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borious examination of the Scriptures, was led to take of some of the leading doctrines of Christianity, appear to have been substantially the same as those of Milton and Sir Isaac Newton. Truth was, on all occasions, the object of his researches: he valued it above all things; and the diligence of his inquiries was proportioned to the importance of their aim. But, that he should always have attained to the knowledge of truth, who shall affirm? particularly on those awful subjects where the vast interests every man has at stake render it incumbent on him to trust the decisions of no judgment but his own; which, considering the natural inequalities discoverable in human intellect, and the wonderful diversities of human character, must necessarily give rise to error; though doubtless the sincere seeker will always find so much of truth as may be necessary to his eternal salvation. "A holy life," says Jeremy Taylor, "will make our belief holy, if we consult not humanity and its imperfections in the choice of our religion, but search for truth without designs, save only of acquiring heaven, and then be as careful to preserve charity, as we are to get a point of faith. I am much persuaded we should find out more truths by this means; or however (which is the main of all) we shall be secured though we miss them; and then we are well enough."*

my respect to you, give you a particular account of the occasion of it.

"The beginning of the year in which it was published, the controversy that made so much noise and heat amongst some of the Dissenters, coming one day accidentally into my mind, drew ine, by degrees, into a stricter and more thorough inquiry into the question about justification. The Scripture was direct and plain; and it was faith that justified: the next question then was, What faith that was that justified; what it was which, if a man believed, it should be imputed to him for righteousness? To fint out this, I thought the right way was, to search the Scriptures; and thereupon betook myself seriously to the reading of the New Testament, only to that purpose. What that produced, you and the world have seen.

"The first view I had of it seemed mightily to satisfy my mind, in the reasonableness and plainness of this doctrine; but yet the general silence I had in my little reading met with, concerning any such thing, awed me with apprehension of singularity, till going on in the gospel history, the whole tenor of it made it so clear and visible, that I more wondered that every body did not see and embrace it, than that I should assent to what was so plainly laid down, and so frequently inculcated in holy writ, though systems of divinity This was the course pursued by Locke in com- tisfaction was, that it led me into a discovery of said nothing of it. That which added to my saposing the Reasonableness of Christianity. He had discovered the inconsistencies and unsatisfac- the marvellous and divine wisdom of our Saviour's toriness of the ordinary systems of divinity; and conduct, in all the circumstances of his promulnot to consult "humanity and its imperfections" gating this doctrine; as well as of the necessity in the choice of his religion, he betook himself to that such a lawgiver should be sent from God for the diligent study of the Scriptures, which he the reforming the morality of the world; two found to contain doctrines clear and intelligible, points that, I must confess, I had not found so and adapted to the apprehension of the bulk of fully and advantageously explained in the books mankind. From the title and general tone of the of divinity I had met with, as the history of the work, we should have inferred that it was chiefly gospel seemed to me, upon an attentive perusal, addressed to those professors of Christianity who overlook its precepts to dwell upon its mysteries, and seem desirous of setting faith and reason in opposition to each other; who think they can never have enough to believe, though far too much to practice; who, confident in ther imagin-tory of the evangelists, as I think is impossible to ed strength, rush in "where angel's fear to tread; the sacred historians did not write by concert, as be resisted; and makes it a demonstration, that enter dogmatically into the secret designs and purposes of God; rashly seek to lift the veil from advocates for a bad cause, or to give colour and those things which "eye hath not seen, nor ear credit to an imposture, they would usher into the heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man world; since they, every one of them, in some to conceive;" and, not even yet content, set them- place or other, omit some passages of our Saviselves up as infallible in their way, and require all our's life, or circumstances of his actions, which men to adopt their opinions, and hazard their sal- show the wisdom and wariness of his conduct; vation on the soundness of their judgments. This and which even those of the evangelists who have is what, from a perusal of the work, we should recorded, do barely and transiently mention, withhave supposed. But, in the preface to the Second out laying any stress on them, or making the least Vindication, Locke himself gives us the history of remark of what consequence they are, to give us the book, and an explanation of his views in com- truth of their history. These are evidences of our Saviour's true character, and to prove the posing it. Addressing himself to the Rev. Mr. Bold, who, without being personally acquainted truth and sincerity, which result alone from the with him, had undertaken his defence, he says: nature of things, and cannot be produced by any

