Imágenes de páginas

Professor Krehl, of Dresden, announces his intention of publishing a critical edition of all the works of Priscian. For the XVI Books "De Partibus Orationis," his materials are complete; but he solicits those who possess valuable libraries, or preside over public institutions, to aid him in fitting for the press the smaller treatises of this ancient grammarian; particularly by the communication of MSS. The inspection of an impression by Elias Unetus, and of an edition at Erfurt, of the book spì ouvrάtews, by Ganimedes Lupambulus, (Wolfgang Schenk) 1501, is earnestly requested by the learned Professor. His booksellers, the Weidmans of Leipsic, undertake to receive and forward all communications, Jena A. L. Z. September, 1818.


Mr. Archdeacon Nares's Dictionary of the middle age of the English Language. From a specimen of it, which we have seen, we can promise the public not only much curious instruction, but much interest and amusement.



Nos. I. and II. of The Delphin and Variorum Classics; price 20s. each No. On the 1st of June the price will be raised to 21s. each. Large paper double.

*ΗΡΩΔΙΑΝΟΥ ΕΠΙΜΕΡΙΣΜΟΙ. Ε codd. Parisinis edidit Jo. Fr. Boissonade. Price 12s. boards.

Virgilii Opera; with Heyne's Text, and the Delphin Notes, no Interpretatio; oct. 10s. 6d. For Schools.

Gradus ad Parnassum; a New Edition, without the Verses and Phrases; the translation of the words given, also their formation. Many new words are added, with various other improvements. Royal duod. Pr. 7s. 6d.

The present Edition is printed on the suggestion of several Schoolmasters, who have long objected to the old Gradus, as being greatly injurious to the progress of rising genius.

Pensées de Platon sur la Religion, la Morale, la Politique, recueillies et traduites par M. Le Clerc, Prof. etc. Paris 1819. 8vo. Botanicon Libros iv. e carmine Gallico V. Cl. R. R. Castel in Latinos versus transtulit Cl. L. Rohard, Rhetorica Prof. in Schola Regia Flexiensi. Paris 1818.

Observations en réponse aux Considérations générales sur l'évaluation des Monnaies Grecques et Romaines, etc. Paris. 1818. 4to. (par M. Garnier.)

Casp. Jac. Ch. Reuvens Oratio de laudibus Archæologiæ, habita A. D. 24 Oct. 1818, cum in Academia Lugduno-Batava

philosophia theoretica et literarum humaniorum, in primis Archæologiæ extraordinariam professionem auspicaretur. Leid. 1819. 4to. pp. 29.

Disputatio de Zenobia ab A. G. Van Cappelle publice defensa, etc. Traj. ad Rhen. 1817.

D. I. Lennepii Professoris in Athenæo Illustri Amstelædamensi Disputatio pro Imperatore Gallieno. (in T. i. Comment. Lat. Tertiæ Classis Instituti Regii Belgici.)

Suite et Conclusion de la Pharsale, Poëme Latin de Ch. May, traduit en Français par P. L. Cormiliolle; suivi du tableau de la Guerre Civile, poëme de Pétrone. Paris 1819. 12mo.

Æschyli Septem contra Thebas. edidit Conrad. Schwenk. Traj. ad Rhen. 1818. 8vo. pp. xii+309.

Observazioni sopra alcune Lezioni della Iliade di Omero, del Car. L. Lamberti. Milano 1813. 8vo.

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Recherches sur les Bibliothèques anciennes et modernes, jusqu'à la fondation de la Bibliothèque Mazarine, et sur les causes qui ont favorisé l'accroissement successif du nombre des livres; par Petit-Radel, memb. de l'Institut, &c. &c. Paris 1819. 8vo. pp. vii + 444.

Lyrici Lusus Matheronis de Curnieu anno 1740 nati, 1807 mortui. Paris 1818. 8vo. pp. 61..

Discours de S. Basile le Grand adressé aux jeunes gens, &c. traduit en Français avec le texte en regard; revu et corrigé sur les manuscrits, &c. par C. A. F. Frémion, &c. Paris 1819. 8vo. pp. 176.

Niceta Eugeniani Narrationem Amatoriam et Constantini Manassis Fragmenta Græce et Latine cum notis J. Fr. Boissonade. 2 Vol. 12mo. Paris 1819. Excudebat A. Bobée.

Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin, aus den jahren 1814-1815. This volume contains in its philological part: A. Hirt über das Bildniss der Alten; Savigny über das Jus Italicum; &c. Boeckh über die Laurischen Silberbergwerke in Attica; Ph. Buttmann über den mythos von den altesten Menschengeschlechtern; Derselbe über die Kronos oder Saturnus; L. Ideler über die Sternkunde der Chaldaer; Derselbe über den Cyclus des Meton, &c.

De Constructione Antistrophica trium Carminum Melicorum Aristophanis Syntagma Criticum. Apud Weidmann. Lipsiæ.

L'Invariable Milieu, ouvrage moral de Tseù-ssê, en Chinois et en Mandchou, avec une version littérale Latine, une traduction Française, et des notes; précédé d'une Notice sur les quatre Livres moraux communément attribués à Confucius; par M. Abel Remusat, Professeur de Chinois au Collège Royal. Paris, imprimerie Royale. 1818. 4to.

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Remarks on Scepticism, especially as it is connected with the Subjects of Organization and Life, being an Answer to the Views of M. Bichat, Sir T. C. Morgan, and Mr. Lawrence, upon those points. By the Rev. T. RENNELL, A. M. Vicar of Kensington, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. Second Edition, price 5s.

Part II. of Mr. Bellamy's New Translation of the Bible. 4to. price 16s.


Part VI: of The Science of the Egyptians and Chaldeans will appear in our next.

We shall hope to give a part of M. A. Mahul's Dissertation on the Life and Writings of Macrobius in our next.

The valuable and friendly remarks of C. H. have been received; and the Editor earnestly requests their speedy continuance, as a new Edition is preparing for press.

We have just received the review of Elmsley's Medea, which shall appear in our next.

In our next will be published Etymological Disquisitions, tending to illustrate the basis of philosophical reasoning, &c. by Dr.


Miscellanea Classica will also be continued.

We are anxious to record the Lord Chief Justice Abbott's Oxford Prize Essay, but we cannot trace a copy. We shall feel greatly obliged for the loan of a copy.

Muscologus' article appeared in No. XXXIV. among the Adversaria Literaria. We hope to be favored by M. with longer articles.

In compliance with the wishes of an anonymous letter-writer to receive an answer in the Classical Journal, the Editor of the Delphin and Variorum Classics informs him, that he is obliged to print the whole of the text, but that he will adopt a more private and delicate manner of noticing the passages, to which he alludes, than the original Delphin Editors. The writer's caution is well meant, but we cannot say decies repetita placebit.

The next part of the Cornish Dialect shall appear in our next. We hope to insert in the next No. the article on the Island, on which St. Paul was wrecked.

Lacryme Elegiace as soon as possible.

We shall readily insert any observations on the Fragment in that may be sent for our next No.

p. 185,


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