that style, even in an absolute every thing awakens painful apprchensense, notwithstanding the rapidity of sion. For however promising things its motion. The case is the same in may be in their first appearances, yet the moral world. God, the supreme | he knows not where or how they may moral agent, is the standard of rest.—|| terminate. Restore to him his God, That created mind, which acts in harmony with the eternal mind, is at rest; while those who deviate from his pleasure cannot enjoy rest.

But to be a little more particular here;

and again by faith, he sees all things moving on in perfect harmony, toward the most noble end; even while sense represents every thing in a distracted career to ruin. Thus, as Abraham, against hope, believed in hope, though I. The person who is still in the the mountains shake, and the sea rage, sense of the text, voluntarily commits and the earth tremble, and the nations himself and all his concerns and inter- beall in commotion, yet he sits secure. ests into the hands of God, to be man-Nothing moves him. His habitation is

the munition of rocks. No disappoint- love and esteem in another. So it ment or injury can render him fretful.will be in the case under consideration. The greatest prosperity even of his most Delight in the example of God will exunreasonable enemy, cannot awaken cite him to work out, or perfect that his envy, nor the utmost provocation, holiness which is, in the highest sense, his anger. But, on the contrary, eve- his salvation, and a sense, that God ry occurrence induces him afresh to worketh in him both to will and to do, place his entire trust in God: To com-will lead him to do it with fear and mit his way to the Lord, and rest fully trembling. Thus, will he be disposed satisfied that he will do all things well. to perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. In the absolute perfection of God, he If indeed, we submit to God, and finds a sufficient reason for all the past, acquiesce in the divine will, is it not and all the present. Here he finds a certain we are well pleased with it? clue that leads through the whole laby-|| And if well pleased with it, is it not as rinth, a key that unlocks every myste- certain we are conformed to it? And ry. In the divine perfection, he finds if conformed to it, shall we not of nea pledge, that the future will be as cessity imitate it? If then we do not wisely conducted as the past, and con- imitate the divine will, must not all spire to the same end. So that though our supposed submission be a mere he sees not into futurity, yet he shall delusion? The enemies of God are not be afraid of evil tidings, for his said to submit themselves to him, by heart is fixed trusting in the Lord; his reason of the greatness of his power. heart is established, he shall not be a- Psal. 66. 3. Yet in the old translation fraid. of the bible, they are said to lie to him. Though he walk in darkness and There is a seeming submission to God have no light, though he be in the ut-which is no other than the effect most difficulty and distress; yei will he of a curb put upon our native obstinatrust in the Lord, and stay upon his cy: but real submision will have real God. Under the most severe tribula- obedience for its companion. tions, he will be patient with Job: and Secondly, We are to consider how with Paul will he rejoice. Under ev-strongly this duty is enforced by the reaery provocation he will exercise the son suggested in the text, namely, that meekness of Jesus Christ. The bur-the governor of the world is God inden of his song will always be: The deed. In attempting this, several things Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice, let will be mentioned which, as the naturthe multitude of the Isles be glad there-al and necessary result of his divinity, of. Thus will he delight himself in the unite to enforce the great command, Lord. He will rejoice in the Lord, "Be still." and joy in the God of his salvation.

I. If the governor of the world be II. He will not only commit every God indeed;-if he be possessed of thing to the conduct and disposal of his those attributes which constitute divinheavenly father; but follow his exam-ily, we may rest assured he will never ple so far as it is imitable by him.-injure us neither mediately nor immeSome persons, upon fancying they be-diately. lieve in the universal, wise, and holy Injustice always springs either from government of God; and that they ignorance of what is right, or an unjust themselves are interested in the loving disposition, both of which are inconkindnes of the Most High, sit supinely sistent with divinity. Shall not the Judge down in a state of stoicism; but the of all the earth do right? God cannot person who is still, in the sense of our lie; nor can he injure his creatures. text, will be excited to imitate God by Being God, his nature is utterly abhorthe delight he has in his ways, word and rent of wrong, and he certainly knows character. We necessarily endeavor the partition between right and wrong. to imitate that ourselves, which we | When, therefore, we are once convinced

those who were not particularly affect ed by it, but by the pious Jews themselves. Witness the holy Daniel, who was one of the captives in Babylon.It is abundantly worth our while to read, with the most serious attention, the ninth chapter of his prophecy, with

that the governor of the world is God, we shall be as fully convinced that he will do us no injustice neither by his own hand, immediately, nor by any means whatever. He may indeed, so conduct towards us, as to occasion our proud hearts to censure him as unjust; yet none except a proud heart, can ev-a particular view to the present sub→ er do so. It is true he oftentimes casts his creatures into tribulation, and stings them with keen distress; yet this, by no means, proves him unjust; for it may be we deserve it all. And we shall rest assured this is the case, when once we perceive that God is God.

ject. There he confesses the sins of his nation, including his own with them, and ascribes righteousness to God in all he had brought upon his people.

If we attend, with equal candor, to the dealings of heaven in all the calamities brought upon us, either by the He takes from us, indeed, many of immediate hand of God, or through our comforts; but still he takes no the instrumentality of creatures, howmore than his own. The Lord gave, ever malicious and perverse they may says Job, and the Lord hath taken away. have been; we shall not fail of finding He took away no more than he had God just in all his ways. We shall given, and all he gave was given as a find no reason to complain, or enterloan; or rather, committed to Job as a tain one uneasy thought. We shall see, steward. The case is the same with all at once, that though God strips us of he gives. To one he commits ten tal-every good, he takes nothing but his ents, to another five, and to another own, and what he never encouraged one, and bids us all to occupy till he us to believe we should longer enjoy. come, in his providence, to resume, or If he inflict positive evil upon us, we continue them in our hands, accord-shall perceive it comes not unprovok ing to his holy pleasure. Where is the ed from him, nor undeserved by us. injustice of this? May he not do what If, then, we can suffer no injury from he will with his own? Sometimes he God, why should we be dissatisfied takes from us our enjoyments, without with his government? How unreasthe instrumentality of our fellow crea-onable to complain of him, who injures tures; and sometimes he makes use of neither us nor any other creature !— them; but we are wronged by him in Such a government calls for joy and neither case. What reason had the gladness instead of complaint. Under Jews to complain of God, when he the government of God, every crea raised up the Babylonian, and sent ture is secured in all his rights: none him to distress them, by laying waste of which shall ever be infringed. The their fields, pillaging their metropolis, instruments indeed, of which God rifling the temple and destroying it; makes use, may indulge an unjustifiaputting their men to the sword, ravish-ble spirit, and be most aggravatedly ing their virgins, ripping up the women wicked; but their employer is perfect with child: introducing such a faminely just. as occasioned the tender mother to If this be true, there cannot be any butcher, and eat the offspring of her reason to complain of the divine gowomb; and then to carry the remnant vernment, or to reject his example. of the people into captivity. Here was II. Since the governor of nature is a most distressing scene, contrived and God, his moral government is conseexecuted by God, through the instru- quently good. Being God, he must, of mentality of the proud Nebuchadnez-necessity, know what laws are best, zar. Yet he was just in all: Yea, so and establish these and these alone. conspicuous was his justice, as to be To say otherwise is, in effect, to deny seen and acknowledged, not only by his divinity. For an ignorant god, des


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