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of life; and no man was followed, or looked for, but the Lord Jesus.

In the history of the revivals in the days of the reformation, and since, there has been ever a great following of man. Christians usually took the name of a man as a distinguishing characteristic ; nor was it strange that they did so, when we take into account that the man whose name was adopted had been the instrument in God's hand to effect a blessing for their souls. Now, in Belfast, how different is it! Last year the ablest and the most gifted men were there, SPURGEON and GUINNESS, and our own JOHN GREGG, went specially down and delivered the most heart-stirring appeals, and preached the most awakening discourses, and appealed to men with all the power of the gifts that God gave them, exhorting sinners to forsake sin, and to turn to the Lord in simplicity, in sincerity, and in truth. And yet no fruits seemed to follow. When God's time came, under the ordinary ministry of those who usually declared the gospel in their own plain manner to the people, the blessing seemed to follow. It was the power of the Lord the Spirit accompanying the Word.

With exercises of devotion, and visitation, and preaching, and prayer, the ministers of every denomination were well-nigh worn out, and the Spirit grew and increased until all Belfast seemed to be leavened with the desire after the kingdom of heaven.

In this place the great and unnatural excitement has now well-nigh passed away; but there is instead thereof, a calm, steady, sober, serious influence, which is pervading all classes, and the offence of the cross is ceasing.

The wonderful changes of character that have taken place are most marvellous. The debased, the wicked, and the profligate, are turning away from their evil pursuits, and turning to quietness, and godliness, and the service of the Saviour.

The duty paid into the Inland Revenue Office of Belfast forwhiskey, has decreased £500 per week. The circulation of the Scriptures has more than doubled. The number of tracts and religious publications circulated has been more than half a million. The walls of Belfast are covered with large placards, with either

a beautiful precept or a precious promise from the Word of God. The windows of the stationers' shops are filled with religious hand-bills, tracts, and addresses, and the demand for them has been marvellous.

In Coleraine, Derry, Lurgan, Banbridge, and all through the North, the same evidences and proofs of a real, vital work are to be seen. To the Lord be the glory.


The city of Armagh is remarkable in the ecclesiastical history of Ireland. Here it was that St. Patrick founded the first of his churches; and from this place Bible truth, in the olden time, flowed all over Ireland. It has been the seat of the Primate of all Ireland ever since, and its name is connected with every religious movement which has taken place in the green island since Christianity was first planted here. The Revival movement in Armagh has been truly wonderful. The 14th of September last witnessed a most extraordinary meeting in this ancient city, the remembrance of which will be life-long with every Christian who was present. The following was the announcement of it :

"Monster Meeting.-A Union Revival Prayer-meeting, for all Ireland, will, God willing, be held in Mr. STANLEY'S field, near the Railway Station, city of Armagh, on Wednesday, 14th September, 1859. To commence at twelve o'clock, noon. JOSEPH M. LYNN, Esq., M.D., to preside. Clergymen and laymen, from all parts of Ireland, England, and Scotland, are expected to take part in the services. Special trains, at very cheap fares, will run on that day from Belfast, Dublin, Monaghan, and Dungannon. For particulars see railway bills. A tent will be erected capable of holding 2,000 persons. Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord." • Prove me now, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." All creeds and classes who want a blessing are earnestly invited to come." In answer to this requisition, thou

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"There is a fountain filled with blood;" and the whole concourse joined in the thanksgiving in beautiful unison. It was truly strange, but it was very refreshing.