Since you seem to me to comprehend what I have laid together, with the same disposition of mind, and in the same sense that I received it from the holy Scriptures, I shall, as a mark of

* Liberty of Prophesying, p. 5.

to give occasion and matter for. But the neces trine (which he came to publish) as he did, in sity and wisdom of our Saviour's opening the docsuch a thread of evidence through the whole hisparables and figurative ways of speaking, carries

art or contrivance.

"How much I was pleased with the growing discovery, every day, whilst I was employed in this search, I need not say. The wonderful harmony, that the farther I went disclosed itself, tending to the same points, in all the parts of the sacred history of the gospel, was of no small weight with

me and another person, who, every day, from the beginning to the end of my search, saw the progress of it, and knew at my first setting out that was ignorant whither it would lead me; and therefore, every day, asked me, what more the Scripture had taught me? So far was I from the thoughts of Socinianism, or an intention to write for that or any other party, or to publish any thing at all. But when I had gone through the whole, and saw what a plain, simple, reasonable thing Christianity was, suited to all conditions and capacities; and in the morality of it now, with divine authority, established into a legible law, so far surpassing all that philosophy and human reason had attained to, or could possibly make effectual to all degrees of mankind, I was flattered to think it might be of some use in the world; especially to those who thought either that there was no need of revelation at all, or that the revelation of our Saviour required the belief of such articles for salvation, which the settled notions and their way of reasoning in some, and want of understanding in others, made impossible to them. Upon these two topics the objections seemed to turn, which were with most assurance made by Deists against Christianity; but against Christianity misunderstood. It seemed to me, that there needed no more to show them the weakness of their exceptions, but to lay plainly before them the doctrine of our Saviour and his apostles, as delivered in the Scriptures, and not as taught by the several sects of Christians."

The reader, acquainted with the circumstances of the philosopher's life, aware of the extent of his knowledge, the brilliance of his genius, the singular vigor and keenness of his judgment, his love of truth, and indefatigable diligence in the search of it, may now proceed with confidence to the study of the Reasonableness of Christianity. He will find in the language a plainness and simplicity reflected from the Scriptures themselves. No opinion is advanced but what seems based on some text: no fine-spun inferences are drawn from doubtful expressions. The discourses of Christ and his apostles, as far as possible according to the order of time, are examined, compared, and explained, sometimes from the circumstances under which they were delivered, sometimes from their reference to the general scheme of Christianity, but always without any attempt at straining their meaning, or any of those disingenuous arts common among the framers of systems. Occasionally, indeed, he appears to mistake the intention of Scripture: but, not being sure of our own interpretation, it would be presumption to decide he must every where be wrong where we think him so; though we claim for ourselves the liberty he demanded, to examine his examination, and draw our own conclusions.

London, December, 1835.

J. A. ST. J.

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THE little satisfaction and consistency that is to 2. To one that thus unbiassed reads the Scripbe found in most of the systems of divinity I have tures, what Adam fell from, is visible, was the met with, made me betake myself to the sole read-state of perfect obedience, which is called justice ing of the Scripture (to which they all appeal) for the understanding the Christian religion. What from thence, by an attentive and unbiassed search I have received, reader, I here deliver to thee. If by this my labor thou receivest any light or confirmation in the truth, join with me in thanks to the Father of Lights, for his condescension to our understandings. If, upon a fair and unprejudiced examination, thou findest I have mistaken the sense and tenor of the gospel, I beseech thee, as a true Christian, in the spirit of the gospel (which is that of charity) and in the words of sobriety, set me right in the doctrine of salvation.

in the New Testament, though the word which in the original signifies justice, be translated righteousness: and by this fall he lost paradise, wherein was tranquillity and the tree of life; that is, he lost bliss and immortality. The penalty annexed to the breach of the law, with the sentence pronounced by God upon it, shows this. The penalty stands thus: "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." How was this executed? He did eat; but in the day he did eat, he did not actually die, but was turned out of paradise from the tree of life, and shut out for ever from it, lest he should take thereof and live for ever. This shows that the state of paradise was a state of immortality, of life without end, which he lost that very day that he eat.* His life began from thence

"Reasoned high

Of fate, free-will, foreknowledge absolute,
And found no end, in wandering mazes lost."