sands flocked into Armagh. Sixteen listeners. In a third place, a number thousand, at least, were in this great were congregated, singing a hymn with a field together, serving God. The so- simple Hallelujah chorus, in which all briety of their demeanor and conduct joined. Outside, on the platform, the was most observable. The fervour of place was crowded. Many were pushing their worship was intense. Of a truth, their way into the places where the serGod seemed to be present in that place. vices were being conducted, and could From the platform in the middle of the not get in "because of the press." The field addresses were delivered by the station-master suddenly appeared, crossed Rev. BAPTIST NOEL; by the Rev. Messrs. to the other side of the station, took out MOORE, of Ballymena; HENRY, of Bel- a hymn-book, and said, "While we wait, fast; HUSTON, of Armagh, and several my friends, let us praise God.” He gave other good and great men. Simul- out the hymn, taneously all through the field prayer was offered up; the Word was pounded; the gospel was preached; the joyful hymn was sung. Groups were gathered together in several places for special prayer. Amongst the clergy present you saw the Dean of DROMORE, and many of the Established Church. Several most devoted ministers, of other denominations, all heart and hand, and pious laymen, pouring out their hearts and begging for a blessing. It was, indeed, a time when one could say, "We have seen strange things to-day." The meeting broke up with the greatest order and regularity. It has been stated by the "Times correspondent, that some of the persons who were present were under the influence of drink, on their return home. It is a foul calumny. The same accusation was brought against the apostles on the day of Pentecost. It was The North of Ireland was cold, and equally true then. The people went dead, and without much vitality in reback quietly, orderly, and peaceably, ligion, although it was famed for its and, out of the many thousands who re- political Protestantism, and its exuberant turned home by the excursion trains, loyalty. The Word of God has, howonly one young man was seen under the ever, had free course amongst the people, influence of liquor. There were thou-and it has never been a sealed book there. sands in Armagh on the same day who The commencement of the revival work are prepared to substantiate this state-at Belfast, at Balymena, Armagh, and at


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Half-way between Armagh and Belfast, a very rising and improving place, is well known to railway travellers. It is called Portadown. On the day of the prayer-meeting in Armagh, the scene that presented itself at the railway station here was extraordinary. In one refreshment-room, while waiting for the train, a number of people were engaged in prayer for God's blessing on the day. In a waiting-room, a young man preached the gospel to a crowded number of

I might multiply instances to convince you that a real, practical, and vital work is being carried on in this and in the adjoining districts by the power of the Spirit, and to show that the fruits of the Spirit are being abundantly evidenced in love, and joy, and peace; but it is not necessary. We must not, however, forget that God works by ordinary as well as by extraordinary means; and for years, in this part of Ireland, it would appear that He has been silently preparing the way for the power of the truth.

other places, has been after prayer-meetings have been established. Prayer has been made that God would send His blessed Spirit down in rich abundance, and draw sinners with power, and revive His work. But we must not forget, that before the flame of religion began to spread, there had been for years a great, silent, but strong preparation for it in the circulation of the Word. The Lord Jehovah works ever by this great means. When God was about, in the fulness of time, to send forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the

criticise the text, which the discovering of printing enabled them to diffuse. Thus the people were soon able to judge as to whether what Martin Luther, and John Calvin, and Zuinglius, and Osiander, and Cranmer said, in their denunciations against Popery and Rome, could be proved true.

In those times there was a very great and a very wonderful revival in religion, but God silently prepared the way before the Spirit came. Thus He planned to bring about the great simplicity of the faith, which points to Jesus as the Lamb of God" the Lamb who taketh away the sins of the world."

law, and to send down the Spirit with | to translate, and to compare, and to power, to give to the Son the people as an inheritance, He prepared the way by the circulation of His own Oracles, and by the Word of prophecy. Alexander the Great went forth from Greece, conquered Darius, and overran the whole country of Persia and its tributaries; nay, the whole eastern world, as far as the Indus. The language of his nation was gradually adopted by the people who were conquered, and the Greek tongue became almost the universal language in those parts. Well; the OldTestament Scriptures were, shortly after, by the direction of Ptolemy, translated by the Septuaginta, or seventy Jewish doctors, at Alexandria, from the Hebrew into the Greek tongue, the language which was now most spoken. The Spirit of God, when it moved holy men of old to speak of the testimony of Jesus, inspired them so to do in the language that was known and understood. God, by His own quiet work, had provided, and arranged, and settled the great preliminaries, ere the Spirit was sent down to work the great and wondrous conversions which took place. The people had the sure Word of prophecy, and the Word of testimony to refer to, to "prove all things, and hold fast that which was good." Again; remember, when the Reformation took place, what were the remarkable antecedents? The wars of the Crusaders were brought about by the strange fanaticism of the Monk, Peter the Hermit, which some would foolishly imagine was in itself a revival of religion.

The Crusaders brought back with them, from the Holy Land, a knowledge of oriental manners, habits, and customs. The Saracens began to overrun the eastern parts of Europe. Backward and backward still went the followers of the cross. Constantinople fell, and the affrighted men who professed Christianity fled towards Rome, bringing with them-what? Why, their lives; but, what was dearer still, the manuscripts, in the Greek tongue, of the Scriptures of both Old and New Testaments. A taste for this literature was created; and when the time of the Reformation came, although it was a time of gross darkness and much ignorance, yet many had learned the Greek tongue, and were able

Now, exactly so was it ere this movement began in Ulster. Public ministrations had become more frequent; the diffusion of the blessed Word of God had become more general; the testimony respecting Jesus Christ was more earnest; Sabbath-school instruction, and teaching in Holy Writ, was diffused every possible way. Scriptural education, in this part, was the rule, not the exception; and the people were acquainted with the truths of religion and with the doctrines of the cross. The bread was cast upon the waters, and it was found after many days.


It is quite true, that in this great movement some things are taking place which must be deplored by sober-minded men of every denomination. God never commences a great work, but Satan strives to mar it by a counter-work. In many parts of the North, physical demonstrations are encouraged, and young women, under great excitement, have been visibly and strangely affected; but such cases as these are most exceptional and isolated, and it would be a foolish thing to imagine that the great religious movement in the North is of such a nature or character generally.


The wonderful changes which have taken place in the most abandoned characters; the great love which Christians bear one to another; the veneration and love for the holy Lamb of God; the love of God's Word; the increased attendance upon religious ordinances; the devout

appearance and manner of the people; that the good work may be blessed, and the check to intemperance and immo- every evil, work hindered. Ask that rality; the great zeal of all Christians united exertion may be made to testify to win souls for Christ; with many like of the truth as it is in Jesus. Let us effects of this revival, prove that a great glorify the Lord for what He has done; and blessed work has been commenced, let us praise Him for the triumphs of and is being carried on, by the Lord the the cross; let us bless His holy name, Spirit. for He hath brought wonderful things to pass, and long for the time when He shall be admired of His saints, and glorified in all them that believe." I beg to remain, in gospel bonds, Your affectionate brother, SAMOHT.


Be instant in prayer to God to give His people a right judgment in all things. Wrestle with Him to shed abroad the influences of the Spirit on every corner of the land. Beseech Him



THERE Sometimes arises in the breast of God's people, especially of the younger members, a kind of jealous fear lest they should give more honour to one person of the Godhead than to another; at least on behalf of myself I acknowledge it has sometimes occasioned a painful carefulness lest I should not equally honour and love the ever-glorious and One Triune Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. To dissipate such a feeling from the minds of any of my fellowpilgrims, I hope the following illustration may prove useful.

A poor fellow has accidentally fallen into a deep and rapid river. He is borne down the stream, every exertion to recover the bank having failed. He sees no one to render any assistance, and all hope of being saved is gone; only the fearful consciousness in a few minutes more of being dashed down the roaring cataract remains to him. Oh, the horror of that moment! Lost! lost! lost! But, see! see! across the field a man is running with extraordinary speed, and the next moment the poor wretch sees him with the last despairing glance of his eye, rushing to his rescue. Just as the deep eddying stream brings him within a few feet of the bank, this man with the utmost exertion reaches out his hand, and only within one inch