1. It is obvious to any one who reads the New Testament, that the doctrine of redemption, and consequently of the gospel, is founded upon the supposition of Adam's fall. To understand, therefore, what we are restored to by Jesus Christ, we The question here discussed is one upon which must consider what the Scripture shows we lost the varieties of opinion are almost as numerous as by Adam. This I thought worthy of a diligent the persons who have treated of it. Milton, whose and unbiassed search; since I found the two ex-theoretical notions underwent, in the course of his tremes that men run into on this point, either on life, numerous alterations, always tending from the the one hand shook the foundations of all religion, the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, knew not more fanatical to the less, evidently, when he wrote or on the other made Christianity almost nothing. what to think of the state into which Adam fell by For whilst some men would have all Adam's pos- his transgression; but, like the erring spirits, terity doomed to eternal infinite punishment, for the transgression of Adam, whom millions had never heard of, and no one had authorized to transact for him, or be his representative; this seemed to others so little consistent with the justice or goodness of the great and infinite God, that they thought there was no redemption necessary, and consequently that there was none, rather than admit of it upon a supposition so derogatory to the honor and attributes of that Infinite Being; and so made Jesus Christ nothing but the restorer and preacher of pure natural religion; thereby doing violence to the whole tenor of the New Testament: and, indeed, both sides will be suspected to have trespassed this way, against the written word of God, by any one who does but take it to be a collection of writings designed by God for the instruction of the illiterate bulk of mankind in the way to salvation; and therefore generally and in necessary points to be understood in the plain direct meaning of the words and phrases, such as they may be supposed to have had in the mouths of the speakers, who used them according to the language of that time and country wherein they lived, without such learned, artificial, and forced senses of them as are sought out, and put upon them in most of the systems of divinity, according to the notions that each one has been bred up in.

which is named of Arminius, are wont to accuse "The Jesuits," he says, "and that sect among us us," (he was now a Presbyterian,) " of making God the author of sin, in two degrees especially, not to speak of his permission: first, because we hold, that he hath decreed some to damnation, and consequently to sin, say they; next, because those means, which are of saving knowledge to others, he makes to them an occasion of greater sin. Yet, considering the perfection wherein man was created, and but subsequent, though not in time, yet in order to might have stood, no decree necessitating his free-will, methinks, be persuaded to absolve both God and us. causes which were in his own power; they might, Whenas the doctrine of Plato and Chrysippus, with their followers, the Academics and the Stoics, knew not what a consummate and most adorned Pandora was bestowed upon Adam to be the nurse and guide of his arbitrary happiness and perseverance; I mean his native innocence and perfection, which might have kept him from being our true Epimetheus; and though they taught of virtue and vice to be both the gift of divine destiny, they could yet give reafate from the insulsity of mortal tongues: that man's sons not invalid, to justify the councils of God and own free-will, self-corrupted, is the adequate and sufficient cause of his disobedience besides fate; as

to shorten and waste, and to have an end; and from thence to his actual death, was but like the time of a prisoner between the sentence passed and the execution, which was in view and certain; death then entered and showed his face, which before was shut out and not known. So St. Paul, "By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin;"* that is a state of death and mortality and, "in Adam all die ;" that is, by reason of his transgression all men are mortal, and come to die.

man nature in his postsrity it is strange that the New Testament should not any where take notice of it, and tell us, that corruption seized on all because of Adam's transgression, as well as it tells us so of death. But, as I remember, every one's sin is charged upon himself only.

5. Another part of the sentence was, 'Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: dust thou art, and to dust shalt thou return.' This

as immortality, without toil and without sorrow. But when man was turned out, he was exposed to the toil, anxiety, and frailties of this mortal life, which should end in the dust, out of which he was made, and to which he should return; and then have no more life or sense than the dust had, out of which he was made.