A MAN under God's affliction is like a bird in a net; the more he striveth the more he is entangled. God's decree

of failure, catches the tips of the fingers of the drowning man. But it is enough, the poor creature is saved; and in the overwhelming burst of gratitude of the moment, embraces over and over again the HAND of his brave deliverer. But it was the feet that ran to his rescue, and the head directed the feet. Yes, many members, but one body, and all equally instrumental in the rescue; still, though ALL the praise and gratitude is lavished upon one member, and one member only, jealousy we know and feel to be impossible, because the body is but one. Let it not be for one moment supposed that it is intended hereby to illustrate the oneness of the Three Divine Persons of the Godhead. Oh no, indeed not; this must for ever remain a profound mystery to poor finite minds. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, are ten thousand times ten thousand more unitedly and more sublimely one than the many members of our poor frail bodies are one. And here is the force of the argument, if there can be no schism and jealousy between our perishing members, how much less can there be the remotest feeling of the kind between the Three most holy, most glorious, and all-wise Persons of the One Eternal Triune Jehovali? Camberwell.


cannot be eluded with impatience, What I cannot avoid, I will learn to bear.


BELOVED, look at this language, "Then I may and do bring upon ourselves the

said I, So be it, O Lord." Now look at this, "Then said I, O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I am deceived." Can we believe that they are uttered by the same person? The former breathing as it does sweet resignation, the latter sour rebellion. And yet so it is; poor Jeremiah is the speaker in both instances. Jeremiah had received such a nice commission from the Lord, who said to him, Go and tell my people, that I have sworn unto their fathers to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day; and the prophet cheerfully responds, "So be it, O Lord." Oh yes, it was easy to say so; the errand seemed so pleasing, the pathway so smooth, that the will bowed immediately to the supreme authority of the command: but by-and-by, when poor Jeremiah is brought into deep waters, his mountain no longer stands strong, and he charges God with having deceived him. What a different response, beloved; must not you and I acknowledge that we have done likewise; cheerfully acquiesced in the will and command of God when that command has squared with our feelings and wishes, but violently plunged, like an unruly horse, against His guidance and direction, when such guidance has been the very contrary to our calculations and desires, saying at one time, So be it, O Lord, at another, So be it not, O Lord. Oh, what a riddle is my soul! Surely we should doubt the genuineness of our experience, so conflicting as it is in its movements, were not the dark shades as well as the light rays of the career of holy men of old left upon record in God's sacred word; and what a mercy that our feelings, our desires, touch not the vital point, the salvation of the immortal soul. It may touch our present comfort and enjoyment, and we

correcting rod. But the corrected boy is at school still, and the child in disgrace is a child as much as ever.

But, beloved, while you and I say, "So be it, O Lord," when what the Lord commands is agreeable to our feelings, while afterward, when adverse circumstances come, we rebel; yet we do believe that the Spirit will bring the child of God, sooner or later, into submission, so that he shall say, "Thy will be done." "So be it, O Lord.” I would not have it otherwise. He brought Jeremiah into this spirit some long time afterwards, so that when his life was threatened he could say to his persecutors, Do with me as seemeth you good. But this will not be effected by once passing through the furnace. Oh no, it must be heated again and again ere the dross will be separated from the precious metal; and I think it will be found that the most tried among God's children are the most submissive to His will. Here is a Christian, who for many years has been in the enjoyment of health and strength, now laid aside, and displaying great fretfulness of temper and peevishness of spirit. Yonder is another who has been bed-ridden for a long period, and what is her language, "Oh, God is very merciful to me; very good and kind to me." Well, but is it not a great trial to lay here? Oh no, I do not deserve anything better; it is the will of my God, and He is so kind to me. Oh then, here is a poor sinner brought not merely to say, So be it, O God, but to feel it. God grant you and I, dear reader, this sweet spirit of submission, so that when he says, I want you to go down into that valley of trial, we may respond, "So be it, O Lord." Bury St. Edmunds.

G. C.

Ir man can love man with so entire anxiety; with what affection, with what affection that the one can scarce brook fervency ought the soul, whom thou the other's absence; if a bride can be hast espoused by faith and compassion, joined to her bridegroom with so great to love thee, her true God and glorious an ardency of mind, that for the ex-bridegroom.-Augustine. tremity of love she can enjoy no rest, Eternity is a circle, the centre is now, nor suffer his absence without great and the circumference always.

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