3. This is so clear in these cited places, and so much the current of the New Testament, that no-shows that paradise was a place of bliss as well body can deny, but that the doctrine of the gospel is, that death came on all men by Adam's sin; only they differ about the signification of the word death. For some will have it to be a state of guilt, wherein not only he but all his posterity was so involved, that every one descended of him deserved endless torment in hell-fire. I shall say nothing more here, how far, in the apprehensions of men, this consists with the justice and goodness of God, having mentioned it above: but it seems a strange way of understanding a law which requires the plainest and directest words, that by death should be meant eternal life in misery. Could any one be supposed by a law that says, "for felony thou shalt die," not that he should lose his life, but be kept alive in perpetual exquisite torments? And would any one think himself fairly dealt with, that was so used?


6. As Adam was turned out of paradise, so all his posterity was born out of it; out of the reach of the tree of life. All, like their father Adam, in a state of mortality, void of the tranquillity and bliss of paradise. By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin." But here will occur the common objection, that so many stumble at:-How doth it consist with the justice and goodness of God, that the posterity of Adam should suffer for his sin; the innocent be punished for the guilty? Very well, if keeping one from 4. To this they would have it be also a state of what he has no right to, be called a punishment. necessary sinning, and provoking God in every The state of immortality in paradise is not due action that men do: a yet harder sense of the to the posterity of Adam more than to any other word death than the other. God says, "That in creature. Nay, if God afford them a temporary the day that thou eatest of the forbidden fruit, mortal life, it is his gift, they owe it to his bounty, thou shalt die;" that is, thou and thy posterity they could not claim it as their right, nor does he shall be ever after incapable of doing any thing, injure them when he takes it from them. Had but what shall be sinful and provoking to me, and he taken from mankind any thing that was their shall justly deserve my wrath and indignation.-right; or did he put men in a state of misery Could a worthy man be supposed to put such terms upon the obedience of his subjects? Much less can the righteous God be supposed, as a punishment of one sin wherewith he is displeased, to put a man under a necessity of sinning continually and so multiplying the provocation. The reason of this strange interpretation we shall perhaps find in some mistaken places of the New Testament. I must confess, by death here I can understand nothing but a ceasing to be, the losing of all actions of life and sense. Such a death came on Adam and all his posterity, by his first disobedience in paradise; under which death they should have lain for ever, had it not been for the redemption by Jesus Christ. If by death threatened to Adam were meant the corruption of hu

Homer also wanted not to express, both in his Iliad and Odyssey. And Manilius the poet, although in his fourth book he tells of some 'created both to sin and punishment;' yet without murmuring, and with an industrious cheerfulness, he acquits the Deity." Book i. ch. 3. And so Manilius might well do, because the pagan notions of deity and fate were most obscure and confused; for, to those best acquainted with ancient philosophy, it will, I doubt not, appear, that what they called fate, we call God, their revealed separate divinities being only the high ministers of this sovereign power of the universe.-ED.

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worse than not being, without any fault or demerit of their own; this, indeed, would be hard to reconcile with the notion we have of justice, and much more with the goodness and other attributes of the Supreme Being, which he has declared of himself, and reason as well as revelation must acknowledge to be in him; unless we will confound good and evil, God and Satan. That such a state of extreme irremediable torment is worse than no being at all, if every one's sense did not determine against the vain philosophy, and foolish metaphysics of some men;* yet our Saviour's

To what metaphysicians he alludes I am ignorant; but though, once born and conscious of existence, we all vehemently abhor to leave "the warm precincts of the cheerful day," and lie for ever in "cold obstruction" and Lethean sleep, we must doubtless humbly acquiesce in the truth and wisdom of our Saviour's decision. Our feelings, however, on the subject, depend greatly on our personal character. Moloch, a fierce and savage spirit, covets annihilation :


"What doubt we to incense
His utmost ire? which to the height enraged,
Will either quite consume us, and reduce
To nothing this essential, happier far
Than miserable to have eternal being:
Or if our substance be indeed divine,
And cannot cease to be, we are at worst
On this side nothing."

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